Hittite archaeology
Recent papers in Hittite archaeology
Abstract. The Hittite cuneiform texts, especially spells and rituals, are characterized by various ritual actions. In this case, we will focus on the use of saliva/spit in the form of "spit, spit towards, spit into, spit out, spit... more
The Late Hittite period is marked by the emergence of independent city-states in southern and southeastern Anatolia following the collapse of the Hittite Empire. This cultural heritage not only preserved Hittite traditions but also... more
2010 Kahramanmaraş Yüzey Araştırması
Eine gesiegelte Tonbulle mit Hieroglypheninschrift“, in: A. Schachner „Die Ausgrabungen in Boğazköy-Hattuša 2014“
The individual and societal trauma created by the February 6th Kahramanmaraş earthquakes that affected the major cities of Southeastern Türkiye and Syria are far beyond the devastating destruction, particularly at Antakya, where almost... more
This is a detective story of how the Bronze Age was murdered. During the investigation, eyewitnesses are interviewed, and evidence is secured in many different countries. Little by little, the pieces of the puzzle come together to form a... more
The aim of this book is to provide new insights on the multi-faceted topic of the relationships between ancient Greece and ancient Anatolia before the Classical era. This is a rapidly evolving field of enquiry, thanks to the recent... more
The most controversial archaeological data of Millawanda, whose name we learned from Late Bronze Age Hittite sources, is its defensive architecture. Sharing the results of the studies carried out by A. von Gerkan, C. Weickert, A. Mallwitz... more
Güncel Anadolu toplumunun; sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel ve teknik dünyasında Anadolu geçmişinin etkilerini görmek kaçınılmazdır. Hititlerde Anadolu geçmişinin ilk siyasi birliği olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Günümüzden 4000 yıl önce... more
Çalışmamızda Karanovo kültürünün coğrafi özellikleri ve kronolojisi ve diğer çağdaş Balkan kültürleri ile karşılaştırılması hedeflenmektedir. Karanovo Kültürünün coğrafyasına bakacak olursak, Trakya bölgesinde tanımlanabildiğini... more
Türk Arkeolojisi için seçkin bir yere sahip ve barındırdığı kültürel miras ile Anadolu’nun yazılı (tarihi) devirlere geçişini anlamamızı sağlayan eski bir yerleşim olan Kültepe’de; Assur Ticaret Kolonileri Dönemi konut yapıları, dönemin... more
The geography of northern Central Anatolia, the heartland of the Hittite Empire, is characterized by agreat heterogeneity of topography, geologyand climate. Thisl eadst oacorrespondingly large diversity of anthropogenic lifestyles and... more
Since the beginning of the study of H ttite culture, architecture has played a central role. While the focus has long been on a typological-descriptive approach to inventory the findings, the potential for understanding the development of... more
The Assyrian Trade Colonies Period, chronologically comes after the Old Bronze Age which has been represented by a rich cultural level in Eskiyapar Mound, continues without a break in settlement stratigraphy. The following period, namely... more
يتطرق البحث على انتشار الأمراض في العراق القديم، وما هي الخطوات لمعالجة الأمراض المعدية سواء على البشر أو الحيوانات
This is a short overview of the history of using statistical methods in processing large amounts of ceramic sherds in archaeology. It begins with the first usage of this method in a descriptive way in Alişar; the application of... more
As part of the interdisciplinary research project into the Hittite capital of Hattuša, various digital methods have been used since 2014 in cooperation with Italian universities for the three-dimensional documentation of large-format... more
Tuz Gölü'nün hemen güneyinde bulunan Acemhöyük, Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağı'nın önemli ticari ve siyasi merkezlerinden biridir. Günümüze kadar sürdürülen çalışmalar, Acemhöyük'ün MÖ III. binyılın ilk yarısından itibaren iskân gördüğünü... more
by Valerio PISANIELLO, in Res Antiquae 21, 2024.***This article proposes a new edition of Muršili II’s highly fragmentary Pestgebet KBo 14.75, for which a very tentative restoration of the text is offered based on parallels in other... more
In spring 2022, 120 years after the first excavations, a team from LMU Munich, in collaboration with the University al-Qadissiya (Diwaniyah), carried out excavations in Fāra, ancient Šuruppak. An important result of the short excavation... more
The biggest temple of the Syrian Storm God Haddu was situated in Aleppo. It dates from the Early Bronze IV until Roman Times and was excavated by Kay Kohlmeyer in cooperation with the Syrian Antiquities Organisation. The temple is... more
merkmal bescherte und den er an seine Schülerinnen und Schüler weitergegeben hat: die gleichberechtigte, wenn nicht vorrangige Heranziehung der enchorischen Quellen gegenüber der klassischen Literatur für die Untersuchung der Geschichte... more
Das "Angebot" an Spenderorganen ist in Deutschland seit Jahren unzureichend. Während die Verbesserungen der Operationstechnik und die Einführung wirksamerer Immunsuppressiva neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten schufen, ist die Motivation zum... more
Hethitische Festrituale waren nicht nur aufwendige Zeremonien zu Ehren der Götter, sondern legen Zeugnis ab von einer komplexen Kultverwaltung und von ihrer zentralen Bedeutung für die Demonstration der Machtordnung im hethitischen Reich.... more
The continuation of the research on Büyükkale’s Northwest Slope (BK-NWH), on the Büyükkale and on the western slope of the Upper Town has yielded significant new results relating to the Hittite period. The development of the Upper City... more
يتطرق الكتاب تاريخ سوريا وفلسطين بشكل مختصر، موضحا الجانب السياسي والاجتماعي والديني والاقتصادي في منطقة بلاد الشام
The so-called Great Temple and the monumental buildings in its vicinity are the most emblematic structures in the Hittite capital Ḫattuša. It is one of the best-preserved ensembles of monumental Hittite architecture, which stands par... more
Through the agency of animals, we think about our identity, landscape and society, and therefore animal imagery holds a special place in approaches to human thought. Through a study of the zoomorphic figurine assemblage recorded at the... more
يتطرق البحث على لوحة تمثل فارس فرثي يصيد اسد بالرمح ، وهذا المشهد من تراث وتقاليد عراقية قديمة جسد في لوحة تعود الى عهد المملكة الفرثية في العراق
This showcase presents the best-preserved examples of poetic repetition and parallelism in the Hittite Šar Tamḫāri. Drawing on theoretical approaches to parallelism used in Assyriology and, more recently, Hittitology, it is shown that the... more
MÖ 2. bin yılda Orta Tunç Çağı’nda Anadolu’da bir devlet kurmuş olan Hititler çok sayıda tanrı ve tanrıçadan oluşan tanrılar topluluğuna sahiplerdi. Bu geniş panteonda bazen aynı tanrı farklı kavimler tarafından benimsenip kendi... more
يتطرق البحث عن الملك مورسيلي الثاني ومكانة الملكة الام باعتبارها تاونانا واثرها في البلاط الحثي
يتناول البحث مجمع الآلهة الحثية حيث يفتخر الحثيون بان لديهم الف إله ، وفي الحقيقة البعض منها آلهة من بلاد الرافدين، ومن الحوريين، وبلاد الشام، وآلهة محلية في بلاد الاناضول
يتناول البحث تاريخ المملكة الحثية منذ تاسيسها وحتى سقوطها ، مع ذكر منجزات الملوك الحثيين الحربية ،وملخص عن المجتمع والاساطير الحثية
The 2022 excavation season at Uşaklı Höyük, located in the Sorgun district of Yozgat, Turkey, marked the sixteenth season of collaborative archaeological work by Turkish and Italian teams. The site, inhabited from the late 3rd millennium... more
RS 25.435 (AuOrS 23, no. 36) was previously identified as a fragment of the Epic of Tukultī-Ninurta. In light of newly discovered fragment from Aššur (VAT 10722 + VAT 12178), this view is untenable.