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The overwhelming majority of those accused of witchcraft during the early modern European witch-hunt were women. 80-percent of the accused were female with some regions seeing figures as high as 96 percent. The stereotype of the witch as... more
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      Early Modern HistoryNordic StudiesMasculinity StudiesNordic History
More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and... more
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      History of ScienceAlchemyMagicHistory of Astrology
Uncorrected proofs of chapter on "Contemporary Ritual Magic" for The Occult World (Routledge, 2014), edited by Christopher Partridge.
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      New Religious MovementsMagicContemporary ReligionOcculture
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMagicDemonology
The practice of occultism is an alternative phenomenon in respect of the ordinary modalities of the dominant religious institutions in a given historical period. On occasion, however, this practice is not confined to the context of... more
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      OccultismHistory of magicRituals
A partir de trois concepts clefs ("secret", "occulte" et "merveille") envisagés sur une période définie (la Renaissance) le premier numéro d'Arcana Naturae (en cours d'impression) a permis d'établir la fécondité d'un champ de recherche,... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyHistory of SciencePhilosophy of History
A study of Archbishop Agobard of Lyon's skepticism about weather magic and the "tempestarii" who supposedly performed it. Also airships!
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      Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Medieval MagicSuperstitions and Superstitious BeliefHistory of magic
Exploring the tales of many of the mysterious and captivating Faerie Queens, this exceptional anthology contains eighteen essays exploring the diverse accounts and themes associated with the Faerie Queens and their influence in magic,... more
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      Comparative ReligionCultural HistoryAnthropologyFolklore
Even the most powerful of monarchs could be conceived as vulnerable to witchcraft and sorcery. Witchcraft against a monarch had a particularly public aspect, pitting the witch against the community as a whole rather than a particular... more
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      MonarchyHistory of magicWitchcraftSorcery
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      Comparative ReligionCultural HistoryAnthropologyFolklore
Der Begriff Hydromantie begegnet uns seit Isidor von Sevillia (Etymologiae VIII 9, 13), der denselben wiederum von Varro übernommen hatte, in allen einschlägigen Texten der mittelalterlichen Superstitions- und Magiekritik von Hrabanus... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Medieval MagicSuperstitions and Superstitious Belief
A review of the 'Spellbound' exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum and the 'Living in a Magical World' conference, at the University of Oxford, September 2018.
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      Museum StudiesApotropaic DevicesDivinationMagic
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ScienceMedieval MagicHistory of magic
This collection of articles will illustrate the close relationship between music and magic that existed from 1100 and 1600, especially in the West. The question which we seek to answer here is not: "Did there exist a relationship between... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyMedieval HistoryLiturgy
This paper reviews the evidence for Neolithic burial practices in SE Arabia, focusing in particular on sites in the Ja'alan region of eastern Oman. Attention is given to the nature of material buried with human remains, including... more
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      ReligionPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyDeath
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsLate AntiquityGreek Archaeology
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyHistory of ReligionEgyptian History
Celem tekstu jest przedstawienie magicznych, a w szczególności apotropaicznych zastosowań części ciała hieny, na podstawie fragmentu Historii naturalnej Pliniusza Starszego. W artykule opisuję biologiczną specyfikę tego zwierzęcia oraz... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationsHistory of Religion
Montaner, Alberto, «Brujas, demonios, astrólogos y nigromantes» [entrevista por Mariano García], Heraldo de Aragón, 25.01.2015.
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      MagicWestern Esotericism (History)Superstitions and Superstitious BeliefHistory of magic
Цель этой статьи – исследовать своеобразие древнеегипетской ментальности и культуры в отношении восприятия природы имени. Автор рассматривает религиозно-магические практики, непосредственно связанные с использованием имен богов и людей, а... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Ancient EgyptHistory of magic
ARCANA NATURAE is an annual journal published by Agorà & Co. that follows a double-blind peer review process. The official working languages of the journal are French, English and Italian. It deals with all “secret” disciplines, namely... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of ScienceMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Witchcraft, Religion and Magic
Magic has been an important term in Western history and continues to be an essential topic in the modern academic study of religion, anthropology, sociology, and cultural history. 'Defining Magic' is the first volume to assemble key texts... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyHistory of ReligionEtymology
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      Art HistoryHistory of ReligionMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of Science
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Codicology of medieval manuscriptsHistory of magic
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      Prague UniversityMedieval MagicHistory of magicFifteenth and Sixteenth century culture
The book is dedicated to what we could broadly define 'Solomonic magical objects' (ch. 2). This notion includes a series of items that are traditionally associated with the king of Israel, mostly through non-canonical sources: the ring,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMaterial Culture StudiesMateriality (Anthropology)Medieval Art
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesDivinationHistory of Science
équipe de rédaction / editorial team / gruppo di redazione directeur / editor / direttore donato verardi secrétaire de rédaction / assistant editor / segretario di redazione thibaut rioult comité de rédaction / editorial board / comitato... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of Renaissance ScienceTheurgyNeoplatonism
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
In 1459, the manuscript called Thott 290 2° (now stored in Copenhagen) was completed at the request Hans Talhoffer. Most of its teachings related to the myriad forms of fighting that were the trade of a fencing master. However, modern... more
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      History of Military TechnologyMedieval MagicHistory of military EngineeringHistory of magic
Compito degli inquisitori era rintracciare la presenza di eretici nelle comunità e condannarli in base alle pene previste dal diritto inquisitoriale, che potevano comprendere forme di penitenza di vario genere e giungere fino all'abiura... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of ScienceHistory of AstrologyEarly Modern Science and Philosophy
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      History of ScienceKabbalahMedieval MagicHistory of magic
Ask and ye shall receive: warning this may be a bit long. I don"t think anyone has hit me up for an explanation of Baphomet before… this ought to be fun. I don"t think there is a more controversial, misused and misunderstood symbol in all... more
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      History of magicBaphomet
This book aims to treat the history of magic and experimental science and their relations to Christian thought during the first thirteen centuries of our era, with especial emphasis upon the tweelfth and thirteenth centuries. No adequate... more
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      HistoryOccultismHistoriaHistory of magic
Even though the concept of “magic” has sufffered severe criticism in academic discourse, the category continues to be used in many disciplines. During the last two decades, classicists in particular have engaged in a lively discussion... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of ReligionMagicStudy of Religions
Throughout history, the Druids have always been seen as sorcerers who had a strong bond with nature. Ancestral knowledge holders within Celtic society, directed all religious activity as the highest authority linked to the gods, practiced... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
To what extent were practitioners of magic inspired by fictional accounts of their art? In how far did the daunting narratives surrounding legendary magicians such as Theophilus of Adana, Cyprianus of Antioch, Johann Georg Faust or... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
In recent years, we have witnessed an efflorescence of research on Islamic esoteric traditions and occult thought. Such scholarly activity established that occultism is a part of Islamic intellectual history that cannot be overlooked;... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesSufismWestern Esotericism (History)
The Arabic original of the ninth-century pseudo-Platonic Kitāb al-Nawāmīs (The Book of Sacred Secrets) has not been discovered save for fragments from Paris arabe 2577 ff. 104-5, containing only three chapters. Through a Latin... more
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      Medieval StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Cannibalism has been connoted negatively among many Western civilizations throughout history, medieval Iceland included. Icelandic giants were characterized by a diet consisting mainly of horsemeat (banned by the Church) and human flesh... more
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      Medieval HistoryOld Norse LiteratureMagicCannibalism
In Islamic magic, the Greatest Name of God is traditionally represented in graphic form by a series of seven glyphs known as the Seven Seals; the series is also known to Jewish Kabbalah. Ciphers of a very different appearance,... more
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Mistrz Twardowski jest próbą obrobienia ludowego podania […]. Nic o niej więcej powiedzieć nie możemy, oprócz że to próba sklejenia z kawałków potłuczonego zwierciadła, na której znać i rysy, i klej, i to, czego zabrakło i co... more
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      FolkloreJungian psychologyArchetypesGeorges Dumezil
In Islamic mysticism and theurgy, the Seven Seals represent in graphic form the Greatest Name of God; in Jewish Kabbalah, the Seals bear individual Divine Names which collectively form a “Great Name.” We review and compare the primary... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative EsotericismJewish MysticismMagic
Diese Arbeit wurde als ein Versuch gedacht, die Rolle des Magischen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst bzw. Kultur durch die Beziehungen und die konvergenten Wege zwischen den bildenden Künstlern und der Magie darzulegen. Während der Recherche... more
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      MagicHistory of magicMagiaHistoria Social De La Magia
The word "characters" covers a number of different phenomena in the Middle Ages. It might refer to a list of incomprehensible signs and astrological symbols inscribed in a talismanic sigil, to a series of Latin letters used for magical... more
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      Medieval MagicPicatrixHistory of magicTalismanic Magic
EDIT: I have recently learned that the primary author of this manuscript was in fact Robert Ashley, founder of the Middle Temple Library in London. While I have not yet had a chance to return to this paper in order to correct it, I would... more
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      Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Renaissance magic and astrologyHistory of magicRobert Ashley
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) is one of the most important thinkers of the Italian Renaissance. For the first time ever, this book reconstruct Pico’s philosophy and theology focusing on the interweaving of myth, magic and... more
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      Jewish MysticismMedieval TheologyCount Giovanni Pico della MirandolaSymbolism
Marsilio Ficino's De Vita libri tres (1489) has been an important influence on the history of magic in the Christian West, both for its transmission of ancient and medieval astral magic and for his reflections on licit and illicit forms... more
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      Paracelsus (Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus von Hohenheim)History of AstrologyAstral MagicWestern Esotericism (History)
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      History of ReligionHistory of ScienceColonialismIbn Khaldun