Hittite archaeology
Recent papers in Hittite archaeology
In this book, Claudia Glatz reconsiders the concept of empire and the processes of imperial making and undoing by investigating the practices, places, and things and their evolving interconnections with people, that together produce,... more
The end of the Early Bronze Age, in other words the EBA III, is one of the significant turning points in the cultural history of the Anatolian Peninsula. Metal objects that indicate social class differences, advancements in architecture,... more
Excavations undertaken at Uşaklı Höyük in Turkey during 2018 revealed a mosaic stone floor associated with a large building of Hittite date. This unique discovery raises new questions about the origin of mosaic flooring in Near Eastern... more
Very little research has been done on the symbolic use of the double-headed eagle motif B.C.E. This paper treats the double-headed eagle relief at the Hittite site of Yazilikaya, located in central present-day Turkey. Occupied in the... more
A short paper that analyzes the battle between Pharaoh Ramesses II of Egypt & Emperor Muwatalli II of the Hittites.
This paper refers to the policy of exile that practiced by some of the kings of the Hittite state. In fact, this policy does not reach as far as the Assyrian kings, who were famous for the deportation policy, this policy in Khati was... more
One typical feature of the Hittite official cult is the significant role assigned to non-urban, open-air cultic space. Open-air 'sanctuaries' 1 have been found in many locations across Central and even Western Anatolia. A notable number... more
Presentazione power point della "Storia ed Archeologia degli Ittiti e della loro capitale".
Ebenso wie die jüngeren Epochen der hethitischen Geschichte ist auch die althethitische Periode durch grundlegende Probleme bei der Strukturierung und Datierung der archäologischen Hinterlassenschaften gekennzeichnet. Neben der... more
In Hittite Landscape and Geography Mark Weeden and Lee Ullmann have gathered 28 specialist authors to present an up-to-date account of research on the Geography of Late Bronze Age Anatolia (second half of the second millennium BC) using... more
A comparison of Ancient Near-Eastern vassal treaties and their relationship to the Deuteronomy, demonstrating how Deuteronomy matches the structure of Hittite vassal treaties from the 16th to 13th centuries B.C.E.
De mi r i ş2 0 0 2 De mi r i ş , B e d i a , E s k i ç a ğ d aYa z ıAr a çv eGe r e ç l e r i , E s k i ç a ğ E n s t i t ü s üYa y ı n l a r ı , İ s t a n b u l . E r g i n ö z2 0 0 7 -2 0 0 8 E r g i n ö z ,Ga y eŞ . ," Hi t i t l e r i... more
Die Geschichte der Amarnazeit und das Wirken der verschiedenen Charaktere, deren Namen Echnaton, Nofretete, Tutanchamun oder Aja II. wohl vielen Individuen ein Begriff sein dürften, ist in der Ägyptologie auch weiterhin ein... more
The world of distillation has many fathers and mothers and an abundant progeny. The world of Medicine, Perfumery, Alchemy, and Spirits have claimed a leading role. Understanding anything about it becomes a basic need, and a decisive... more
in kardeşi ve halefi Halil Edhem Bey [Eldem]'e (1861[Eldem]'e ( -1938 ait küçük bir evrak koleksiyonunun içinde yer alan bir zarfta, uzun yıllar müzenin komiserliğini yapmış arkeolog Theodor Makridi'nin 1902Makridi'nin -1907 yılları... more
Hatti, Hittites, Luwians, Hurrians and Assyrians: the Foundations of Civilization of Anatolia and the Origin of today's Turkey First published on 1st August 2021 here:... more
Ever since the Hittite city of Boğazköy was discovered in 1834, Hittite people, their culture, and society have been a great source of both archaeological and historical interest. Their kings, known as one of the three Great Kings of the... more
Αντικείμενο της μελέτης είναι η διερεύνηση του ιστορικού υπόβαθρου που δημιούργησε τα ομηρικά έπη και τον επικό κύκλο. Το αντικείμενο αυτό απασχολεί βέβαια την έρευνα από τα χρόνια των αλεξανδρινών φιλολόγων· ωστόσο νέες ανακαλύψεις,... more
ABSTRACT: This Ancient Near East and adjacent regions' resource guide represents an updated guide compiling diverse encyclopedae entries, book chapters, and various books (plus listing and reviewing many pertinent documentaries and Great... more
Questa pubblicazione è stata realizzata con il contributo della Università degli Studi di Torino -Dipartimento di Studi Storici Progetto DEMS_PRIN_2015_16_01 "L'Anatolia antica: politiche imperiali e culture locali tra XV e VII secolo... more
Sayı: 16 Volume: 16 2013 Prof. Dr. Kutlu Emre (21.05.1932 -25.12.2014) Saygıyla anıyoruz...
Independent LBA-EIA radiocarbon chronologies supported by wiggle-matched tree-ring sequences could provide reliable estimates for the final destruction date of major Hittite, Arzawan or Mycenaean settlements in Anatolia and Greece.... more