Recent papers in Hec-Hms
The Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS) model has been widely applied for estimating hydrological variables at event scale. The choice of the most suitable infiltration method simplifies model's... more
The Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS) model has been widely applied for estimating hydrological variables at event scale. The choice of the most suitable infiltration method simplifies model's applicability under different environmental conditions. A proper case study for evaluating the runoff prediction capability of HEC-HMS by the available infiltration methods is the semi-arid torrents typical of Southern Italy as they are small and intermittent water courses, often subject to high-magnitude flash floods and erosive events. HEC-HMS performance of the 'SCS-CN', 'Green-Ampt' and 'Initial and Constant' infiltration methods in predicting runoff volume and peak flow was evaluated at the outlet of the Mésima torrent, Calabria, Southern Italy. Fourteen rainfall–runoff events were simulated by HEC-HMS and compared with the corresponding observations by a quantitative approach. A good accuracy in predicting runoff volume was achieved using the 'SCS-CN' method after calibration of the initial curve numbers. Peak flow was better estimated using the 'Initial and Constant' method, also thanks to calibration of the 'constant rate' parameter. The calibrated hydrographs were very similar to the observations for both 'SCS-CN' and 'Initial and Constant' methods. Adopting the 'Green-Ampt' equations, however, showed low reliability. The evaluation of the time to flood peak was in some cases inadequate.
In water resources and more specifically in hydrology, the application of mathematical models to represent the hydrological cycle process is crucial. This is the reason why the hydrological concepts are expressed in mathematical language... more
In water resources and more specifically in hydrology, the application of mathematical models to represent the hydrological cycle process is crucial. This is the reason why the hydrological concepts are expressed in mathematical language to represent the corresponding behavior observed in the nature. The current research targeted to develop a hydrological model using HEC-HMS model version 4.7.1 for runoff estimation in Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized to identify the geometric and hydrologist parameters. The Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) Method was adopted to estimate the rainfall losses while the Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCSCN) Method was used to transform the excess rainfall into a direct runoff hydrograph. Muskingum Model was adopted for routing the total runoff from the outlet of the sub-basin to the outlet of the total basin. Model calibration was achieved using different sets of data (CN, Lag time and Muskingum K) in which the data used was for seven years (2000 to 2007). Results of model calibration showed very good fit between the simulated and observed data based on Coefficient of determination (R2 ) = 0.9, Nashsutcliffe Efficiency = 0.92, Root Mean Square Error = 0.1 and the Percent Bias = 0.77%. The model validation was accomplished based on data for couple of years (2007 to 2009) and it is indicated there is a very good matching between the simulated and observed hydrograph. Eventually, based on what have been presented earlier, it can be concluded that the model can be utilized for the Cameron Highland Watershed.
Flood is one of the natural disasters which occur in Myanmar every year. Flooding of rivers has caused many humans and financial losses. Flood inundation mapping is an essential component of flood risk management because flood inundation... more
Flood is one of the natural disasters which occur in Myanmar every year. Flooding of rivers has caused many humans and financial losses. Flood inundation mapping is an essential component of flood risk management because flood inundation maps not only provide accurate geospatial information about the extent of floods, but also, can help decision-makers extract other useful information to assess the risk related to floods such as human loss, damages, and environmental degradation. Chindwin River Basin is located in the western part of Myanmar and floods often occur seriously in monsoon season. In order to perform river flood inundation mapping, HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS were utilized as hydrological and hydraulic models, respectively. The model consists of a rainfall-runoff model (HEC-HMS) that converts precipitation excess runoff, as well as a hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) that models unsteady state flow through the river channel network based on the HEC-HMS-derived hydrograph. Three flood events were applied to calibrate and validate the results. The highest depth of inundation can seriously affect the Homalin and Mawlaik and U Yu tributary.
Hydrological modelling is a commonly used tool to estimate the basin's hydrological response to precipitation. It also allows to predict the hydrologic response to different watershed management practices and to have a better... more
Hydrological modelling is a commonly used tool to estimate the basin's hydrological response to precipitation. It also allows to predict the hydrologic response to different watershed management practices and to have a better understanding of the impacts of these practices. HEC-HMS is hydrologic modelling software developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers-Hydrologic Engineering Centre (HEC). It is a physically based semi-distributed model designed to simulate the rainfall-runoff processes in a wide range of geographic areas for scenarios such as large river basin water supply and flood hydrology to small urban and natural watershed runoff. The system encompasses losses, runoff transformation, open channel routing, analysis of meteorological data, rainfall-runoff simulation and parameter estimation. HEC-HMS uses separate models to represent each component of the runoff process, like models that compute runoff volume, models of direct runoff, and models of base flow. Every model run combines a basin model, meteorological model and control specifications with run options to obtain results. The Nash Sutcliffe-model efficiency criterion, percentage error in volume (PEV), the percentage error in peak (PEP) and Net difference of observed and simulated time to peak were usually used for evaluating the model performance. When the model has to be applied to a watershed, the model parameters corresponding to that watershed should be estimated and calibrated. The sensitivity of the model parameters are also determined. Finally, the model validation with a known input-output time series is carried out before testing the model in a particular watershed. A model, calibrated and validated for a watershed, can be used for several design estimation purposes and planning and management functions with regard to the water resources utilization in that watershed.
- by Vishnu B, KAU and +1
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- Hydrologic Modeling, Hec-Hms
Many rivers in Nepal are either ungauged or poorly gauged due to extreme complex terrains, monsoon climate and lack of technical and financial supports. In this context the role of hydrological model is extremely useful. In practical... more
Many rivers in Nepal are either ungauged or poorly gauged due to extreme complex terrains, monsoon climate and lack of technical and financial supports. In this context the role of hydrological model is extremely useful. In practical applications, hydrological models are relatively simple to implement and reasonably accurate. The present study concerns about simulating the flow of the Marshyangdi river basin and validate with the gauge station within the studied basin area. Furthermore, estimation and analysis of discharges for each subbasins of Marshyangdi river basin has be performed in this study. The HEC-HMS 4.3 hydrologic model (Developed by US Hydrologic Engineering Center was used to calibrate (from 2003-2007) and validate (from 2008-2012) the Marshyangdi river basin. The main data required as input includes rainfall, DEM (digital elevation model) soil, land use and metrological for model. After having data, HEC-HMS model are operated. The main output from model is discharge at the outlet of the catchment. Finally, the output is compared with the observed discharge at selected gauging of the basin. It is crucial to properly calibrate and validate models to give confidence to model users in prediction of stream flow. The SCS curve number method, SCS unit hydrograph method, constant monthly method and Muskingum methods are the best fit performed methods of the hydrological processes of infiltration loss, direct runoff transformation, base flow and routing part respectively. The model performance was tested for the river basin during calibration and validation period, The Nash-Sutcliff (E NS) and Coefficient of determination (R 2) used to evaluate the performance of the model. The results obtained are satisfactory and accepted for simulation of runoff. The SCS curve number method, SCS unit hydrograph method, constant monthly method and Muskingum methods are the best fit performed methods of the hydrological processes of infiltration loss, direct runoff transformation, base flow and routing part respectively. Thus, this study shows that HEC-HMS hydrological model can be used to model the upper Marshyangdi river basin for better assessment and prediction of simulation of the hydrological responses. The study recommends further studies which incorporate the land use change of the basin in the model.
Antara lain sebagai berikut: a. Dapat mengetahui pola prilaku manusia dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat secara Universal maupun pola prilaku manusia pada tiap-tiap masyarakat (suku bangsa). b. Dengan mempelajari Antropologi akan memperluas... more
Antara lain sebagai berikut: a. Dapat mengetahui pola prilaku manusia dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat secara Universal maupun pola prilaku manusia pada tiap-tiap masyarakat (suku bangsa). b. Dengan mempelajari Antropologi akan memperluas wawasan kita terhadap tata pergaulan umat manusia diseluruh dunia yang mempunyai kekhususan-kekhususan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik daerahnya sehingga menimbulkan toleransi yang tinggi. c. Dapat mengetahui berbagai macam problema dalam masyarakat serta memiliki kepekaan terhadap kondisi-kondisi dalam masyarakat baik yang menyenangkan serta mampu mengambil inisiatif terhadap pemecahan permasalahan yang muncul dalam lingkungan masyarakatnya. d. Dapat mengetahui kedudukan serta peran yang harus kita lakukan sesuai dengan harapan warga masyarakat dari kedudukan yang kita sandang. e. Manfaat antropologi terhadap Administrasi Negara, yaitu:
Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Daun sering mengalami genangan banjir akibat luapan air dari kolam retensi, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang cukup panjang.... more
Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Daun sering mengalami genangan banjir akibat luapan air dari kolam retensi, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang cukup panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik genangan banjir di kawasan tersebut pada kondisi eksisting dan dengan skenario pengendalian menggunakan sistem pompa dan peningkatan luasan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). Penelusuran banjir di kolam retensi dilakukan dengan bantuan program HEC-HMS, sedangkan visualisasi genangan banjir dilakukan dengan bantuan program Global Mapper. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas kolam retensi saat ini sudah tidak mencukupi untuk menampung volume limpasan, dimana debit puncak banjir periode ulang 5 tahun sebesar 22,2 m 3 /s berpotensi menggenangi kawasan sekitar kolam dengan luasan mencapai 11,09 Ha. Pengendalian banjir menggunakan pompa berkapasitas total 4 m 3 /s mampu mereduksi luasan genangan sebesar 58,79%, sedangkan pengendalian banjir dengan peningkatan RTH sebesar 30% hanya mampu mereduksi luasan genangan sebesar 15,33%. Kombinasi pengendalian banjir menggunakan pompa banjir dan peningkatan RTH mampu mereduksi luasan genangan banjir sebesar 75,92%. Dengan metode pengendalian tersebut dihasilkan kedalaman genangan maksimum kurang dari 0,5 m dengan potensi lama genangan hanya selama 20 menit, dimana jalan Demang Lebar Daun tidak lagi tergenang. Untuk mitigasi banjir jangka pendek diperlukan pembangunan stasiun pompa banjir di kolam retensi Siti Khadijah, sedangkan untuk jangka panjang diperlukan penyediaan RTH yang dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan. Kata kunci. kolam retensi, HEC-HMS, penelusuran banjir, pengendalian banjir.
Abstract. The area near the Siti Khadijah Palembang retention pond, especially Demang Lebar Daun street, is frequently inundated because of the overflowing of the retention pond, causing long traffic jams. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of flood inundation within the area for the existing situation and for a scenario of flood control using a pump system and an increase in open space. The flood routing within the retention pond was done using HEC-HMS software, while visualization of flood inundation was carried out using Global Mapper software. The results show that the capacity of the retention pond at this time is insufficient to accommodate runoff volume, whereas the flood peak discharge of 22.2 m 3 /s for a 5-year return
Abstract. The area near the Siti Khadijah Palembang retention pond, especially Demang Lebar Daun street, is frequently inundated because of the overflowing of the retention pond, causing long traffic jams. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of flood inundation within the area for the existing situation and for a scenario of flood control using a pump system and an increase in open space. The flood routing within the retention pond was done using HEC-HMS software, while visualization of flood inundation was carried out using Global Mapper software. The results show that the capacity of the retention pond at this time is insufficient to accommodate runoff volume, whereas the flood peak discharge of 22.2 m 3 /s for a 5-year return
Cameroon has several renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydropower. With the liberalisation of the hydroelectric energy sector in Cameroon, rural communities are yet to feel the impact. Small Hydropower projects should... more
Cameroon has several renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydropower. With the liberalisation of the hydroelectric energy sector in Cameroon, rural communities are yet to feel the impact. Small Hydropower projects should have been developed to curb the acute shortage of electricity within these localities and beyond. This is not the case yet. It is in this respect that this study is carried out: to assess the hydropower potential of the Nkam Division and environs and propose sites for the development of hydroelectricity. Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing techniques, and hydrological models (HEC-HMS) were used. Grid analyses were carried out on the Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) using the Watershed Modelling System software to delineate the catchment basin with the sub-basins. Digital Soil and Land use data were obtained from the Harmonised World Soil Data and World Land use Data respectively, which together were used to calculate the Composite Curve Number in QGIS for the various sub-basins. The curve numbers together with other hydrological parameters were used to develop a HEC-HMS deterministic hydrologic model for the catchment basin. The resulting model was calibrated and validated in HEC-HMS, using precipitation data obtained from the localised Yabassi weather station and discharge values from a gauging station at Yabassi. The calibrated peak discharge produced an absolute error of 3.4% and a Nash-Sutcliffe value of 0.301. The hypsometric curve presents a hilly landscape, with 40% of the surface area having elevations of between 10 to 30 m, favouring the development of small scale hydro systems. The RETScreen software was used for the hydro-energy analyses and the estimated potential power, for a hydraulic head of 20 m, stood at 13,813 kW. The values of the Benefit-Cost Ratio value of 1.3 and the Net Present Value greater than zero show that the project is very practical and profitable. It follows that Small and Medium Run-of-River Hydropower Plants can be developed from the Wouri–Nkam Reach, the significant reach in the river network of the Catchment Basin, with an estimated compensation flow of 133.17m 3 /s for ecological continuity. The project will reduce about 27,064.8 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
Flood events cause considerable losses and damages in many areas of Iran each year. Evaluation of flood control projects to improve the future design of the projects is an efficient and effective way to reduce the consequences of flood... more
Flood events cause considerable losses and damages in many areas of Iran each year. Evaluation of flood control projects to improve the future design of the projects is an efficient and effective way to reduce the consequences of flood events. The focus of this study is on the evaluation of the Jafar-Abad structural flood control project to examine the hydrologic performance of the check dams constructed in the watershed. Also the hydrologic and economic effects of six potential structural management scenarios were predicted in order to inform and assist watershed managers in the design of flood control projects. The Jafar-Abad Watershed (109 Km2) is located in the Golestan Province, north of Iran. The six structural management scenarios were developed considering the changes in location, height and numbers of check dams constructed along the water courses in the watershed. The calibrated HEC-HMS model was used to simulate rainfall-runoff relationships in sub-watersheds. Using the flow data recorded at a river gauge station located on the outlet of the watershed, paired t-test was performed to compare hydrologic conditions before and after the construction of 58 check dams already constructed in the watershed. For each scenario, flood hydrographs for 2 to 100 year return periods were calculated. To predict the potential impacts of implementing the management scenarios on flood characteristics, indices such as peak flow, time to peak and base time of hydrographs and construction costs were chosen and quantified for each management scenario at the different return periods. The indices then were standardised using the maximum standardisation method. To weight the indices, expert knowledge was elicitated using the Delphi process. The most appropriate management scenarios from both hydrologic and hydro-economic perspectives were assigned using a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach for the various return periods. Sensitivity analysis with regard to different weights of the indices was conducted. The statistical t-test indicates that the existing check dams in the watershed had no significant hydrologic impacts. The MCDM results show that scenario 7 (increasing the number of check dams, from 58 to 69) would be the most appropriate management scenario from the hydrological perspective. However, most appropriate management scenarios from both hydrologic and hydro-economic perspectives are scenario 1 (no action) and scenario 5 (with only 15 check dams constructed on an upstream sub-watershed), respectively. This kind of evaluation and prediction assists the designers of flood control projects to choose the most preferred management option/s considering the hydrologic as well as economic considerations.
Resumen La Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe – Chicoana corresponde a una de las cabeceras de cuenca del río Juramento – Salado. Aquí se estima la disponibilidad de agua en su punto de cierre. Para ello se empleó el software Hec – Hms y un... more
La Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe – Chicoana corresponde a una de las cabeceras de cuenca del río Juramento – Salado. Aquí se estima la disponibilidad de agua en su punto de cierre. Para ello se empleó el software Hec – Hms y un sistema de información geográfica cuyos soportes espaciales fueron imágenes satelitales y un Modelo Digital de Elevación (DEM) obtenidas de Google Earth Pro y de la USGS (EEUU). Debido a la falta de un registro de datos meteorológicos se recurrió al estudio de la Distribución geográfica de las lluvias en el noroeste de Argentina, de Bianchi et al., 2006. Cada uno de los volúmenes de precipitación anuales (PPe), capaces de generar efectivamente escorrentía sub – superficial, recarga de acuíferos y escorrentía superficial en cada subcuenca, fueron distribuidos según la metodología de Series Históricas de Pilgrim para una duración de tormenta de 60 minutos a lapsos de 5 minutos. Luego de crear, correr y calibrar un modelo hidrológico se obtuvo que la zona produce 89619435 m3/año de agua y, después de descontar el consumo que se realiza en la zona de este recurso, se estimó que cerca del 98,95 % corresponde al volumen de agua que sale de la alta cuenca. Basado en la muy buena calidad de agua que produce el área, de la cual, gran cantidad va al Embalse General Belgrano que, debido a la contaminación que presentan algunos de sus otros tributarios, actualmente está en un proceso de Eutroficación, se recomienda establecer pautas de manejos para conservar los componentes físicos y biológicos del territorio donde se emplaza la Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe – Chicoana a raíz del importantísimo servicio ambiental que presta.
La Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe – Chicoana corresponde a una de las cabeceras de cuenca del río Juramento – Salado. Aquí se estima la disponibilidad de agua en su punto de cierre. Para ello se empleó el software Hec – Hms y un sistema de información geográfica cuyos soportes espaciales fueron imágenes satelitales y un Modelo Digital de Elevación (DEM) obtenidas de Google Earth Pro y de la USGS (EEUU). Debido a la falta de un registro de datos meteorológicos se recurrió al estudio de la Distribución geográfica de las lluvias en el noroeste de Argentina, de Bianchi et al., 2006. Cada uno de los volúmenes de precipitación anuales (PPe), capaces de generar efectivamente escorrentía sub – superficial, recarga de acuíferos y escorrentía superficial en cada subcuenca, fueron distribuidos según la metodología de Series Históricas de Pilgrim para una duración de tormenta de 60 minutos a lapsos de 5 minutos. Luego de crear, correr y calibrar un modelo hidrológico se obtuvo que la zona produce 89619435 m3/año de agua y, después de descontar el consumo que se realiza en la zona de este recurso, se estimó que cerca del 98,95 % corresponde al volumen de agua que sale de la alta cuenca. Basado en la muy buena calidad de agua que produce el área, de la cual, gran cantidad va al Embalse General Belgrano que, debido a la contaminación que presentan algunos de sus otros tributarios, actualmente está en un proceso de Eutroficación, se recomienda establecer pautas de manejos para conservar los componentes físicos y biológicos del territorio donde se emplaza la Alta Cuenca del río Escoipe – Chicoana a raíz del importantísimo servicio ambiental que presta.
This work is an effort to evaluate the hydrological functioning of the system, focusing the attention on the surface used for siltation, since downstream there are localities that could be affected by the susceptibility to flood phenomena.
In water resources and more specifically in hydrology, the application of mathematical models to represent the hydrological cycle process is crucial. This is the reason why the hydrological concepts are expressed in mathematical language... more
In water resources and more specifically in hydrology, the application of mathematical models to represent the hydrological cycle process is crucial. This is the reason why the hydrological concepts are expressed in mathematical language to represent the corresponding behavior observed in the nature. The current research targeted to develop a hydrological model using HEC-HMS model version 4.7.1 for runoff estimation in Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was utilized to identify the geometric and hydrologist parameters. The Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) Method was adopted to estimate the rainfall losses while the Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCSCN) Method was used to transform the excess rainfall into a direct runoff hydrograph. Muskingum Model was adopted for routing the total runoff from the outlet of the sub-basin to the outlet of the total basin. Model calibration was achieved using different sets of data (CN, Lag time and Muskingum K) in which the data used was for seven years (2000 to 2007). Results of model calibration showed very good fit between the simulated and observed data based on Coefficient of determination (R 2) = 0.9, Nashsutcliffe Efficiency = 0.92, Root Mean Square Error = 0.1 and the Percent Bias = 0.77%. The model validation was accomplished based on data for couple of years (2007 to 2009) and it is indicated there is a very good matching between the simulated and observed hydrograph. Eventually, based on what have been presented earlier, it can be concluded that the model can be utilized for the Cameron Highland Watershed.
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