Active Ageing
Recent papers in Active Ageing
Com o fenômeno global do envelhecimento populacional, as atenções recaem na busca da melhoria de qualidade de vida para idosos. A Organização Mundial da Saúde [1] destaca aspectos como transporte, habitação, trabalho, proteção social,... more
"The role of adult education is becoming increasingly important in the framework of policies to promote lifelong learning. Adult participation in training activities, however, is still rather low, despite the incentives and initiatives... more
As more evidence shows the capacity for growth and fulfillment in the later years of life, the concept of positive aging has value in promoting well-being and enhancing the image of older adulthood. A paradigm called Foray (4A) into Aging... more
In a context where the proportion of older people increases, research related to active aging and digital technologies has generated a wide debate and numerous investigations aiming to implement new public policies. Usually these are... more
Grandparents play a vital role in providing childcare to families. Qualitative research and evidence from parents raise concerns that it is grandparents who are socioeconomically disadvantaged who provide grandchild care more regularly,... more
This paper explores attitudes of staff, residents and family members towards sexually diverse persons based on data from the first national study of its kind in Aotearoa New Zealand. The study was a two-arm mixed-method cross-sectional... more
This chapter focuses on introducing ideas of the creative ageing policy in the context of international and national strategies. It also overviews the best practices at regional and local levels. The chapter suggests that the roots of the... more
decline steadily in the elderly. Given that older people can preserve to some extent verbal and visual divergent thinking , these findings have important implications for active aging, that is, divergent thinking might be fostered in... more
While the gender aspects and gender differences have been studied in the Czech Republic with the results that roles, activities or experiences of ageing and older age as well as expectations are highly gendered, only limited attention was... more
Эссе является реакцией на кризис, проявляющийся в теории и политике решения проблемы старения общества в европейских странах и в России. Около двадцати лет определяющими международными ориентирами считались концепция активного старения и... more
This article examines Chinese discourses on dressing the aging female body as a window into the tensions involved in the historical transformation of habitus in early post-Mao China. Drawing on Chinese media articles and ethnographic... more
This book chapter reviews current research in the area of digital game technology for rehabilitation, socialization, quality of life (QoL), design, and cognition. In recent years, there has been substantial progress in these areas. With... more
Research on the silver economy shows that products and services, which enhance personal autonomy and social cohesion, are common to successful enterprises that serve the needs of both older adults and their carers. Policymaking focuses on... more
Tidsskrift for Psykoterapi, 2019/1, S 6-12
Purpose – This paper seeks to outline the ways in which the desire to age well is inextricably linked to the domains of community and associational life; relies for its strength on intimate, soft, human contact in addition to more... more
Últimamente estamos hablando mucho la educación online, de sus beneficios, de sus virtudes, sin reparar que bajo esa educación online existe una influencia directa de los retrasos y adelantos que suceden en la web. A nivel de estudios... more
L’Italia è un Paese anziano e che invecchia. Allo stesso tempo è un Paese scarsamente digitalizzato, con un numero di utenti Internet tra i più bassi d’Europa. Tutto ciò rende particolarmente urgente interrogarsi oggi sui fattori che... more
This report is a literature Review on the factors influencing employment in older age in the United Kingdom. It was written for the European Commission Joint Project Initiative Fast Track Activity, 'Understanding employment participation... more
The book provides evidence-based research and examples of existing good practices on health-enabling, age-friendly neighbourhood provision. These relate to the planning and design of outdoor spaces and enabling opportunities for active,... more
Through the advances in public health, most humans on earth are now assured to live to at least 60 years, regardless of their geographical location and socioeconomic status. Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world's population... more
This briefing is for people working in housing, public health, care and support. Recognising a gap in information on this topic, Public Health England commissioned the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network), the leading voice of... more
The main feature of Croatian islands, in addition to their beautiful nature, is the fact that they are demographically and sociologically one of the most threatened areas affected by ageing. The ageing of the island population is the... more
Kompendium na temat utrzymania aktywności zawodowej pracowników w wieku 50+ zostało opracowane w ramach projektu pt. STAY. Wsparcie aktywności zawodowej osób 50+ w przedsiębiorstwie. Zdrowy i zmotywowany pracownik – zadowolony pracodawca,... more
Статията разглежда възможността за развитие на " Университет на третата възраст " в България. Авторът представя основните стретегически документи на страната, които имат пряка връзка с УТВ, и изследва феномена УТВ в световен мащаб.... more
The active ageing discourse and its relationship with the goal of promotion of human capabilities are discussed in this paper. It is argued that the loss of certain kinds of personal capabilities (such as physical strength) is inevitable... more
The article explores the binary cultural codes by which Canadian and American retirement migrants make sense of their ageing process in Cuenca, Ecuador. The article is based on 83 semi-structured qualitative interviews (11 of which are... more
Współczesne starzenie się społeczeństw zaczyna mieć ogromne konsekwencje dla codziennego funkcjonowania rodzin i podstaw ekonomicznych gospodarstw domowych, rynku pracy oraz finansów publicznych. Wraz wydłużaniem się wieku emerytalnego i... more
A qualitative interview report of a 65years old man
Despite the considerable interest in the effects of Social Media (SM) as a catalyst for socio-economic-political change, there is a limited understanding of its role in developing countries. This research aims to analyze the nature of the... more
Il tema dei ‘nuovi’ modi attivi dell’invecchiamento è stato affrontato in due prospettive: individuando le soluzioni proposte in sede istituzionale e scientifica negli ultimi anni e coinvolgendo un significativo numero di persone anziane... more
Özet Sosyal belediyecilik anlayışıyla, belediyeler yerelde sosyal devletin adalet ve eşitliği sağlama işlevini yüklenmektedir. Sosyal belediyeciliğin yaşlılığa bakışı, yardım ve bakımdan aktif yaşlanma, yerinde yaşlanma çalışmalarına... more
Envejecer participando» es una mezcla de teoría y práctica, de acción y reflexión, de investigación y de intervención en un ámbito tan amplio y heterogéneo como el trabajo con personas mayores. Nace de un proyecto del grupo de... more
Özet İçinde yaşadığımız çevre bina iç mekanlarından kentsel dış mekanlara kadar zincirleme bir yapı göstermektedir. Yapılaşmış çevreye sağlıklı, güvenli ve kaliteli bir şekilde katılım yaşlılar için sosyal etkileşimin sürdürülebilmesi... more
iv ÖNSÖZ Bilim ve teknolojideki gelişmeler, kırdan-kente göç, kentleşmenin getirdiği değişimler, üretim ilişkileri ve neoliberal politikalar yaşlılığın bir sorun olarak görülmesine yol açmış, aile kurumundaki ve toplumsal yapıdaki... more
More often than not, mainstream media perspectives on tattoos and ageing are negative. What will you do about your tattoos when you’re 80? Won't you regret those tattoos when you’re older? These narratives typically focus on the process... more
A colorful presentation slideshow on what the author calls "career tapering" - with a link to the Zoom recording on YouTube. Whether citizens, sojourners, or immigrants, most employed residents of Japan and many other countries will be... more
Es muy interesante reflexionar sobre el proceso de envejecer. Poco a poco lo que uno consideraba la punta de lanza de lo que sucede en la vida, se ha convertido en parte irremediable del pasado entre las nuevas generaciones...