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Ayaz Ishaki is one of the most important founding figures of contemporary Tatar language and literature. Ishaki was born on February 23, 1878 in the village of Yawshirme in the Chistay province of Kazan. He was educated firstly by his... more
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      ReligionNational IdentityTatarsAyaz Ishaki
Идея «восстановления Мимана» появилась почти сразу после утраты государством Ямато военно-политического руководства военными действиями союзников в Южной Корее в 562 году.
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      Ancient JapanJapanese Ancient Historyдревняя Японияancient Japanese history
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyFar EastAncient City
Religious and Political Reforms of Emperor Mimaki. Part 3: New High Priest of Miwa and Arrangement of Yamato Cults Abstract: The religious and political reforms of the early Yamato period remain largely understudied in Russian historical... more
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      Ancient JapanJapanese Ancient Historyдревняя Японияancient Japanese history
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    • Mathematics
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The European particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, where many important discoveries were made. Accelerated baryons generate e^+, e^-, ν and ν ̅. They absorb photons, which come from them and which make inverse mass... more
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The article discusses an original Chinese prediction interpretation technique – glyphomancy (拆字, 测字, 相字), which helps to predict the future through manipulations with Chinese characters and their structural elements. This technique is... more
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      Chinese ReligionsChinese Language and CultureRiddlesChinese Culture
Este artigo tem por objetivo refletir acerca da relação entre memórias e identidades étnicas partindo de pesquisa empírica realizada pelas autoras entre descendentes de imigrantes italianos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pretende-se salientar o... more
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    • Geography
Overview of strategy and warfare in ancient and medieval Japan.
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      Military HistoryJapanese StudiesJapanese HistoryJapan
Nagato-kire": fragmentary documents of a different edition of "Heike Monogatari" Author 佐々木, 孝浩(Sasaki, Takahiro) Publisher 慶應義塾大学附属研究所斯道文庫 Publication year 2012 Jtitle 斯道文庫論集 (Bulletin of the Shidô Bunko Institute). No.47 (2012.)... more
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In this paper I study Edo Period daimyō gardens in Japan to explore the meaning through reference to Confucian morality and sensory meaning.
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      Japanese Art HistorySensory StudiesJapanese gardensEdo period culture
The aim of this paper is to elucidate in the Korean peninsula the ways in which climbers began practicing modern technical climbing for the first time and the processes in which such climbing practices turned into a generalized culture.... more
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      Rock ClimbingMountaineeringModern Korean History
Talk given on 24 October 2024 at the European History 1150-1550 seminar of the Institute of Historical Research
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      Medieval HistoryThirteenth Century
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesVisual StudiesMedia Studies
Infectious diseases, especially smallpox is often assumed to have been the main causes of human death in traditional Japan. However, we know of little statistical evidence regarding the death or recovery of individuals who contracted... more
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Este texto busca apresentar um desenvolvimento histórico e cronológico do anarquismo japonês. Para tanto, contextualizaremos brevemente o cenário econômico, cultural e político do Japão interligando esse cenário ao desenvolvimento do... more
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      AnarquismoJapanese Anarchism
Since the recent identification of the pyramid of Khay, vizier of Ramesses II, on the hills of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna by the Belgian archaeological mission, this high official has drawn renewed interest. This paper presents and discusses two... more
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      Ramesses IIDeir el-MedinaTheban Necropolis (Ancient Egypt)Viziers (Ancient Egypt)
James Howe, L'effetto della scrittura sul sistema politico cuna, in “Latinoamerica”, a. XVIII, n. 64, maggio-agosto 1997, pp. 111-120, nella sezione Culture indigene. Trad. di Angelo Romagnoli. In copertina: incisione di Ignacio... more
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      America LatinaLatinoamericaAmérica LatinaEtnostoria
The article analyzes information from local legends of the Izumo region (in western Honshu) about the collective fund of primitive neighboring communities (Jap. murà) in different territorial communities (Jap. sató) that became part of... more
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      Ancient JapanJapanese Ancient Historyдревняя ЯпонияJapanese Ancient & Medieval History
espanolEl presente trabajo trata de mostrar algunas de las formas de dinero que tradicionalmente se han realizado en Africa con anterioridad al uso corriente de la moneda metalica. La aproximacion se realiza desde una vision personal en... more
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    • Art
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the institutional background of Czechoslovak-Japanese economic relations in the interwar period. It also considers the existence of entry barriers in the context of efforts to remove them. The... more
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      Economic HistoryInternational RelationsHistory of JapanInternational Trade
O objetivo desse artigo e analisar como o xintoismo influenciou no processo de formacao nacional japones e de que forma ele ainda se encontra presente na politica nacional e internacional japonesa apesar da separacao ocorrida apos a... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyHumanitiesHistory of Japan
program in American Studies and the Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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      GeographyAmerican StudiesEnvironmental StudiesCold War
The aim of this dissertation is to analyse how the samurai, the warrior class of feudal Japan, reacted to the great transformations that took place in Japan from the second half of the 19th century. During the Meiji period (1868-1912), in... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesJapanese HistoryHistory of the Samurai
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    • peninsula
Kore Yarımadası’nda, tarih boyunca sayısız çatışma ve diplomatik gerilim yaşanmış, bu durum her iki ülkenin de uluslararası arenada dikkat çekmesine neden olmuştur. Son olarak, Kuzey Kore’nin Güney Kore’ye çöp dolu balonlar göndermesiyle... more
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      Korean StudiesUluslararası GüvenlikUluslararası İlişkiler
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This article presents a review of the current state of research on the history and culture of the Gaya confederacy, which engaged in centuries-long rivalry with Silla (57 BCE – 935 CE) in the territory of present-day Gyeongsang in the... more
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      Korean CultureAncient History and Oriental StudiesAncient Korean History
В даннои статье представлен обзор современного состояния изученности истории и культуры конфедерации Кая, которая вела многовековое соперничество с Силлои (57 г. до н.э.-935 г. н.э.) на территории нынешнего региона Ке нсан Республики... more
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La presente tesis examina la Gran Guerra del Asia Oriental (1592-1598) a partir del notable corpus documental elaborado por autores occidentales, especialmente pertenecientes a la Compañía de Jesús, durante el marco cronológico... more
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      Japanese StudiesEast Asian StudiesJesuitsManuscripts
Au même titre que la France, le Japon est un État unitaire décentralisé dont le territoire, longtemps désuni, a été divisé en départements 1 au cours de la construction de l'Etat-Nation amorcée depuis la Restauration de Meiji de 1868.... more
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      SociologyGeographyComputer ScienceLaw
For more than two decades, seminaries and novitiates established by the Society of Jesus in early modern Japan were instrumental in shaping Japanese individuals able to preach, hear confessions, and bring about conversions among the local... more
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      PhilologyJapanese Language And CultureLegal HistoryJapanese History
Krótki rys historyczny jako wstęp do pracy "Spotkania międzykulturowe. Japończycy w świecie (do XX wieku)", dotyczącej okresu kiedy Japonia, uznana za nowoczesną monarchię przez mocarstwa zachodnie, zaczynała zupełnie nowy etap kontaktów... more
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    • History of Japan
The 1930’s atmosphere in Japan was intensely nationalistic because of the strained domestic situation as well as international events leading to numerous assaults and “incidents” (jiken) in the country and eventually, in the next decade,... more
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    • History of Japan
The 1930’s atmosphere in Japan was intensely nationalistic because of the strained domestic situation as well as international events leading to numerous assaults and “incidents” (jiken) in the country and eventually, in the next decade,... more
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    • History of Japan
Historia świata to historia ciągłych kontaktów międzykulturowych. Rodzaj tych kontaktów – wojny lub pokojowa wymiana dóbr kultury – ich częstotliwość i długotrwałość można uznać za podstawowe przyczyny kształtowania się zarówno własnej... more
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    • History of Japan
In the present work, the production of coins with Gia Long Thong Bao inscription is reported, exploring their history, characteristics and proposing a chronology for them.
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      Vietnamese HistoryChinese and Vietnamese NumismaticsVietnamese Coins
Partiendo del análisis de las características de la cultura guerrera que condicionan su interculturalidad, el texto expone algunos ejemplos de la misma tomados de la historia y de diferentes esferas de la cultura samurai: su temprana... more
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      HumanitiesArtHistory of JapanInterculturalidad
From: Wong, P. T. P. (2004, October). The loyalty factor: Key to the good life. Positive Living Newsletter.
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    • Existential Positive Psychology
Although Japan is a highly industrialized country, it still lacks any significant green parties. This apparent Japanese exceptionalism in terms of green parties cannot be clarified by such conventional explanations as its electoral... more
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      GeographyPolitical EconomyPolitical SciencePolitics
Tutte le fotografie corrispondono alla numerazione attribuita loro nel testo. Tuttavia, per ragioni di spazio e d'impaginazione, la sequenza fotografica nell'inserto centrale non sempre rispetta l'ordine numerico.
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Every 5 years there has been a reunion meeting for worldwide Uchinanchu at Naha, Okinawa at October 30th called 'World Uchinanchu Day.' The day is considered as quite significant in that Uchinanchu looks back at one' s past for the... more
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryHistory of Thought
This article highlights the benefits of a “Sandwich Production Method", a production-oriented approach to English instruction at the tertiary level. It is designed to address some of the long-standing issues that have been recognized in... more
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      Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)Student Centered LearningProject-Based LearningCollaborative Learning
The Kyoto temple Daihøonji, better known as Senbon Shakadø, houses a complete set of life-size wooden sculptures of Six Kannon made by the sculptor Jøkei in 1224. Many of the Six Kannon image sets have been scattered or destroyed over... more
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      Japanese ReligionsBuddhist Art
Öz Toplam üye sayısı Japonya nüfusunun belki de %15'ini oluşturan Yeni Dinî Hareketler (YDH'ler), bu ülkede dinî deneyimin önemli bir aracı haline gelmiştir. Bu grupların birbirinden farklı çeşitli yapıları bulunmaktadır Onların birçoğu... more
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      New Religious MovementsJapanese StudiesHistory of ReligionJapanese Language And Culture
Recent studies on the Portuguese empire in Asia during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries have highlighted the role and relationships of resistance and sociability among women, children, and enslaved individuals in that context. Often... more
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      Gender HistoryHistory of JapanHistory of IndiaJapanese History