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Tra gli Stati dell’Italia spagnola della prima metà del Seicento, Genova e Lucca presentano una particolare affinità. La comune forma di governo repubblicana determina una vicinanza, alla quale concorrono rapporti di amicizia e parentela... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRepublicanismSeventeenth Century
According to Agathias Hist. 1.18.5, there were Frankish governors (harmostai) in Lucca in 553, but this is unlikely for both historical and philological reasons. The emendation οἱ τῶν Γότθων ἁρμοσταί seems advisable, especially in the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityEarly Middle Ages (History)Merovingian period
Rivista di Ricerca in Teologia Spirituale ANNO 14 NUMERO 1 (2021) Adelaide Sardi, «figlia dell’indimenticabile e benemerito Conte Cesare e che di lui ereditò la virtù, l’ingegno e l’amore allo studio, vestì nel 1902,... more
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      Women's StudiesArchivesGender and religion (Women s Studies)Women Writers
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      Sequence StratigraphyCoins finds as archaeological artefactsChronologyArchaeological excavations
Quantitative studies of tax and court records have suggested that medieval Italian marriage negotiations involved a powerful older groom who might easily dominate his much younger bride. This article complicates this picture by... more
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      Gender StudiesLate Middle AgesGender HistoryGender and Sexuality
Resoconto preliminare della sesta campagna di scavo al Castello di Benabbio in Val di Lima, settembre 2013
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      Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Archeologia medievaleLucca
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      Dante StudiesHistory of Lucca
Trascrizione della sentenza pronunciata dal podestà Ugolino da Bologna contro Nuccino Sornacchi e Bindiniello Tadiccioni il 28 luglio 1370 per aver cospirato per sovvertire l'ordine costituito nella città di Lucca.
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      Medieval HistoryLuccaHistory of Lucca
Marriage disputes, such as those contained in the records of the episcopal court of Lucca, offer a glimpse into the meanings and effects of domestic violence in the fourteenth century. In one case in particular, the case of Guilielino and... more
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      Canon LawSex and GenderMedieval HistoryGender History
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      Media StudiesMedieval HistoryAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
La Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.) è particolarmente lieta e onorata di potere dare alle stampe il Catalogo dei manoscritti della Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana, curato da Gabriella Pomaro, che... more
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      Civil LawMedieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceRenaissance in TuscanyThe Medici Effect, Florence, Renaissance Florence
In via delle Trombe, murata incastrandola in uno spigolo basso sull'ingresso laterale del Centro "AGORA'"_ E' molto bassa con una corona in alto, si pensa una meta da Carro (se TRombe da lat Plaustrum Thamphilus/) un asse N-S vettoriale... more
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      Alpi ApuaneHistory of LuccaRepubblica Di Lucca
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      Archival StudiesHistory of LuccaStoria Delle BibliotecheSanta Zita di Lucca
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      Dante StudiesHistory of LuccaTolomeo Fiadoni da Lucca
Le Cronache di Giovanni Sercambi (fine XIV- inizio XV s.), lucchese, sono un'opera riccamente illustrata: molte immagini miniate riportano elementi araldici e vessillologici relativi alle vicende politiche del tempo di cui l'A. fu... more
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      Italian (European History)HeraldryMedieval ChroniclesHistory of Lucca
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      History of the BookHistory of Lucca
English In the first days of September 1944 a series of operations took place on the Italian front that led to the liberation of the city of Lucca. The operations were conducted mainly by the 370th Combat Team which was part of the 92nd... more
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      Occupation and Resistance in WW2ItalyLuccaHistory of Lucca
The contribution analyses printed production relating to the famous crucifix in the cathedral of San Martino in Lucca, known as the ‘Volto Santo’ or Holy Face of Lucca. According to medieval legend handed down in the work written by the... more
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      History of the BookHistory of LuccaVolto Santo di Lucca
Un allarme improvviso crea il vuoto nella Storia di Lucca
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      Storia LocaleHistory of LuccaRepubblica Di Lucca
Nel contributo sono presentate nuove proposte di attribuzione e datazione delle monete battute dalla zecca di Lucca tra la fine del XIII e lo scorcio del XIV secolo. In particolare, sono analizzate e discusse le monete riferibili al... more
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      NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsArcheologia medievaleLate Medieval economic and social history
in Dante e Lucca a cura di A. Casadei, Luca, M.Pacini Fazzi, 2021, pp. 51-66
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      Dante StudiesTextual ScholarshipDanteLucca
Two three-year PhD positions are now open within the ERC Starting Grant project RISK - Republics on the Stage of Kings, PI Alessandro Metlica ( Topics: "Citizenship, Roman History and neo-Stoic Ethics. Drama and Opera in... more
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      RepublicanismEarly Modern Europe17th-Century StudiesEarly Modern Literature
In the MGH Edition the charter nr. 270 (D O I. 270) – of which only a fragment is preserved – is considered a privilege issued by Otto I to the Lucchese monastery of S. Ponziano. The paper demonstrates that D O. I. 270 was actually... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Latin Palaeography
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimagePilgrimage RoutesPilgrimage and Tourism
LUNEDI’ 31 AGOSTO: GIORNATA PASCOLIANA MAURIZIO PERUGI, “O vano sogno”: un esempio di variantistica pascoliana GIUSEPPE FARINELLI, Pascoli e i crepuscolari MARIA CANNATA’, Pascoli e la melica corale greca ELISABETTA GRAZIOSI, La... more
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      PhilologyMythologyPhilosophyCultural Sociology
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      PhilologyItalian StudiesRomance philologyPoetry
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      History of the BookHistory of Lucca
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      Dante StudiesFilologia dantescaHistory of Lucca
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      History of the BookRenaissance StudiesBibliographyHistory of Lucca
Vincenzo Busdraghi è considerato lo stampatore più produttivo nella Lucca del Cinquecento. Per questo motivo, nel corso dei secoli, diverse personalità hanno cercato di ricostruire il catalogo delle sue edizioni a stampa. Dopo aver... more
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      History of the BookRenaissance StudiesBibliographyHistory of Lucca
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      Working-Class HistoryCGILPartito comunista italianoHistory of Lucca
The article discusses the limits of a prosopographical approach based exclusively on private charters for the study of professional groups of early medieval Europe, using as a case study the occurrences of medical practitioners (Lat.... more
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      Social SciencesHistory of ScienceMedieval ItalyCharters and Paleography
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      Diplomatic HistoryLocal HistoryDiplomacyHistory of Library and Information Science
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
A partire dal XV secolo la devozione per il Volto Santo di Lucca diede impulso alla diffusione di opuscoli ed edizioni devozionali relativi alla storia della reliquia lucchese e ai miracoli ad essa attribuiti. Accanto a questa produzione... more
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      History of the BookLuccaIl Volto SantoHistory of Lucca
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      History of the BookHistory Of Rare Book LibrariesBook trade HistoryHistory of Lucca
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      Military HistoryMilitiasHistory of Lucca
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      Italy (History)History of FlorenceMedieval ItalyMedieval Aristocracy
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookBook marketingHistory of Lucca
On the morning of June 1, 1346 the judge of the episcopal court of Lucca found himself confronted by a weeping pregnant woman, who fell to her knees before the bench and tearfully begged the court to demand the return of her husband. This... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ItalyGender Studies (Medieval Studies)
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      History of the BookRenaissance StudiesBibliographyHistory of Lucca
'Giovanni Lievorati – the Casus of an Italian Sculptor in Early Eighteenth-Century Warsaw’, in: Artyści znad jezior lombardzkich w nowożytnej Europie. Prace dedykowane pamięci Profesora Mariusza Karpowicza / Artisti dei laghi lombardi... more
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      Baroque art and architectureItalian Baroque art18th Century ArtLucca
Relazione sintetica dei risultati di scavo della campagna 2012 al Castello di Benabbio, Bagni di Lucca. Sulla base dei dati di scavo si propone una ricostruzione dell'evoluzione dell'insediamento castrense tra XII e XV secolo.
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      BioarchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Castles