Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Recent papers in Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
This project aims to design a central air conditioning system for Pharmaceutical Factory. The design focuses on the air conditioning system for Pharmaceutical facility, by making complete cooling & heating load calculations, selection of... more
--- --- Description: --- --- --- Technical field: --- [0001] The present invention generally relates to heating devices for space heating in homes and offices, and particularly an improved radiator operating on the principle of heat... more
particelle sospese e quindi all'annerimento delle superfici (es. tessuti, affreschi) ( ), specialmente per deposizione Browniana, termoforesi, impatto inerziale ed elettroforesi. Quando le persone sostano sulle griglie di emissione a... more
1.0 L'obbligo legislativo L'obbligo di utilizzo delle valvole termostatiche negli impianti di riscaldamento è stato introdotto in Italia con l'art. 7 comma 7 del DPR 26/08/1993 n°412 "Regolamento recante norme per la progettazione,... more
This chapter describes the method of a field study on the thermal comfort of occupants in a medium sized air-conditioned office building located in Sydney’s inner west and characterized by a subtropical climate. This study is a new... more
İklimlendirme sistemlerinde mahal havasının istenen üretim veya konfor şartlarına gelebilmesi için, geçirmiş olduğu termodinamik süreçler nedeniyle özelliğini yitirmesinden dolayı değiştirilmesi yani yerine temiz hava alınıp tekrar mahal... more
(Kaeltetechnik-Komponenten bzw. Kaelteanlagenbau-Bauteile) + Abkuerzungen aus der Heizungstechnik + Abkuerzungen aus dem Sanitaer-Bereich + Abkuerzungen aus Raumlufttechnik, Klimatechnik, Kaeltetechnik (Kaelteanlagenbau) + Wörterbuch für... more
Elenco delle norme UNI Impianti di riscaldamento e climatizzazione relative alle civili abitazioni UNI 5104 Impianti di condizionamento dell'aria -norme per l'ordinazione, l'offerta e il collaudo. UNI 8061 Impianti di riscaldamento a... more
L'articolo si basa su un incarico di consulenza svolto nel 2008 su vistosi fenomeni di corrosione che interessavano l'impianto termico, di recente installazione, in un edificio di pregio architettonico: l'ex Grand Hotel Miramare di... more
perencanaan dasar cold storage
This thesis includes the testing of different refrigerants in order to calculate coefficients of performance of different refrigerants. This project involves the detailed study of actual and theoretical coefficients of performance of six... more
Der Kachelofen mit seinen attraktiv gestalteten Ofenkacheln ist für die Erforschung spätmittelalterlicher und neuzeitlicher Wohnkultur in Mitteleuropa von grosser Bedeutung. Die vorliegende Publikation behandelt sowohl den Kachelofen als... more
Il 18 giugno 2013, con la legge 220 del 11/12/2012, è entrata in vigore una corposa modifica degli artt. 1100-1139 contenuti nel Libro III (Proprietà), Titolo VII (Comunione) del Codice Civile, le modifiche sono tali che... more
It is considered one of the Roman civilisation´s greatest achievements, a vast number have been excavated in thermal baths and residential houses throughout the territory of the Roman empire: hypocaust heating, the first underfloor... more
The change of weather conditions and occupancy schedules makes heating ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems heavily dynamic. The mass and thermal inertia, nonlinear characteristics and interactions in HVAC systems make the... more
Nonostante le severe norme ambientali vigenti l'olio combustibile viene ancora impiegato negli impianti termici di tipo civile. Si stima che solo nell'area urbana del Comune di Genova siano circa 150 gli impianti con potenza superiore a... more
These are the first version of my presentation for the course advanced heat transfer (Transferencia de Calor Avanzada)
Single zone (SZ) air handling units (AHUs) are widely applied in the conditioned spaces. A SZ AHU typically consists of a chilled water cooling coil, a hot water heating coil, and a supply fan. For a constant volume (CV) SZ AHU or... more
Kurzfassung Das Verfügungsgebäude der Universität Stuttgart diente in mehreren Forschungsvorhaben als Demonstrationsgebäude. Über die Jahre hinweg wurden in ihm eine Vielzahl, der in GEFMA Richtlinie 124-2 /12/ beschriebenen Methoden des... more
with valuable features like high density energy storage and electrical energy saving. Air is dehumidified in air-LD contacting device in this system. Performance of rotating disk type contacting device (RDCD) is simulated in this work... more
Over the coming two decades Asia will be the main driver of a 40% increase in global energy consumption. Ambitions for a more sustainable future in the region are severely compromised by the widespread and rapid take-up of... more
Circuito frigorífico de compressão simples de vapor de expansão directa.
Análise comparativa em diversas condições de funcionamento.
Análise comparativa em diversas condições de funcionamento.
Today, energy crisis turn out to be a serious threat towards sustainability for developing countries since their energy demand is growing more rapidly than developed countries. On the other hand, fossil fuels cannot sustain anymore in the... more
In this paper, a purposely designed code for the performance analysis of the Water Loop Heat Pump (WLHP) systems is presented. Hourly, daily and seasonal energy system consumptions, operating economic costs and environmental impact... more
La UNI-EN 15759-1: 2011 richiede il rispetto del clima storico, come imposto dalla UNI-EN 15757: 2010 “Conservazione dei beni culturali - Specifiche concernenti la temperatura e l’umidità relativa per limitare i danni meccanici causati... more
Nell'articolo precedente sono state messe in evidenza le caratteristiche prestazionali delle testine termostatiche, in questa seconda parte verranno evidenziate le caratteristiche prestazionali dei corpi valvola a cui le testine... more
This study represents an experimental and numerical investigation of the enhanced prototypes of the induction air heaters. For this purpose, flow field is enhanced in order to avoid turbulence. The air mass flow rate, outlet construction... more
Thermen der Zivilstadt von Carnuntum Hannes Lehar (Vortrag 2010, publiziert 2012) Da ich vor meinem Studium der Klassischen Archäologie beruflich 20 Jahre in der Heizungstechnik tätig war, reizte es mich, die römische Hypokaustheizung... more
In this paper, a novel purposely designed dynamic simulation model for the performance analysis of solar heating and cooling systems is presented. The investigated system layouts are based on single stage LiBr–H2O absorption chillers and... more
In certain parts of the country and the globe, a consistent and steady supply of power is still scarce and inaccessible. In such places, this work will support refrigeration of nourishments, food, medications, etc... The results of such... more
Adequate and consistent energy supply is often regarded as a major factor in the development of any country. To add to this, the depletion of fossil fuels has also emphasised the need for alternate renewable energy solutions to meet... more
Global warming, ozone layer destruction, and limited energy resource enforce us to find alternative refrigeration system can operate with low heat thermal source so that it can be powered by solar energy or lower temperature waste heat.... more
Ireland's housing stock has been identified as being amongst the least energy efficient in Northern Europe. Consequently, atmospheric emissions are greater than necessary. Government funded schemes have been introduced to incentivise the... more
Green façades are becoming an important architectural element in an urban environment. Regarding the technology of the installation of green façades, one can distinguish between direct and indirect green façades, living walls and double... more
Improving the sustainability and performance of existing housing stock is a significant challenge. Agencies and organisations have promoted various policies and programmes to address these matters including retrofitting insulation and the... more
Heat metering and thermoregulation for individual billing in central heating systems: regulatory environment and experiences