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Turismul în România a suferit schimbări considerabile în procesul de tranziţie spre economia de piaţă. Aceste modificări, însoţite de soluţiile neadecvate adoptate de autorităţi, au determinat o situaţie discordantă între ceea ce prezintă... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingTourism ManagementSocial Marketing
En este trabajo se analiza una serie de aspectos en torno al parque ecoarqueológico Xcaret, en la Riviera Maya, en Quintana Roo, y se hace hincapié en el componente organizacional y empresarial que lo sustenta, por ser un modelo de... more
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      Organizational BehaviorTourismEducaciónEmprendimiento
Resumo Os meios de hospedagem não são apenas locais destinados ao repouso dos turistas. Modificações socioculturais ao longo do tempo tornaram esses estabelecimentos em lugares que vão além de um ambiente confortável para um descanso, com... more
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      HotelariaControladoriaGestão Hoteleira
As crianças têm desempenhado cada vez um papel de influência nas famílias, inclusive nos hábitos de compra. Partindo da constatação de que não existem muitas pesquisas que foquem na opinião das crianças em relação ao turismo e às viagens... more
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      TurismoAnálise Do ComportamentoAnálise Experimental Do ComportamentoComportamento Do Consumidor
Este trabajo estudia los determinantes de la quiebra en el sector de la pequeña y mediana empresa hotelera española en el período 2000-2007. En concreto, se evalúa una muestra formada por 1,679 hoteles y se utilizan modelos de... more
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      Sustainability in Hotels & ResortsHotel OperationsTourism and Hotel ManagementTurismo
Tourism is acknowledged to be an important business sector in rural areas. This paper argues that second-home owners constitute an important market segment for businesses that offer nature-based tourism activities. Previous research has... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMarketingBusiness EthicsCommunication
The integrated resorts are considered a contemporary tourism product contributing towards a country's tourism development, sustainability and growth. The integrated resorts, being huge and significant investments for both the investors... more
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      TourismTurismoGestión CulturalHotelaria
RESUMO O turismo de sol e praia é um segmento muito conhecido e procurado, em especial na região nordeste por apresentar clima quente durante boa parte do ano. Sendo assim, destinos localizados nessa região têm encantado o público da... more
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      Tourism StudiesHospitality StudiesTurismoHotelaria
O sector de hotelaria está se deparando com um mercado cada vez mais competitivo, concorrência acirrada e clientes cada vez mais exigentes e informados. Ao longo dos tempos, os estabelecimentos hoteleiros têm tido a função de abrigar,... more
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kitchen checklist
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      Food SafetyHospitality StudiesFood and NutritionSustainability in Hotels & Resorts
This study is concerned with evaluating the performance of the hotel industry in the Sultanate of Oman through a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) procedure. In the first stage, DEA-bootstrap is used to estimate point and interval... more
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      Performance ManagementHotel OperationsTourismTourism and Hotel Management
With the increase of studies on hospitality professionals over the years, it is essential to perform a review on those works. This review was conducted through the databases Web of Knowledge, Web of Science (Social Sciences Index... more
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The attached copy shows a sample Sales and Marketing plan that author has developed for hotels.
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      Hospitality StudiesAdvertisingPublic RelationsSales & Operations Planning
Preface Training Managers Manual strikes a balance between research and real practices. It provides students with a solid background in the fundamentals of training and development such as needs assessment, transfer of training, learning... more
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      Training and SupervisionTraining and DevelopmentTrainingTeacher Training
n view of the exponential growth, now is the time to help the hotel industry transform itself and embrace project management as a strategic competence. Hotel Owners Manual is for those who manage hotel opening projects, including hotel... more
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      Training and SupervisionTraining and DevelopmentHuman Resource ManagementLanguage Teacher Training
Purpose-The research applies institutional theory to demonstrate if and how mimetic, coercive and normative pressures shape technology adoption in hotels and lead to institutional isomorphism. Design/methodology/approach-The study uses a... more
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      Technology AdoptionHotelariaTeoria Institucional
O presente relatório de estágio integra a fase final do Curso de Gestão Hoteleira Internacional, ministrado pela Escola de Turismo e Hotelaria de Cabo Verde e financiado pela Cooperação Luxemburguesa e cujo objectivo principal era de... more
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      Hotel OperationsTourism and Hotel ManagementHotel ManagementHotelaria
O objetivo global é avaliar o impacto das TIC na produtividade do setor hoteleiro em Portugal. Deste modo, pretendemos dar um contributo para a investigação do chamado paradoxo da produtividade das TIC, através do desenvolvimento de uma... more
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      Tourism StudiesSustainability in Hotels & ResortsHotel OperationsTourism
Site Oficial: < > - Dicionário de Turismo. Termos Técnicos do meio Turístico. FALCÃO. Luis Atualizado 2022 | Conceito Definições Siglas & Tipologias. Aplicações em Gestão de Turismo. Autor:... more
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      TurismoTurismo e CulturaHotelariaTURISMO E PLANEAMENTO
O presente trabalho revela a importância da ergonomia na identificação das ineficiências associadas ao setor de serviços operacionais de limpeza das unidades habitacionais (UHs) no setor de governança do hotel Grogotó de Barbacena -MG.... more
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      TourismTurismoHotelariaGestión de playas
The not so long ago traditional way of organizing a holiday by choosing a destination seen in an album or in various brochures at a travel agency, together with the use of a travel guide and a folding map has been steadily taken over in... more
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      ManagementMarketingTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
The integrated resorts are considered a contemporary tourism product contributing towards a country’s tourism development, sustainability and growth. The integrated resorts, being huge and significant investments for both the investors... more
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      TourismTurismoHotel ManagementHotelaria
We kindly ask you to participate in this research devoted to the adoption of service robots by travel, tourism and hospitality companies. By completing the questionnaire, you will be eligible to participate in an opportunity for one of... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
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    • Hotelaria
High Tech for High Touch Experiences: A Case Study from the Hospitality Industry Barbara Neuhofer, Dimitrios Buhalis, and Adele Ladkin eTourismLab Bournemouth University, United Kingdom {bneuhofer, dbuhalis,... more
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      Information TechnologyTourism StudiesEtourismTourism
SITUACIONES ENCONTRADAS EN EL HOTEL 1. El departamento de compras no ejecuta las compras acorde a las necesidades de almacenamiento y a los pedidos de los diferentes departamentos. Generándose muchas veces exceso de abarrotes, carnes y... more
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    • Hotelaria
As successful tourism firms invest heavily in marketing to defend or improve their competitive position, they increasingly need to measure their marketing performance. Previous studies related to tourism have largely focused on financial... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
This study analyzes the importance of food services in hotels in the city of João Pessoa – Paraíba, from the perspective of A&B managers. For this purpose, five hotel developments located in the city of João Pessoa were analyzed. This was... more
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      Hotel OperationsHotel ManagementHotelHotelaria
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      Birds (Ecology)TourismBirdwatchingTurismo
L'article discute la pertinence conceptuelle du terme tourisme religieux dans le contexte de la post-modernité. Il existe une capacité, en expansion, de générer des affaires, et par conséquent de produire un développement social et... more
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      MarketingBusiness AdministrationReligionComparative Religion
Romanian Tourism has undergone considerable changes in the transition to the market economy. These changes, together with the inappropriate solutions adopted by the authorities, led to an unsatisfactory performance of the Romanian... more
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      Database SystemsE MarketingData AnalysisHotel Operations
O presente artigo surge da necessidade de mapear os trabalhos de conclusão de curso de Hotelaria da Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac RS, com o intuito de construir o estado do conhecimento, seguindo uma abordagem qualitativa dos dados... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood HistoryFoodCultural Tourism
Da Série Turismo & Hotelaria Esta obra foi organizada pelo Grupo de Cultura e Estudos em Turismo (GCET), ligado ao Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria (DTH) do Centro de Comunicação, Turismo e Artes (CCTA) da Universidade Federal da... more
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      TurismoHotelariaResponsabilidad SocialResponsabilidade Social
Social media has changed the way tourists seek and exchange information, resulting in changes in the management of tourism businesses including hospitality facilities. Guest reviews and comments have had an impact on the reputation of... more
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      BusinessHospitality StudiesConsumer Behaviour in HospitalityInternational Marketing
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      Environmental SustainabilityHotelariaTourism Sustainability
With the increase of studies on hospitality professionals over the years, it is essential to perform a review on those works. This review was conducted through the databases Web of Knowledge, Web of Science (Social Sciences Index... more
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      ManagementEconomicsTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Alguns autores salientam a importância da maximização das emoções positivas, para que os hóspedes tenham uma experiência memorável, gerando, desse modo, um maior vínculo com o empreendimento hoteleiro. Este projeto tem como intuito... more
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      Design thinkingTourismTurismoHotelaria
Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyGame studiesTourism Studies
The fundamental objective of this critical research was to deeply look into the major intricacies of the hospitality industry in Addis Ababa city. To meet this vital objective, field study with observation and informal talks and... more
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      Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentTourismTurismoHuman Resources in Tourism and Hospitality
This study is concerned with evaluating the performance of the hotel industry in the Sultanate of Oman through a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) procedure. In the first stage, DEA-bootstrap is used to estimate point and interval... more
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      BusinessMarketingEngineeringPerformance Management
O livro organizado pelo Grupo de Cultura e Estudos em Turismo (GCET), ligado ao Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria (DTH) do Centro de Comunicação, Turismo e Artes (CCTA) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) em parceria com a... more
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      Tourism and Hotel ManagementTurismoHotelariaHotel Marketing Strategies
Booking cancellations have a substantial impact in demand-management decisions in the hospitality industry. Cancellations limit the production of accurate forecasts, a critical tool in terms of revenue management performance. To... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomicsHospitality Studies
This paper aims to contribute to increasing knowledge of performance evaluation methods used by the hotel industry, analysing whether there is a link between hotel characteristics and evaluation methods used. To achieve this goal we... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Law , R., Buhalis , D., Cobanoglu, C., Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Volume 26 Issue 5 pp. 727 - 750 The purpose of this... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyTourism Studies
La actividad turística se conforma en Andalucía como uno de los sectores económicos principales, siendo el turismo de sol y playa la actividad turística que más turistas e ingresos genera. Debido a esa importancia, el turismo de sol y... more
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      Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentTourismEducação AmbientalEcologia
O livro organizado pelo Grupo de Cultura e Estudos em Turismo (GCET), ligado ao Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria (DTH) do Centro de Comunicação, Turismo e Artes (CCTA) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) em parceria com a... more
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      TurismoAcessibilidadeHotelariaHospitality Industry Research (Hotel)
No está permitida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, ni su tratamiento informático, ni la transmisión de ninguna forma o por cualquier medio, ya sea electrónico, mecánico, por fotocopia, por registro u otros métodos, sin el... more
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      GeographyDevelopment StudiesResearch MethodologyEcotourism