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The Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS) model has been widely applied for estimating hydrological variables at event scale. The choice of the most suitable infiltration method simplifies model's... more
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      HydrologyModeling and SimulationSemi-arid EnvironmentsHec-Hms
In water resources and more specifically in hydrology, the application of mathematical models to represent the hydrological cycle process is crucial. This is the reason why the hydrological concepts are expressed in mathematical language... more
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      Acoustic ModellingArcGISRainfallRunoff
Flood is one of the natural disasters which occur in Myanmar every year. Flooding of rivers has caused many humans and financial losses. Flood inundation mapping is an essential component of flood risk management because flood inundation... more
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      Rainfall-Runoff modellingHEC-RASFlood Inundation ModelingHec-Hms
Hydrological modelling is a commonly used tool to estimate the basin's hydrological response to precipitation. It also allows to predict the hydrologic response to different watershed management practices and to have a better... more
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      Hydrologic ModelingHec-Hms
Many rivers in Nepal are either ungauged or poorly gauged due to extreme complex terrains, monsoon climate and lack of technical and financial supports. In this context the role of hydrological model is extremely useful. In practical... more
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      Rainfall-Runoff modellingHydrogeology,hydrogochemical Investigation,hec Hms and Swat ModellingSoil ConservationWind Erosion
Antara lain sebagai berikut: a. Dapat mengetahui pola prilaku manusia dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat secara Universal maupun pola prilaku manusia pada tiap-tiap masyarakat (suku bangsa). b. Dengan mempelajari Antropologi akan memperluas... more
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    • Hec-Hms
Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Daun sering mengalami genangan banjir akibat luapan air dari kolam retensi, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang cukup panjang.... more
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      Urban DrainageFlood ControlHec-Hms
Cameroon has several renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydropower. With the liberalisation of the hydroelectric energy sector in Cameroon, rural communities are yet to feel the impact. Small Hydropower projects should... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementSoil and Water EngineeringClimate Change impact assessment on long-term water availability at catchment levelHydropower
Flood events cause considerable losses and damages in many areas of Iran each year. Evaluation of flood control projects to improve the future design of the projects is an efficient and effective way to reduce the consequences of flood... more
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      AssessmentFlood Risk ManagementMulti Criteria Decision MakingWatershed Hydrology
Resumen La Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe – Chicoana corresponde a una de las cabeceras de cuenca del río Juramento – Salado. Aquí se estima la disponibilidad de agua en su punto de cierre. Para ello se empleó el software Hec – Hms y un... more
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      LluviaSistemas de Información GeograficaPunaAbastecimento De água
This work is an effort to evaluate the hydrological functioning of the system, focusing the attention on the surface used for siltation, since downstream there are localities that could be affected by the susceptibility to flood phenomena.
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      HydrologyAncient water systemsAncient Water TechnologyHEC-RAS
In water resources and more specifically in hydrology, the application of mathematical models to represent the hydrological cycle process is crucial. This is the reason why the hydrological concepts are expressed in mathematical language... more
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