Human Variation
Recent papers in Human Variation
Course syllabus for a second-year course in psychological anthropology with a general student base (many psychology majors, but also a wide variety). Draws on my own interest in phenomenology, neuroanthropology, anthropology of the... more
The scientific working group on DNA analysis Methods (SWGDAM) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data set is used to infer the relative rarity of control region mtDNA profiles obtained from evidence samples and of profiles used for... more
Cranial and postcranial research on East and Southeast Asians has shown population variability between and within these two regions. Moreover, as populations vary by sex, sex differences vary by population. The purpose of this study is to... more
Objectives: The majority of anthropological studies on dermatoglyphics examine the heritability and inter-population variation of Level 1 detail (e.g., pattern type, total ridge count), while forensic scientists concentrate on individual... more
Cranial vault thickness (CVT) has been reported at many different osteometric landmarks and features on the vault. Historically, only a few landmarks are used, often bregma, lambda, vertex, and right and left euryon, and frequently... more
Establishing ancestry from a skeleton for forensic purposes has been shown to be difficult. The purpose of this paper is to address the application of thirteen non-metric traits to estimate ancestry in three South African groups, namely... more
Past Human Behavior from Bone Chemical Analysis-Respects and Prospects Chemical analysis (stable isotopic ratios and elemental concentrations) of archeological populations allows us to trace the human diet system in prehistory. We can... more
Lip print pattern (LPP) is unique to each individual. For decades, forensic experts have used LPP for personal identification to solve criminal cases. However, studies investigating ethnic variation in LPP are scanty. Our study wanted to... more
Despite great progress in identifying genetic variants that influence human disease, most inherited risk remains unexplained. A more complete understanding requires genome-wide studies that fully examine less common alleles in populations... more
The craniofacial skeleton carries out diverse functions served by hierarchically integrated developmental and functional modules. The craniofacial biologist is interested in how the skeleton of the cranium evolves and develops to... more
"It is argued in this article that the human body both in health and disease cannot be fully understood without adequately accounting for the different levels of human variation.The article focuses on variation due to ancestry, arguing... more
ABSTRACT: Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a craniofacial malformation affecting more than seven million people worldwide that results in defects of the hard palate, teeth, maxilla, nasal spine and floor, and maxillodental asymmetry. CLP... more
Monograph of MPhil. Dissertation
Background Sitting height (SH), sub ischial leg length (SILL) and the sitting height/leg length ratio (SH/SILL) are useful tools for assessing human body proportions. They are often used to detect the presence of abnormal growth,... more
The new paradigms proposed for human health risk assessment stress the need for the use of human and human-derived cell lines, and this review summarizes the use of primary human hepatocytes and hepatocyte subcellular preparations for the... more
Numerous lines of evidence suggest that Homo sapiens evolved as a distinct species in Africa by 150,000 years before the present (BP) and began major migrations out-of-Africa $50,000 BP. By 20,000 BP, our species had effectively colonized... more
Background: Femoral sulcus angle is particularly important in clinical evaluation of patellofemoral joint. Individuals show considerable differences in asymmetrical dimensions of the femur. Objectives: To determine the size of femoral... more
Psychology and personality of individuals may have implications for choice of, and performance in sports disciplines. Individual- and group sports differ in psychological requirements, such as, competitiveness, sensation seeking and risk... more
There has been much debate about why humans throughout the world differ in facial form. Previous studies of human skull morphology found levels of among-population differentiation that were comparable to those of neutral genetic markers,... more
Human intraspecific variation is a complex problem, but may be better understood by using computational models in tandem with knowledge about the genetic bases of phenotypic traits. These results can be used in a multitude of settings. To... more
We report the discovery of an African American Y chromosome that carries the ancestral state of all SNPs that defined the basal portion of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree. We sequenced~240 kb of this chromosome to identify private,... more
We examined the affect of tissue depth variation on the reconstruction of facial form, through the application of the American method, utilizing published tissue depth measurements for emaciated, normal, and obese faces. In this... more
Human morphological changes do not follow universal pattern and vary between/among individuals and other socio-cultural parameters. Study on age related changes in muscle and fat distribution are still insufficient considering particular... more
Extensive research in human genetics on presumably neutral loci has shown that the overwhelming majority of human diversity is found among individuals within local populations. Previous apportionments of craniometric diversity are similar... more
"The subadult age distribution for the Bab edh-Dhra' charnel house A22 collection, dated to the Early Bronze Age II/III period (2800-2300 BCE), was constructed using femoral diaphyseal length estimates. Vertical head diameter and... more
The scientific working group on DNA analysis Methods (SWGDAM) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data set is used to infer the relative rarity of control region mtDNA profiles obtained from evidence samples and of profiles used for... more
Shape analysis of the human orbital cavity is challenging due to several reasons. First, it is a smooth surface where only few anatomical landmarks can be identified. Second, data acquisition via CT-scanning is limited due to poor... more
2015 Darwin Day Lecture given at the University of Wyoming.
Against the background of the race debate and the principal elements of the current understanding of human intraspecific variation, we pre- sent the status of the race concept in Polish anthropology. Using question- naires, we twice... more
Here we describe and evaluate a new method for quantifying long bone curvature using geometric morphometric and semi-landmark analysis of the human femur. The technique is compared with traditional ways of measuring subtense and point of... more
La diversificación de los seres humanos, así como su origen, es y ha sido el objeto de estudio de la antropología biológica. A fines de siglo XIX y principios del XX se realizaban descripciones de caracteres biológicos de distintos grupos... more
Population data on the hypervariable regions of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genome are used to convey the relative rarity of mtDNA profiles obtained from evidence samples and of profiles used to identify missing persons. In this study,... more
The scientific working group on DNA analysis Methods (SWGDAM) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data set is used to infer the relative rarity of control region mtDNA profiles obtained from evidence samples and of profiles used for... more
Variation in cranial robusticity among modern human populations is widely acknowledged but not well-understood. While the use of ''robust'' cranial traits in hominin systematics and phylogeny suggests that these characters are strongly... more