Occupation and Resistance in WW2
Recent papers in Occupation and Resistance in WW2
Appendix 2 of Section D for Destruction: forerunner of SOE (Pen& Sword, 2017). This provides brief biographical summaries of the known officers, agents and principal contacts of Section D of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, aka... more
В 1968 году в Москве скончался крупный специалист по истории российского Просвещения и российско-французских отношений Михаил Штранге. Однако жизнь этого человека не была типична для успешного советского ученого. Во-первых, Михаил... more
La storia dei rapporti tra Italia e Germania dopo la seconda guerra mondiale è una delle chiavi per capire le contraddizioni dell'Europa contemporanea. L'Italia fu tra i principali sostenitori della rinascita di uno Stato tedesco... more
The main object of this paper is the composition Seven Circles completed in 1959 by Danish composer Else Marie Pade. It is the first piece of purely electronic music composed in Denmark. The paper has three primary focuses which are... more
Kan man være både nazist og medlem af en forening, som bekæmper tysk indflydelse i Sønderjylland og støtter danskheden ”med alle lovlige midler” i Sydslesvig? Det mente Tyge Gunnar Sand (1898-1975), som var sekretær i Sønderjysk Forening... more
The Spanish Civil War, fought between 1936 and 1939, was the first battle against fascism in Europe. Five months after the victory of dictator Francisco Franco in Spain the conflict moved to Europe with the outbreak of the Second World... more
t the height of the Second World War, Switzerland decriminalised homosexuality. At the same time, France chose to introduce a law punishing homosexual relationships in certain circumstances. These two examples illustrate contradictory... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
On the basis of oral information about one of the authors family network's involvement in intelligence activities back to WW1 a reconstruction of lacking but important parts of the Danish intelligence history is attempted. English summary.
The work, first published in 2005, deals with the Nazi period in Hitler's birth region. The focus is on the topics of resistance and persecution. It examines which groups of people in this rural region, on the border with Bavaria, were... more
The Resistance publishing house De Bezige Bij [The Busy Bee] was financed with money earned with broadside verse and other special publications. This was such a lucrative business that there was even enough money left over to pay for... more
Il libro delinea la storia di Radio Vaticana, dalla sua origine alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Seguendo il triplice filone della diplomazia, della propaganda, dell’apostolato, emerge così, da una prospettiva inedita, il... more
This book was written by Leslie Blau (Blau László). It is a translation of the English "Bonyhad: A Destroyed Community" printed by Blau in 1994 (New York, New York). This translation into Hebrew was edited by Reuven Chaim Klein in 2010.... more
"Na meer dan zeventig jaar woedt de Tweede Wereldoorlog nog altijd voort als strijd om het duidingsgezag. ‘We wage the war we are’ dichtte W.H. Auden al over ons (on)vermogen eerlijk op onze geschiedenis te reflecteren. Maarten van Voorst... more
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
Popular study described an action carried out by the Polish anti-German resistance organization Home Army (Armia Krajowa, or "AK"), which involved a heist of over a million US dollars' worth of currency being transported by German... more
"A věrní ne-zůstali..." Operačná činnosť parašutistov a konfidentov gestapa Viliama Gerika a Karla Čurdu. In Slovensko a Európa medzi demokraciou a totalitou : kapitoly z dejín 20. storočia k jubileu Bohumily Ferenčuhovej. - Bratislava :... more
A history of the Sacred Squadron, Greece's elite commando unit in WW2 that was modeled on the legendary SAS. The Sacred Squadron consisted mainly of officers of the Hellenic Armed Forces and Gendarmerie who found their way to Egypt after... more
1. El tema de esta contribución ha sido tratado ya por numerosos autores y constituye una especie de idea recurrente de la literatura crítica: Fink, Müller, Schöttler, Dumoulin, y más recientemente Touati, Becker, Burguière y algunos más... more
The set of documents specifies the role of Haviva Reick in the Amsterdam mission in Slovakia during the Slovak National Uprising. Contrary to historians’ claims so far, a set of British documents shows that she was not part of SOE, but MI9.
Della partecipazione italiana alla seconda guerra mondiale (1940-1945) e in particolare della campagna d’Italia (1943-1945) sappiamo ormai molto. Storia politica, storia diplomatica, storia militare, anche storia culturale sono... more
The Treaty of Versailles was an extremely harsh document that demanded exorbitant reparations from the German people for a war they did not start. The result of the harsh treatment of Germany in the peace terms gave rise to Adolf Hitler... more
Zaoberať sa rôznymi tienistými otázkami súvisiacimi so Slovenským národným povstaním je dnes aktuálnejšie, ako kedykoľvek predtým. Punc politického mainstreamu totižto získavajú politické sily, ktoré predstavujú vlastný, (neo)ľudácky... more
translated by Maria Pons Irazazábal
Recensione del primo volume della collana Atis / Quaderni di storia svizzera, apparsa sulla rivista «Il Cantonetto».
Статья посвящена рассмотрению содержания периодической печати, издававшейся на оккупированных нацистами в годы Великой Отечественной войны на оккупированных территориях. Фашистские захватчики в пропагандистских целях активно... more
During the Soviet occupation of Polish eastern borderlands in 1939–1941 thousands of foresters were arrested and deported to distant regions of Soviet Union. They were forced to work and live in poor conditions. After German invasion on... more
В статье сделан акцент на рассмотрение опыта двух малых североевропейских стран (Дании и Норвегии), подвергшихся агрессии со стороны гитлеровской Германии 9 апреля 1940 года. Страны были оккупированы, а их элиты и народы выбрали разные... more
Το περιεχόμενο των κειμένων ανήκει στην αποκλειστική ευθύνη των συντελεστών της έκδοσης. ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑ: ΒΙΚΕΛΑΙΑ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ Συντονισμός: Στεφανία Τερζάκη
Artykuł został poświęcony jednemu z kresowych kapłanów aresztowanemu i więzionemu przez władze sowieckie w latach 1941-1942. Po zwolnieniu z więzienia wstąpił do Polskich Sił Zbrojnych w ZSRR, z którymi został ewakuowany na Bliski Wschód.... more
The study aims at introducing the fighting and occupying activity of the Kárpát operational group and its subordinated units, set up at the beginning of the Hungarian offensive against the Soviet Union, from their crossing of the... more
Appendix 1 of Section D for Destruction: forerunner of SOE (Pen & Sword, 2017). Transcript of documents within TNA 8/256 relating to the establishment of the 'D Scheme' of March 1939. These outline the authorisation given for Section... more
מעורבות הישוב היהודי, דרך ארגון ההגנה והפלמ"ח, בסיוע ישיר ליהודי אירופה במהלך מלחמת העולם השנייה. הרקע לפעולות, אשר ננקטו באותה תקופה, מאופיין בתחילה בהיערכות הישוב לאפשרות של פלישה נאצית לא"י. בהמשך הופנו מאמצים לסיוע לצבא הבריטי בלחימה... more
Journal Kino! (Ljubljana)
From 1940 to 1944, the Belgian government in exile in London had its own secret service, known as the Administration de la Sûreté de l’Etat, the Sûreté . Its main role was to gather intelligence on occupied Belgium. The Sûreté was also an... more
The present work focuses on the Nazi Occupation regime in the Ukraine, 1941-1944. The special emphasis is made on the dynamics and unique features of the occupation, which are discussed in a broader context of German academic and... more
The contents of this paper have been updated extensively since it was written and published, taking into account the author's growing knowledge of the resistance in France, the multitude of archival references to André in the National... more
Током окупације Србије у Другом светском рату јеврејска заједница до-живела је огромно страдање – Холокауст. Нацистички окупатор при-менио је на Јевреје своје расне законе, изопштио их из друштва, њихових професија, конфисковао имовину,... more