Recent papers in Heraclitus
Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της διδασκαλίας στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος φιλοσοφίας σχετικά με τις θεωρίες της γνώσης στη Β΄ Γενικού Λυκείου, με βάση το διδακτικό βιβλίο Αρχές Φιλοσοφίας στο... more
Seminário de Filosofia Clássica Alemã, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Brazil, 14 - 16/08/2019
Both for Kant and for Nietzsche, aesthetics must not be considered as a systematic science based merely on logical premises but rather as a set of intuitively attained artistic ideas that constitute or reconstitute the sensible... more
Eraclito e Parmenide sono allarmati dell’arrivo dell’eone del disfacimento. Mentre noi moderni pensiamo con Jung che sotto l’io e la coscienza si apra l’immenso territorio dell’onnipotente inconscio, Eraclito pensa l’esatto rovescio: che... more
This article presents a strategy for introducing Presocratic thought to students in a manner that is both engaging and relevant. The first section addresses students' reactions to the claim that the Presocratics were the first... more
Ogni cosa è per estinguere un debito. Un debito contratto con l’uno. Ogni cosa sostituisce e ripaga il fuoco e il fuoco sostituisce e ripaga ogni cosa. Il fuoco è creditore verso ogni cosa e ogni cosa è in debito verso il fuoco. Il fuoco... more
Aristotle is one of the important sources for studying pre-platonic Philosophers, among whom Heraclitus was the subject of Aristotle's main focus. His focus on Heraclitus was most importantly for the reason that Heraclitus was, as Plato... more
Doubts beneath an Aldine leaf – Inger Christensen and Heraclitus In an essay veiled in doubt I trace the deep connections between the written thinking of the early Greek philosopher Heraclitus and Danish poet Inger Christensen.... more
Heraclitus (535-475 B.C.) was a pre-Socratic philosopher who held unique views on ontology (what things exist) and metaphysics (first principles of things). He is probably best known for his doctrine that everything is in the process of... more
In the ancient world Heraclitus is known for five doctrines: (1) fire is the source of all things; (2) there are periodic episodes of world conflagration; (3) everything is in flux, in constant motion; (4) the opposites are identical; and... more
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
Eva Brann supports the two assertions in her subtitle with a close reading of Heraclitus that will be of interest even to those (perhaps especially to those) who are unconvinced by her argument.
This reconstruction of Plato’s biography was researched and written when I was at the London School of Economics Department of Government in 2004-05. As an attempt to reconstruct Plato’s life with more detail than had been done before, I... more
Επιτέθηκαν στη λογοτεχνία, τη λοιδόρησαν, την καταδίκασαν, με κάθε πρόσχημα και ανεξαρτήτως καθεστώτος, με τις καλύτερες ή τις χειρότερες προθέσεις, για λόγους αστείους ή ενίοτε και σοβαρούς. Εξόρισαν τους ποιητές και έκαψαν τα βιβλία... more
Las observaciones que constituyen la base de este artículo proceden de una edición de los fragmentos, aún no publicada, para la cual me han sido muy útiles algunas conversaciones con el profesor Felipe Martínez Marzoa (Universidad de... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
In questo articolo ho cercato di mostrare come in Eraclito non si possa parlare di diritto naturale. Al contrario, in Gorgia questo è possibile e nell’Epitaffio, pur mantenendo un lessico generico e per certi versi prossimo a quello... more
Nella sapienza arcaica, la pazzia è pathos, patimento impresso da una forza superiore. Mentre il chiamato parla con il dio, gli altri vedono appena uno caduto in convulsioni. Per l’orfico Eschilo è nel pathos–dolore che impariamo le cose... more
Kendi kodunu yazan kod; yaratıcısından bağımsızlığını alan ve kendi seçimlerini yapmaya başlayan bilgisayar; kendi yazılımını yazan yazılım ya da kendi benliğini üreten yapay zekâ…
C. Cengiz Çevik, “Herakleitos’un Doğa Üzerine Kitabıyla İlgili Kaynaklar ve Yorumlar,” Felsefi Düşün 13 (2019): 121-133. ÖZ Presokratik filozoflar da kitaplar yazmıştır, ancak ne yazık ki bu kitapların hiçbiri günümüze tam olarak... more
Resumen: El presente artículo intenta acercarse al pensamiento de Heráclito a partir de la crítica que realiza el efesio a la tradición, principalmente literaria (Homero, Hesíodo, Arquíloco) y filosófica (Jenófanes y Pitágoras). Esto con... more
Bu çalışmada kısaca Herakleitos’un hayatına, kişiliğine ve felsefesinin temel öğretilerine ve kavramlarına değinilmiştir.
El presente trabajo se titula Areté y el ideal práctico del conocimiento; partimos del hecho de que el pensar filosófico tuvo como fundamento inicial en el sentido de la areté en la cultura griega, trasfondo que nos servirá para... more
El presente artículo, inspirado en la idea de Vernant de que la razón griega es “hija de la ciudad”, aborda el vínculo existente entre las circunstancias políticas y sociales de Éfeso y el pensamiento heraclíteo. En efecto, a partir de la... more
table of contents Preface Sources Various Translations of the Fragments Life of Heraclitus Dark Philosopher Thoughts: (1) Persian Translations of the Fragments (2) Logos (3) Cosmology (4) Ethics (5) Epistemology (6)... more
In his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius repeatedly presents a disjunction between two conceptions of the natural world. Either the universe is ruled by providence or there are atoms. At 4.3, we find perhaps its most succinct statement:... more
A long chapter for The War of Appearances: Transparency, Opacity, Radiance (V2_Publishing, 2016) building on the findings of “Charis and Radiance,” an essay published two years earlier. It discusses the inherent connection between... more
The first part of the thesis is about various issues relating to the Unity of Opposites in Heraclitus. The second part is about the modern linguistics of antonymy and Jerrold J. Katz' semantic theory. There is a parallel drawn between the... more
Nessun tentativo di tramonto può andare in porto. Il «non tramontante mai» ha il potere di impedire ogni eclisse; nessuno può scendere nell’ombra sfuggendo una volta per tutte; ognuno è rivelato, riconosciuto, giudicato.... more
An attempt to capture the most significant questions of a wide variety of major philosophers, and hence, the soul of philosophy.
La dicotomia identità/contraddizione vede un prevalere del primo termine nella logica classica, che esclude la contraddizione. Tra il Settecento e la prima metà dell’Ottocento la situazione si rovescia. Se Kant dimostra l’inevitabilità... more
Heraclitus’ work raised many questions among his contemporaries and subsequent generations of researchers. If one understands it as a cosmology in the Milesian tradition, then the manifold sayings about people, the state and god, which... more
Si bien Freud quizás no haya estudiado a Kierkegaard, Lacan, en algún seminario o escrito, recomendó a sus discípulos, que bien valía dar una revisadita a la obra del filósofo danés y, a raíz, de un grupo de estudio sobre una obra de Juan... more
Aquest treball té per objecte l'anàlisi del que Hülsz 1 anomena «categories de racionalitat "objectiva"» (φύσις, κόσμος, πῦρ i θεός) i «categories de racionalitat "subjectiva"» (ψυχή, ἦθος i λόγος) que componen del pensament heraclitià,... more
Thr reconstructor of the latest version of the Greek text (2011) divided its French translarion en regard into seven parts subdivided each according to its various themes. The other translations into modern languages followed suit giving... more
A basic level introduction into the history of Ancient Greek philosophy from Thales of Miletus until Hypatia of Alexandria, with a selection of key primary texts.
This study shows the importance of Heraclitus in developing ontological and linguistic theories that eventually influenced early Greek rhetoric, specifically ones concerning allegorical and other indirect strategies of interpreting and... more