Design Theory and Philosophy
Recent papers in Design Theory and Philosophy
Es gibt bis heute keine allgemein anerkannte, konsistente Designtheorie; es besteht nicht einmal ansatzweise Konsens zur Frage, was Designtheorie sein könnte. Andererseits gibt es zahlreiche "Designtheorien", teils parallel existierend,... more
Design steht seit seinen Anfängen immer wieder in der Kritik, entweder einer kapitalistischen Warenästhetik Vorschub zu leisten oder dem Selbstmissverständnis der Autonomie zu verfallen. Als Abkömmling der Industrialisierung und Zögling... more
This guide to rhetoric for graphic designers was created by Hanno Ehses, faculty at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, in 1987, with assistance and contributions from Ellen Lupton, curator of the Herb Lubalin Study Center at The... more
Welchen Einfluss hat die Gestaltung des gegenständlichen Umfeldes auf zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und wie werden diese gewollt oder ungewollt mit den Dingen mitgestaltet? Auf welche Weise werden durch Design und Architektur soziale... more
"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
Decolonization as Care, in Slow Reader: A Resource for Design Thinking and Practice, edited by Carolyn F. Strauss and Ana Paula Pais. A SlowLab Collaboration with Valiz. pp. 85-95. Amsterdam, Valiz Publishers. 2016
‘Designed things fill our world, they are our worlds; so thoroughly are we modernized, affluent people nested with the designed, within the naturalized artificial, neither would we survive if returned to the places of dwelling of our... more
The designer as producer. Some thoughts on the idea of social responsibility in contemporary design
Thesis Proposal, School of Interior Design, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India, 2015
Fry's 3rd volume (following _Redirective Practice_ and _Design as Politics_) outlines an ontology of human being as 'designed animals.' This scale of thinking, recovering a stronger intentionality behind the idea of 'designing,' is... more
We have lost an important connection with the landscape, a way of seeing and understanding its profound significance in our everyday life and culture. This gap in our knowledge is the consequence of a rationalist paradigm that continues... more
This thesis consists of a series of extensive projects which aim to explore a new designer role for fashion. It is a role that experiments with how fashion can be reverse engineered, hacked, tuned and shared among many participants as a... more
"By Mark DeKay. Edited Susanne Bennett "This book offers practical and theoretical tools for more effective sustainable design solutions and for communicating sustainable design ideas to today's diverse stakeholders. It uses... more
The following essay sketches varieties of imagination operative in the best architectural work. It was published in Warehouse Journal, a student-edited journal produced annually by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba.... more
Capitoli Libro. Attraverso 12 parole-chiave, il libro individua una serie di fenomeni innovativi e influenti che caratterizzano oggi il design. Ciascuna parola-chiave, per seguire la metafora del processo all’oggetto, è associata alla... more
One way of thinking more generally about design is to focus on the nature of the thinking that takes place in designing, what it is, how it works, and what it is especially good for. There is a growing awareness that the collection of... more
This paper focuses on the structure and dynamic of theory in design research. Problems with existing theory are explored, and a new meta-theoretical method is suggested for assisting the critical analysis, comparison and formulation of... more
The domain of Interaction Design (IxD) strives for rich interactions yet continues to work with both a shallow definition of gestalt experience and a meager palette of experiential variables from which to pull. The presence of the body in... more
Esta edición corresponde al libro nº 9 de la Colección Creatividad i Recerca dirigida desde el Centro de Documentación de Arte Valenciano Contemporáneo de la Universitat de València. Bajo el título La autonomía del diseño, Fernando... more
A placebo effect is the measurable beneficial healing effect that results from the context and meaning of a medical treatment rather than its content. Although orthodox biomedicine has sometimes struggled to reconcile the paradox of... more
There is a very unfortunate error on page 4 ------- "No design would judged adequate through empirical measurement" should be "No design would judged adequate WITHOUT empirical measurement". Please note. ABSTRACT - Rational... more
Since transcending architecture is fundamentally an action or event (not some esoteric, idealist construct deduced from dogma or philosophy), understanding what it really means to ‘transcend architecture’ demands a serious and detailed... more
Design thinking is not thinking about design, but rather a re-focus on the way we think, about the world in general, and in this cybernetic process the real self can be brought into being. Gramma/topology is the social structuration of a... more
Designers Make Designers Plan Making Designers Visually Plan Making Designers Visually Plan Making Things Designers Visually Plan Making Useful Things Designers Visually Plan Making Useful Things for People Designers Visually Plan Making... more
Design today has become an extremely wide area of expertise, overlapping with many other disciplines. Knowledge of the classics of modern design has almost become a common cultural property. Design objects today are presented in a similar... more
An exploration of the relationship between design, deception, and trickery.
In this paper, I will examine the need for a transdisciplinary model of doctoral design education as a part of an overall cross-disciplinary design education. In doing so, I will narrow down cross-disciplinary design education and... more
Si pone in rilievo il ruolo di una rivista di disegno industriale, oggi design, nella storia dell'italiano contemporaneo. Fondata dall'architetto Alberto Rosselli nel 1954, la pubblicazione trimestrale e poi bimestrale, «Stile industria»,... more
En quel(s) sens le design peut-il être objet de science ? Qu’est-ce que la recherche en design considérée comme discipline scientifique ? Quels sont ses modèles ? Que faut-il entendre par « sciences du design » ? En vue de répondre... more
Who cares ? This question is a provocation for design research. What do, or should, we care about in design and design research today? Underpinning the question are issues of culture and agency – who cares, for whom, and how? Taking care,... more
Though designing is cast as a creative practice, materializing preferable ways of being, it does so only by destroying current products, habits and values. I argue that designers must learn to acknowledge and take responsibility for this... more
In a world unsustainable by design, we must rethink our relation to the image. To do so, I activate Malabou’s concept of plasticity to propose a materialist conception of the image as imago, which consists of the object in the world in... more
The present Ph.D. dissertation has as its axis analyzing the role of fashion trend forecasting companies – bureaux de style – in the current fashion system. It deals with the immaterial agency of fashion designers investing in... more
The present Ph.D. dissertation has as its axis analyzing the role of fashion trend forecasting companies – bureaux de style – in the current fashion system. It deals with the immaterial agency of fashion designers investing on... more
A convoluted attempt to argue that design is in fact a form of magic, an act of social construction that makes things appear coherent, effect action-at-a-distance, and compel people to interact in particular ways. The chapter tries to... more
In area Mediterranea, esistono progettualità che fanno coesistere la circular economy con aspirazioni etiche di egualitarismo. In queste realtà, la pratica del riuso trascende il solo aspetto produttivo e assurge a mezzo per rivalutare... more
Maturana and Varela in 1973 declared that an autopoietic unit is the one that creates, reproduces, and repairs its own components and organization. The last two hundred years, humankind has generated an unprecedented technological... more