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The article describes the study conducted upon the general aspects of passive design considerations in the selected Malaysian hospitals. Through literature review, observation and random interviews, the study had made comparison on both... more
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      Design Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Facilities (Architecture)Hospital and healthcare facility architecture
A retrospective on the Malaysian experiences in implementing the ten master planning of existing hospitals projects under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan (coded as 980 MAL). Qualitative and quantitative approaches had been used... more
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      Healthcare facilityHospital and healthcare facility architecture
“Sustainability” is a broad concept and a requirement in building designs that tend to be abused by trends and over commercialisation. In the area of hospital design, new is usually associated with being modern, and therefore green. In... more
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      Green Architecture and Environmental DesignHospital DesignResearch in ArchitectureHospital and healthcare facility architecture
Standard and customized designs had been the Malaysian phenomena in public facility building programme including healthcare. The practice was initiated prior to Malaysia " s independence till today to meet the local and global (WHO) needs... more
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      StandardizationHealthcare Facility PlanningHospital and healthcare facility architecture
Ky botim, është një tentativë për të kthyer vëmendjen në një kapitull të pashkruar të historisë së arkitekturës shqiptare; në trashëgiminë e realizmit socialist. Duke hedhur vështrimin në një periudhë në të cilën është ndërtuar shumë dhe... more
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      ArchitectureSocialist RealismArt, architecture and social history about hospitals in middle ages (c. 1300-1500)Hospital Design
People with mental health issues are vastly overrepresented in the Australian prison system. This paper discusses the master planning and design of Ravenhall Correctional Centre in Victoria, Australia to increase outcomes for male... more
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      CriminologyArchitectureMental HealthForensic Mental Health
El modelo fue desarrollado, probado, validad y aplicado durante la ejecución del proyecto de construcción, con algunos elementos de ahorro y uso eficiente de energía, de la unidad médica especializada en salud mental UNEME, anexa al... more
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      Mental HealthConstruction Project ManagementEnergy Efficiency BuildingsQuality of Mental Health Care
A unidade de urgência e emergência, destinada ao atendimento imediato, têm sofrido grande aumento de demanda nos últimos anos, ocasionado principalmente por deficiências organizacionais do sistema de saúde e aumento nos índices de... more
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      Architecture and Public SpacesEmergency DepartmentHospital and healthcare facility architecture
La città e la cura. Spazi, istituzioni, strategie, memoria AISU - Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana Pavia, 10-11-12 settembre 2020 PRIMO GIORNO 10 settembre 2020 15,00-17,00 TAVOLA ROTONDA 2. I luoghi della cura tra Medioevo ed età... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryEnlightenmentUrbanism
A briefing document to help designers to design better hospitals
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    • Hospital and healthcare facility architecture
The purpose of this literature review is to provide a better understanding of the impact that environmental design can have on the process of cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Cancer is considered a chronic... more
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      Interior DesignCancerCancer SurvivorshipHealth
Describe el ciclo de diseño, planificación para una instalación de salud en áreas rurales en Guatemala correlacionándolo con el tiempo en que un sistema de diagnóstico tarda en ser implementado, estableciendo que en la mayor parte de los... more
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      Planned ObsolescenceHospital and healthcare facility architecture
The concept of resilience in the architecture solutions to healthcare buildings and the real legacy of Olympic Games Rio 2106 to the Rio de Janeiro City .
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      ArchitectureResilience (Sustainability)Public HealthHealthcare Management
This paper provided a brief insight on the history of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) for Malaysian public healthcare buildings from post independence to date; the POE team formation, the proceedings of the POE, the findings of the POE;... more
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      Public HealthHospital and healthcare facility architecture
Un esempio di architettura a servizio di chi ha bisogno di restare vicino ai propri piccoli anche nel difficile momento del ricovero ospedaliero. Come il senso di casa temporanea può essere espresso nei caratteri spaziali di... more
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      Hospital and healthcare facility architectureHealth care architecture
The article describes the study conducted upon the general aspects of passive design considerations in the selected Malaysian hospitals. Through literature review, observation and random interviews, the study had made comparison on both... more
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    • Hospital and healthcare facility architecture
A retrospective on the Malaysian experiences in implementing the ten master planning of existing hospitals projects under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loan (coded as 980 MAL). Qualitative and quantitative approaches had been used... more
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      Healthcare facilityHospital and healthcare facility architecture