Hellenistic Pottery - black glaze
Recent papers in Hellenistic Pottery - black glaze
The article presents a xiphos that was discovered in Sozopol, ancient Apollonia Pontica. There are more such weapons from present-day Bulgaria, but this is the only example discovered during archaeological excavations. The xiphos was... more
Based on recent reference surveys of numerous Iberian sites located over a wide area of Lower Aragon delimited by the southern tributaries of the River Ebro (the Regallo, Guadalope and Matarraña rivers), we propose various hypotheses on... more
In line with the time and space allowed us, this paper will examine several pieces of research undertaken in Italy in the last two decades. Both those that have been completed and those still ongoing, although different, are held to be... more
La collezione archeologica dell'avvocato Conticelli è composta da 29 reperti, tutti fittili, i quali formano un insieme eterogeneo per provenienza e datazione. Nel presente catalogo si sono voluti raggruppare, a seconda delle classi... more
Giovanni Fragalà * «Facta» is an International Peer-Reviewed Journal. The eContent is Archived with Clockss and Portico.
Oggetto di questo lavoro è la ceramica a vernice nera reperita nel corso degli scavi condotti negli anni 1954-1957 nell'area della città romana (località Civita di Sassoferrato, AN), probabile vicus degli umbri Sentinates elevato a... more
In the Black-gloss ware category, products from Pharus to Athens and some from Dyrrhachium (Group 1) have been identified. Most of the fusiform unguentaria are of Hellenistic date as well. Most of the amphorae are from the Italian side of... more
La presenza a Sentinum di bolli nominali su ceramica aretina a vernice nera di I sec. a.C. (1), rivelatisi sconosciuti altrove, mi ha fornito lo spunto per tentare un censimento di questo tipo di bolli. Lo spoglio bibliografico,... more
This study presents four case studies that elaborate on the results of two field survey projects (the Astura and the Nettuno surveys) that were carried within the ambit of the Pontine Region Project. These comprise 1) revisits to... more
During the final excavation seasons of the archaeological site at Colle Plinio (San Giustino, Perugia), contexts were discovered containing many fragments of ce- ramic wasters dating to circa the mid-3rd century BC, which came from a... more
Το παρόν έργο πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας προστατεύεται κατά τις διατάξεις του ελληνικού νόμου (Ν. 2121/1993 όπως έχει τροποποιηθεί και ισχύει σήμερα) και τις διεθνείς συμβάσεις περί πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας. Απαγορεύεται απολύτως η άνευ... more
We publish the black-glazed pottery from the habitat area of the neapolis of Emporion. As it happens in other regions of the Mediterranean, black-glazed pots are the prevalent Attic imports in Emporion and its hinterland. Most of them... more
Hero cult, bouleuterion, black glazed pottery, cooking ware. Keywords Kahramanlık kültü, bouleuterion, siyah firnisli kaplar, pişirme kapları. ÖZET Aigai bouleuterionu kazılarında yapının orkestrasında gerçekleştirilen bir sondajda... more
Автореферат към дисертация, разглеждаща специфична керамична група с украса в стил „West slope“, разпространена през елинистическата епоха в източното Средиземноморие. Анализирани са находки, открити на територията на съвременна България.... more
Recent investigations at Patara reveal that the city played a crucial role as a communication node during the formation of the Hellenistic era. As one of the most important cities of ancient Lycia, Patara established by a harbor in the... more
The paper shows the results of archeological intervention carried out in 2006 in the suburban southern area of the ancient town of Praeneste (mod. Palestrina). The excavations led to discovery a late republican viaduct and votive... more
After the foundation of Thessaloniki in 317 BC, the city soon developed into a major port of the North Aegean Sea. The majority of the published burial context here comes from the cemetery of the city. Regarding the pottery, the... more
This article examines a group of about one hundred Attic Black-Glaze vases, mainly drinking vessels, dating to the late 4th and 3rd century BC. They all bear an inscription, generally the name of a deity in the genitive, as well as West... more
Vessels of the Hellenistic period constitute about half of all finds of Black Glazed pottery from Panticapaeum in the eastern Crimea -more than 450 pieces in total. These finds, gathered in the course of many years of exploration (from... more
This study centres on the analysis of a group of black glaze vase fragments with overpainted and/or incised decoration produced during the first half of the 2nd century B.C. in the workshop at Jesi-Aesis. This workshop was set-up in about... more
Le savoir des augures comme interpretes Iovis chez Cicéron (De legibus, De natura deorum, De divinatione) .
This article examines the current state of research on Ptolemaic Black Ware in Egypt and presents previously unpublished examples from the site of Mut el-Kharab, located within Dakhleh Oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert.
There is an important number of graffiti and marks scratched on Lamboglia 5 plates from the archaeological sites of the middle Ebro Valley. The aim of this paper is to define the purpose of these inscriptions and why they are done.