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What higher education is still primarily concerned with when it comes to teaching communication skills, is the teaching of cognitive-academic language and related textual genres. In society and the workplace, however, these genres have... more
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      CommunicationHigher EducationTask-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)User Centred Design
Despite the recognised need for service design (SD) to understand the complexity in which it intervenes, we are concerned with its desire to fix dynamic configurations through a dominant instrumentalized worldview. We critique the journey... more
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      EpistemologyFeminist TheoryParticipatory DesignService Design
This thesis tackled the problem of errors in spreadsheets by studying mental models of spreadsheet authors performing various spreadsheet activities. Using a constructive research approach, we conducted three empirical studies and... more
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      Mental Models (Psychology)Human Centred Design
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      Reflective PracticeService DesignGraphic DesignDesign Research
Traditional PD research offers a range of methods for participant engagement. Yet little is shared of the microdynamics of participation at its most intense, when the designer as facilitator is challenged by a range of social... more
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      Participatory DesignCommunity ResilienceDesign for Social InnovationPhenomenology
The purpose of this feasibility study is to evaluate feasibility, viability and desirability of an online value-driven venture called the Persona Generator. A double-sided platform able to collect real people's story and organise them to... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipUser Experience (UX)Design for Social InnovationCollaborative Design
People have been designing services throughout human history in order to adapt and evolve in organized societies (Blomberg and Darrah 2014). As an extension, service design has emerged as a field of inquiry and an industry in the last two... more
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      Design educationService DesignHuman Centred Design
In this paper we describe how we have integrated several techniques of the "Design thinking" (DT) into the User Center Design (UCD) methodology in the process of development of project as a learning activity. The experimental activity has... more
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      EducationEngineering EducationHigher EducationUser Centred Design
This paper conceptualises the interplay of strategic design and market-shaping capabilities. Drawing on the emergent scholarly discourses related to strategic design and dynamic markets, this paper merges a contemporary view of markets... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesStrategic DesignDesign thinkingDesign Thinking (Business)
This paper discusses the articulation of humanistic psychology concepts to the principles of human-centred design in order to improve understanding individuals for whom we design products and services. It presents humanistic psychology as... more
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      User Experience (UX)User Centred DesignHuman-centred designUser profile
Using a field experiment and experience sampling, we found the first evidence that phone use may undermine the enjoyment people derive from real-world social interactions. In Study 1, we recruited over 300 community members and students... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMedia SociologyPsychologyOrganizational Psychology
This study examines how New Zealand as a brand impacts on the way international markets perceive the country as a destination and as a ‘country of origin’. Since 1999, Tourism New Zealand has promoted the country as a unique tourist... more
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      Communication DesignStrategic DesignNation BrandingBranding
(Available at: ) It’s always a good practice at the end of a project - or after each phase of it - to look back and analyze what went right or wrong, figure out the reasons of each failure and success. It helps... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)Business ModelingStorytellingProduct Design
English below*** Le phénomène du jeu à portée sociale est en plein essor depuis l’an 2000 (Burak 2017, Macklin 2003) et se retrouve sous toutes sortes d’appellations : jeux sérieux, jeux thérapeutiques, jeux éducatifs, science citoyenne... more
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      Game TheorySocial sciences and valuesUser Experience (UX)Human Values
Sustainability has been a contemporary vanguard for necessitating ethical questions in design. For some time, I have been questioning what it means to be an ethical designer and becoming increasingly troubled by persistence for a common... more
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      PhilosophyDesignFeminist TheoryJapanese Philosophy
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      DesignIndustrial DesignPhD ThesisHuman Centred Design
User involvement is an important issue that is currently discuss in software development industry. This is due to the incidence of user frustration when using a software product. The literature on software development reflected that the... more
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      Human Centred DesignHuman Centered Design for Development
In the context of large scale “wicked problems” (Rittel and Webber, 1973) such as natural disasters, no one entity can tackle this problem alone. Centralized, one-size-fits-all approaches to policy and service delivery are increasingly... more
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      Social NetworksDesign MethodsParticipatory DesignCommunity Resilience
Este artigo discute a contribuição de alguns conceitos das teorias da personalidade e da psicologia social para a compreensão do sujeito na elaboração de requisitos de projeto de novos produtos a partir de uma abordagem fenomenológica do... more
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    • Human Centred Design
The thesis challenges the general perception that job shop scheduling is a combinatorial exercise of allocating jobs to machines and sequencing operations on each machine. In practice, human schedulers produce functional schedules bound... more
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      Human Computer InteractionDecision MakingOperations ManagementOperations Research
サービスデザインとイノベーション学会 (ServDes.) は、サービスデザインとサービスイノベーション研究における知識交換のための主要国際研究学会で、学術界と産業界の双方を対象としています。 今回初めてオーストラリアとオンラインで開催され今後の基準となる学会でもあります。
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      Service DesignDesign ResearchCodesignHuman Centred Design
More organisations are adopting customer-centric innovation practices to increase business value; however, very little is known about the factors driving customer-centric innovation or the conditions under which innovation succeeds.... more
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      Service DesignDesign ManagementOrganisational ChangeDesign Innovation
This master’s thesis sought to understand the current practice of a regulatory agency to address complex problems and whether this could be supported by methods from the field of systemic design. The research comprised a qualitative case... more
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      Complexity TheoryRegulation And GovernanceSystems ThinkingCollaborative Design
Using a case study method, this thesis presents new insights into key contemporary pressures that are restricting the update of the design of Australian jockeys’ safety vests. The number of female jockeys has grown considerably and... more
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      BusinessIndustrial DesignDesign ResearchEngineering Product Design
This Special Issue (SI) for Design and Culture is an outcome of many conversations over several years, catalyzed by a series of international symposia on Design and Social Innovation in Asia-Pacific (DESIAP), which the editors (Yoko Akama... more
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      Design ResearchColonialismCommunity DesignSocial Innovation
Nudge and co-design are gaining popularity as innovative approaches to solving similar policy problems. Nudge is an approach to public policy that changes the context in which decisions are presented to citizens in order to encourage a... more
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      Participatory DesignDesign for Social InnovationPublic Sector InnovationPolicy Design
Visits to cultural heritage sites are generally social in nature, yet resources to support these sociable experiences are often individualized, catering to the solitary visitor. Digital technologies offer means to disrupt this... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageDigital HeritageDigital Storytelling
Traditional design methodology was proofed to be reliable during about centaury of constant elaboration and polishing, however new trends such as sustainability and concerns about humans, determined establishments of new user-centered... more
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      User Centred DesignConsumer BehaviorDesign MethodologyHuman Centred Design
This paper provides a case-study whereby a UK University has been working in close partnership with Parker Hannifin Corporation, a Fortune 500 US manufacturing company, to develop new innovation practices. It discusses how Industrial... more
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      Design ManagementIndustrial DesignManagement of InnovationNew Product Development
Motivated by a concern with mindlessness in living and designing and how it might lead to outcomes that are poorly considered in their broader ecology, we ask: what if we imagine technology conceived with mindfulness in mind? To... more
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      Japanese PhilosophyReflective PracticeDesign for Social InnovationMindfulness
A seminal post-colonial scholar, Deborah Bird Rose (2004, 154) exclaims, 'the west collectively is the leader; it is closest to the future, and the rest of the world follows along behind'. Similarly, Design and Social Innovation is... more
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      Design for Social InnovationDesign ResearchAsian PhilosophySocial Design
Co-designing is an activity based on emergence where constituents are mutually changing towards purposeful outcomes. Here, I draw on the Japanese philosophy of Ma as ‘between-ness’ to explore how we are transforming and becoming together... more
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      Japanese PhilosophyParticipatory DesignActor Network TheoryDesign Research
This thesis supports the conceptualization and design of an online community named Mimba, which aims to advance women’s health and rights. The design and development of Mimba is an initiative of M4ID – a Service Design and Communications... more
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      Online CommunitiesService DesignWomen's HealthDesign Research
Recent years have seen the emergence of online courts and tribunals: digital platforms that enable self-represented litigants (SRLs) to complete electronically the entire court (or tribunal) process, from filing through final disposition.... more
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      DiversityCourtsProcedural JusticeHuman-Centered Design
How do we ready ourselves to intervene responsively in the contingent situations that arise in co-designing to make change? How do we attune to group dynamics and respond ethically to unpredictable developments when working with... more
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      DesignFeminist TheoryJapanese PhilosophyParticipatory Design
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    • Human Centred Design
We explain basic features of an emerging area called Intelligent Environments. We give a short overview on how it has developed, what is the current state of the art and what are the challenges laying ahead. The aim of the article is to... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionDigital Humanities
How do we ready ourselves to intervene responsively in the contingent situations that arise in co-designing to make change? How do we attune to group dynamics and respond ethically to unpredictable developments when working with... more
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      DesignFeminist TheoryJapanese PhilosophyParticipatory Design
Despite the recognised need for service design (SD) to understand the complexity in which it intervenes, we are concerned with its desire to fix dynamic configurations through a dominant instrumentalized worldview. We critique the journey... more
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      SociologyEpistemologyFeminist TheoryParticipatory Design
When groups are working on joint tasks they need to develop schedules together. The design and deployment of new technologies and the operation of multi-stage supply chains are situations where there are many joint tasks to schedule... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionDecision MakingHuman-machine Systems
In this paper we describe how we have integrated several techniques of the " Design thinking " (DT) into the User Center Design (UCD) methodology in the process of development of project as a learning activity. The experimental activity... more
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      Engineering EducationHigher EducationUser Centred DesignDesign Innovation
ABSTRACT This paper portrays cross-organizational collaboration in service networks as a new challenging context for service design. The paper reflects on the role of cross-organizational service networks in a Finnish... more
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      EngineeringArchitectureService DesignCollaborative Design
We contemplate paths between form and formlessness as a middle way between digital technology for mindfulness, and mindfulness without digital technology, thereby inviting alternative departure points with interactive systems. In doing... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceJapanese PhilosophyMindfulness
Community-dwelling stroke survivors & their carer, 8 weeks after stroke. Purposively sampled based on requiring assistance with at least one aspect of activities of daily living. Audio & video-recorded to document real experiences, ideal... more
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      Service DesignStroke rehabilitationDesign and HealthInnovation in Services
The proliferation of digitally mediated DIY practices constitutes new modalities of political expression and participation, shaping how citizenship is enacted and performed. However, our paper begins by problematizing concepts of... more
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      Participatory DesignDesign ResearchCollaborative DesignCitizenship
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      MarketingLandscape EcologyEconomicsInternational Relations
This paper outlines an approach to Social Design that departs the practice of design as 'problem solving' and advocates for Appreciative Co-design, an approach that seeks to nurture strengths and co-construct empowering stories that give... more
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      Social PsychologyDesignArchitectureHumanitarian Design (Architecture)
Manufacturing industry has not embraced scheduling software. It is argued that this is due to users not being centrally located in the decision-making process in available software. Some consequences of the users' position in the decision... more
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      Human Computer InteractionDecision MakingOperations ResearchOperation Management
One of the largest housing estates in the UK, The Aylesbury, South London, is undergoing transformation as part of a £2.4 billion regeneration project. The scheme aims to provide a ‘blueprint for a new neighbourhood’ and in the process,... more
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      DesignStorytellingCommunity InterventionsHuman Centred Design
This paper is dedicated to my best friend and lifelong companion Margaret, who always gets things in perspective. 9 The Standard 2 level may be seen as a useful proxy for basic numeracy.
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesBehavioral FinanceFinancial LiteracyUsability and user experience