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Il volume racchiude i risultati di un'attività di ricerca promossa dal Centro di Documentazione per la Storia dell'Assistenza e della Sanità e realizzata dal Centro TESIS del Dipartimento di Architettura di Firenze e dal Centro CVA... more
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      Space SyntaxEnvironmental PsychologyHealthcare Architecture
This article presents a proposal to categorise stimuli that influence well-being in therapeutic environments following Complementary and Integrative Practices (CIPs). With the broader aim of understanding which environmental stimuli... more
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      PsychologyIntegrative MedicineComplementary and Alternative MedicineHealthcare Architecture
CONF.ITECH 2022 is the 1st International Conference launched by the Laboratory of Architecture, Building Innovation and Technology, Environment and Climate Changes, Health (LAB.ITECH), Department of Architecture and Design (DIAP),... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceEnvironmental StudiesLife Cycle Assessment
Hospitalised patients are faced with a brute reorientation of their normal spatial needs andpreferences and forced to adjust spatially to a new environment. Patients start to re-arrangetheir own situation according to personal needs and... more
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      EngineeringArchitectureSpace and PlaceHealthcare Architecture
Research on the silver economy shows that products and services, which enhance personal autonomy and social cohesion, are common to successful enterprises that serve the needs of both older adults and their carers. Policymaking focuses on... more
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      Healthcare ArchitectureActive AgeingFacilities Design
biobank is a facility for safekeeping and storage of biological specimens for research.
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      Medical SciencesArchitectureBiobanksHealthcare Architecture
In 2020, the Turkish Thoracic Society started a petition demanding the renovation and re-use of the nonoperating sanatorium in Heybeliada Istanbul, as a pandemic hospital including a medical history museum. Along with its potential role... more
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      History of Public HealthModern ArchitectureTurkish ModernisationTuberculosis
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    • Healthcare Architecture
Revista da Associação Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento do Edifício Hospitalar - ABDEH
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      ArchitectureHealthcare Architecture
This research work carried out in Brazil presents a summary of the experiences of architecture and engineering in the construction of emergency hospitals, as well as other adjustment, retrofit and adaptation solutions in existing... more
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      Healthcare designQuality of Healthcare ServicesDesign Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Facilities (Architecture)Healthcare
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      ArchitectureDesign Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Facilities (Architecture)Healthcare Architecture
The culture that we have created requires architecture in order to live and socialise, yet the architect is driven by the urge to create aesthetically pleasing buildings, an urge which habitually neglects the need for creating an essence... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureHolismHealthcare Architecture
Introducción En este trabajo discutiremos el papel del Hospital da Lagoa, en Río de Janeiro, como representante del patrimonio del Movimiento Moderno Brasileño y de la historia de las instituciones de salud. Proyectado por los arquitectos... more
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      Modern ArchitectureHealthcare ArchitectureArquitectura Moderna
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      Modern Architecture20th Century MexicoHealth and Social CareHealthcare Architecture
Therapeutic architecture can be described as the people-centered, evidence-based discipline of the built environment, which aims to identify and support ways of incorporating those spatial elements that interact with people... more
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      DesignArchitectureEnvironmental PsychologyMental Health
The present PhD thesis aims to study architecture for tuberculosis in Portugal, in particular sanatoriums, from its context and project until its decline. This health equipment, distinguished from similar types, constitute a remarkable... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of MedicineTuberculosis (History)History of architecture
Various dementia diseases (including Alzheimer's) are associated with a significant reduction in abilities and the progressive destruction of cognitive and expressive functions. Alzheimer's per se disrupts mental abilities like memory,... more
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      ArchitectureDementiaInterior DesignInterior Design (Architecture)
Objective: To present a comprehensive review of the research literature on the effects of the architectural designs of mental health facilities upon the users. Background: Using a team of cross disciplinary researchers, this review... more
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      ArchitectureMental HealthHealthcare Architecture
Medicine is a science, but the practice of medicine is an art. This is especially true in the branch of medicine called medical imaging. The art of applying medical imaging requires high-technology equipment, tremendous care and patience,... more
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    • Healthcare Architecture
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      Adaptive ReuseModern ArchitectureIndustrial ArchitectureHistory and Theory of Modern Architecture
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      Environmental PsychologyHealing EnvironmentsHealthcare ArchitectureEnvironmental Design of Buildings
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      ArchitectureSensory Design (Architecture)Adaptive ArchitectureResponsive Architecture
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      Baroque art and architectureHospitalHealthcare ArchitectureAmedeo di Castellamonte
Identification of environmental Therapeutic Goals (TGs) has proven essential in providing useful guidance for planning and design (Cohen & Weisman 1991). Though age-specific environmental dimensions have been suggested by several... more
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      GerontologyPalliative CareHealthcare designDesign Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Facilities (Architecture)
This chapter is intended to provide a common language to enable both medical and design professionals to improve their dialog and collaborative work processes when designing pediatric cardiac care settings. This approach will help provide... more
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      Patient SafetyEvaluationWorkflowHospitals
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      ArchitectureHealthcare Architecture
Sociologists of health and illness have tended to overlook the architecture and buildings used in health care. This contrasts with medical geographers who have yielded a body of work on the significance of places and spaces in the... more
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      SociologyArchitectureSociology of Mental Health & IllnessPlace
I testi pubblicati sono sottoposti a un processo di peer-review Dopo la fine dell'ordine cosmico su cui si reggevano le civiltà antiche, dopo il tramonto della Cristianità medievale e il naufragio del delirio prometeico della Modernità,... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureModern ArchitectureHealthcare ArchitectureXXth Century Architecture
Le persone con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico (DSA) presentano una particolare sensibilità sensoriale, per la quale l’ambiente va ad incidere sensibilmente sulla qualità di vita. Si parla di ‘spettro’ poiché si ha una grande varietà di... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersHealthcare ArchitectureMulti Sensory EnvironmentsDesign for Autism
هدف این تحقیق عرضۀ تفسیر و سامانی نو از رابطۀ انسان و محیط مصنوع است. این سامان نو برگرفته از طب سنتی ایرانی و اساس آن، حکمت طبیعیات است. در نظام حکمت و به تبع آن در طب، هر آنچه در عالم ماده ظهور یافته، ازجمله انسان و مصنوعات و محیط... more
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      ArchitectureHistorical TemperamentsArts and Music for Health and WellbeingTraditional Architecture
Three main principles of healthcare planning when considering new hospital projects. Abstract When it comes to building a modern hospital, there are many design principles to consider. The place and timing of every construction, the... more
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      ArchitecturePublic HealthHealthcare ArchitectureHospital Design
The paper examines two operations carried out almost simultaneously in the Kingdom of Sardinia and in the State of Milan starting from 1770, i.e. the restoration of the 15th-century hospital of San Matteo in Pavia and the construction of... more
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      Urban HistoryEnlightenmentArchitectural HistoryHistory of Universities
Inscrita no corpo das investigações sobre a arquitetura da saúde, a definição de concepções da Arquitetura, cumprindo o papel de ‘auxílio’ proposto sob o signo da caridade, da filantropia e da assistência, constitui o cerne deste artigo.... more
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    • Healthcare Architecture
An overview of parameters for the preliminary evaluations of hospital projects. This study includes an analysis of eight different projects developed for the Brazilian Network of Teaching Hospitals.
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      Public HealthHealthcare ArchitectureTeaching Hospitals
Remonta a 1953 a primeira alusão às ruínas do Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, resultante de uma intervenção de remodelação do espaço “Restaurante Irmãos Unidos” localizado no quarteirão Oeste da Praça da Figueira. Não obstante, foi... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyUrbanism (Archaeology)Early Modern Europe
the starting of healthcare facilities from ancient times to the present scenario of advanced technology a brief of transformation in healthcare facilities.
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      ArchitectureHealthcare ArchitectureMedical ArchitectureHOSPITAL DESIGN AND PLANNING
Hybrid Operating theaters is the future for many sergical operations.  This is a paper to explain in greek what exactly is this new space in Hospital facilities
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      HealthcareHealthcare ArchitectureInterior Architecture for Hospitals
Healthcare facilities have the potential to be active urban centers. They can be the generators of urban density and collect new forms of public space within their gravity, offering themselves up to the public as a new type of civic... more
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    • Healthcare Architecture
A hospital creates a specific environment, focused on a patient and patient-centered. The complexity of the system that constitutes a hospital also involves certain design solutions. Designing with Evidence Based Design allows not only... more
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      Health SciencesHealth PromotionArchitectureDesign Research
The spread of infectious diseases claimed more lives than battle wounds during the Crimean War (1853-1856). Istanbul, then the Ottoman capital, was transformed into a medical hub where new ideas were tested and exchanged among doctors and... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyHistory of MedicineInfectious DiseasesHistory of architecture
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      EducationArchitectureHealthcare Architecture
Many universities in the United States are investing in classrooms and campuses designed to increase collaboration and teamwork among the health professions. To date, we know little about whether these learning spaces are having the... more
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      DesignDesign educationHealthcare designInterprofessional Education
Inscrita no corpo das investigações sobre a arquitetura da saúde, a definição de concepções da Arquitetura, cumprindo o papel de 'auxílio' proposto sob o signo da caridade, da filantropia e da as-sistência, constitui o cerne deste artigo.... more
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    • Healthcare Architecture
V ENANPARQ SESSÃO TEMÁTICA Arquitetura Assistencial e saúde: discutindo concepções e protagonistas, coordenada pelas Professoras Cybelle Salvador Miranda (FAU/PPGAU/UFPA) e Marcia Rocha Monteiro (FAU/UFAL) está recebendo propostas de... more
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      ArquiteturaHealthcare Architecture
The design of hospital environments is determined by functional requirements and technical regulations, as well as numerous protocols, which define the structure and system characteristics that such environments need to achieve. In order... more
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      Participatory DesignHealthcare designFocus GroupHealthcare Architecture
Significativo esempio di architettura sociale degli anni cinquanta, il Dispensario Antitubercolare di Cesano Maderno costituisce la testimonianza del progetto ministeriale di segnare il territorio italiano attraverso la capillare presenza... more
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      History of architectureLombardiaHealthcare ArchitectureStoria Architettura
Even in the twenty-first century, pandemics lead to a particular kind of spatial organization, such as quarantine. The outbreak of the contamination era re-justifies the medicalization of spaces. Throughout history, there have been... more
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      Architectural TheoryMultidisciplinaryArchitectural DesignPanopticism
The concept of resilience in the architecture solutions to healthcare buildings and the real legacy of Olympic Games Rio 2106 to the Rio de Janeiro City .
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      ArchitectureResilience (Sustainability)Public HealthHealthcare Management
This chapter is intended to provide a common language to enable both medical and design professionals to improve their dialog and collaborative work processes when designing pediatric cardiac care settings. This approach will help provide... more
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      EngineeringPatient SafetyEvaluationWorkflow
The design of hospital environments is determined by functional requirements and technical regulations, as well as numerous protocols, which define the structure and system characteristics that such environments need to achieve. In order... more
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      Participatory DesignHealthcare designFocus GroupHealthcare Architecture