Fifteenth and Sixteenth century culture
Recent papers in Fifteenth and Sixteenth century culture
In the first decades of the fifteenth century, Alonso of Cartagena assumed the task of translating quite a few works written by or attributed to Seneca. One of them is the so-called Copilación, which is a romance version of a selection of... more
3 Fellowships are available for 2019-20
Deadline: 3 June 2019
Starting date: 1 October 2019
Grant value: 1.350 Euro/month
Deadline: 3 June 2019
Starting date: 1 October 2019
Grant value: 1.350 Euro/month
[This essay is an early sketch of the project on scholars' household, habits and gendering science in the sixteenth century. Most parts are to be revised in the book.] Until the fifteenth century, celibacy was the rule among Christian... more
René d’Anjou’s Livre des tournois is famous as the most substantial account of the organisation of a medieval tournament that has come down to us. It survives in eight manuscripts, most of which have an almost identical layout; the best... more
The overt mercantilism of The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye has overshadowed important questions surrounding the poem’s purpose and literary form. As the work attempts to justify economic protectionism, its preoccupation with legal and... more
The article investigates the semantics of the leonine reliefs on the Torah ark of 1522/23 of the synagogue built by Jewish exiles from Catalonia in Rome by permission of Pope Leo X. The proposed interpretation of the lion is derived from... more
CFP: Beyond the Microcosm: The Impact of Confraternities on the Civic Sphere. Since the formation of the Society for Confraternity Studies, which celebrates it 30th anniversary in 2019, the subject of Confraternity Studies has moved on... more
Chivalric traditions continued to shape all aspects of life for those of high status in the late medieval and early modern periods. But this same period has most often been characterised as witnessing a decline of chivalry. Indeed William... more
The article presents evidence supporting the hypothesis (proposed for the first time by Bettini in 1944) that Alvise Lamberti da Montagnana, Codussi's assistant at the Scuola Grande di San Marco and the author of the tomb of Tommasina... more
It is well known that theatre on Christian themes was performed in the churches established across Kyūshū by Jesuit missionaries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, the only primary sources through which this performance... more
Chapter: 'Aficionados y compradores'. The sixteenth-century Spanish collectors of paintings by Jheronimus Bosch in the Netherlands.
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading habits of the late fifteenth-century English gentry as their preferences would help to envisage the process of shaping political mentality and ultimately the identity of the... more
Scoring Masculinity: the English Tournament and the Jousting Cheques of the early Sixteenth Century The ambassador Philippe de Bregilles writing to Margaret of Savoy in August 1513 stated that she, 'is aware he is a second king and it... more
Pascasius Justus Turcq was born in the Flemish town of Eeklo. As a young man, he travelled through Spain before devoting himself to the study of philosophy and medicine in Italy. On gaining his doctorate, he returned north and settled in... more
The emergence of Protestant nations in sixteenth-century Europe was driven by the sudden rediscovery of biblical nationalism, a political model that did not separate the religious from the political. Biblical nationalism was new because... more
Het gebeurt niet vaak dat er nog onbekende middeleeuwse culinaire recepten opduiken. Toch brengt dit artikel acht niet eerder gepubliceerde recepten onder de aandacht. Ze zijn afkomstig uit het tweede deel van het convoluut KANTL Gent 15.... more
Thesis Submitted for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy
to the Senate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
by Ilia Rodov, Jerusalem, 2003
to the Senate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
by Ilia Rodov, Jerusalem, 2003
Thesis Submitted for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy
to the Senate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
by Ilia Rodov, Jerusalem, 2003
to the Senate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
by Ilia Rodov, Jerusalem, 2003
Editing key texts of the Later Middle and Early Modern Periods of Islamicate Intellectual History This call for applications pursues a novel approach to one of the fundamental problems of Islamicate History, and Islamicate intellectual... more
"Il concetto d'imitazione nella lettera di Pietro Summonte (1524). La pittura fiamminga e la costruzione di un’identità culturale napoletana aragonese", in La Corona d'Aragona e l'Italia. Atti del XX Congresso della Corona d'Aragona... more
The first prints of Transylvania – Sibiu, 1525. Anuarul Institutului de Istorie George Bariţ din Cluj-Napoca. Series Historica 46 (2007): 89–106.
The culture at the ducal court of Sigmund and Albrecht IV of Bavaria-Munich was characterised by a coexistence of traditional as well as novel concepts and interests, which were expressed in the dukes’ artistic, architectural and literary... more
In his 'Livre du Coeur d’Amour épris' (1457), René, Duke of the Angevin territories and King of Sicily during the fifteenth century, recounts the journey undertaken by his personified Heart toward Douce Merci, the woman of his affection.... more
l. Nell'incbiesta della Congregazione dell'Indice (1599)(1600) I! 25 gennaio 1600 il procuratore generale dei minori osservanti Francesco da Lugnano comunicava ai provinciali dell'ordine che la Congrcgazione dell'Indice aveva fissato... more
La raccolta di saggi di Concetta Bianca illustra quattro decenni di appassionata e originale ricerca nel campo della filologia e della letteratura umanistica. La selezione riunisce alcuni dei suoi contributi più rappresentativi, rimasti... more
Following compromising statements made to the Inquisition by their black slave Helena, the Portuguese humanist of Sephardic origin Duarte Gomes, fled Lisbon with his family in the early days of November 1542, travelling straight to... more
Half a century ago Jürgen Habermas published his seminal work Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit (1962–2012), in which he formalized his ideal-typical model of the public sphere. The influence of the Habermasian paradigm in the... more
All'interno di una mappa interattiva interdisciplinare pensata per gli approfondimenti didattici degli istituti di istruzione superiore di II grado, questa scheda storica affronta in modo lineare e sintetico l'importanza, in età Moderna,... more
The Ottoman imperial ideology developed under Süleymān the Magnificent (r. 1520-66) was heavily occult-scientific in tenor, as is well known, and especially lettrist; less well known is the fact that Selīm the Grim (r. 1512-20) too... more
Il saggio propone l'inedita attribuzione al misterioso "Maestro dell'Adorazione di Glasgow" di due tavole dipinte raffiguranti i SS. Pietro e Paolo custodite nella chiesa di S. Lucia in Terlizzi (BA). Parti superstiti di un polittico... more