Recent papers in Immersion
In the last decades of the 20 th century we have seen media theories and cognitive sciences grow, mature and reach their pinnacles by analysing, each from their own disciplinary perspective, two of the same core phenomena: that of media... more
Alternative worlds in classical Hollywood cinema are built from a variety of cinematic constructions. The credibility of such worlds depends on the extent to which the film’s creators wish to stray from the concept of reality. Abstract... more
Entrare nell’immagine: un desiderio che accompagna l’umanità dall’alba dei tempi, perdendosi nelle nebbie del mito. Un desiderio che nei secoli ogni cultura visuale ha cercato di realizzare con i mezzi di volta in volta disponibili. E che... more
This paper presents a non-intrusive system that gives the illusion of a 3D immersive and interactive environment with 2D projectors. The user does not need to wear glasses, nor to watch a (limited) screen. The virtual world is all around... more
Plethsymographic recordings are used to evaluate changes in peripheral vascular tonus. Twenty-six volunteers (15 men, 11 women) with a mean age 31 years were included in this study. Plethsymographic recordings were done both at baseline... more
The SMOOTH Video DB is a distributed system proposing an integral query, browsing, and annotation software framework in common with an index database for video media material.
Talc samples in both sheet and powder form are studied by adsorption calorimetry and adsorption isotherm techniques. A model is used to determine the solid surface energy, the solid surface tension and the dispersive, acidic, and basic... more
In order to bridge interdisciplinary differences in Presence research and to establish connections between Presence and “older” concepts of psychology and communication, a theoretical model of the formation of Spatial Presence is... more
Aqueous contaminant removal in the presence of metallic iron (e.g. in Fe 0 /H 2 O systems) is characterized by the large diversity of removing agents. This paper analyses the synergistic effect of adsorption, co-precipitation and... more
Precooling refers to the rapid removal of field heat from freshly harvested fruits and vegetables prior to shipping, storage or processing. Hydrocooling is a form of precooling in which the product is sprayed with or immersed in an... more
To evaluate the short-and long-term efficacy of exercise therapy in a warm, waist-high pool in women with fibromyalgia. Methods. Thirty-four women (mean ؎ SD tender points 17 ؎ 1) were randomly assigned to either an exercise group (n ؍... more
This study investigated the fracture resistance of maxillary acrylic resin complete dentures subjected to long-term water immersion. Maxillary acrylic resin complete dentures were fabricated from five denture base resins. Half of the... more
In this paper, we review the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies for capture and externalization of tacit knowledge from complex activity in knowledge-intensive professions. We focus on technologies for converting experience... more
This study is part of a master’s dissertation aiming to investigate the immersion of user interfaces in first person games using virtual reality. This evaluation is based on the concepts established by the Diegesis theory. Based on that,... more
This survey addresses the immediate physiological reactions to immersion in cold water: cold shock response, diving reflex, cardiac arrhythmias and hypothermia. Cold shock response is the initial sympathetic reaction to immersion in cold... more
To pay tribute to the contributions made by Wallace Lambert in the field of immersion education at an international level, this article highlights initiatives undertaken to revitalize regional languages through immersion education in... more
The electrochemical behavior of Cu–Ni alloys with different Ni contents (5–65mass%) in acidic sulfate solutions was investigated. The effects of working conditions e.g. concentration of sulfate ions, immersion time and temperature were... more
Mit diesem Titel liegt eine veröffentlichte Magisterarbeit vor, deren redaktioneller Beschreibungstext auf dem Buchrücken einen „Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus“ verspricht. Dieses Versprechen soll sich durch drei Leitaspekte einlösen,... more
« Rien n'entre dans la mémoire, et a fortiori dans l'intellect, sans avoir passé par les sens et par toute la série des facultés intérieures, forçant porte après porte par l'intensité de l'impression et par la vertu des émotions soulevées... more
A. Chevutschi), (M. Alberty), (G. Lensel), (V. Pardessus), (A. Thevenon).
Following accidental immersion in cold water, the chance of survival through the initial short-term period may depend on manual dexterity for survival tasks. We aimed to study the time course of impairment of manual dexterity during the... more
The combination of different materials in an implant gives the opportunity to better fulfill the requirements that are needed to improve the healing process. However, using different materials increases the risk of galvanic coupling... more
Despite widespread and increasing use of immersion in water during labor, birth, or both in many different countries, no reliable information is available about its advantages, hazards, and resource implications. We describe the... more
Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel, is gradually receiving more popularity for use in internal combustion engines. However questions continue to arise with regard to its compatibility with elastomeric materials. The present work aims to... more
This study examined the effect of a short cold water immersion (CWI) intervention on rectal and muscle temperature, isokinetic strength and 1-km cycling time trial performance in the heat. Ten male cyclists performed a 1-km time trial at... more
The transfer from the self-polishing organotin to tin-free antifouling coatings has created a new learning curve for the shipping industry. This study investigated the hydrodynamic performance of four commercially available antifouling... more
How the aesthetics of virtual reality and the promise of embodied "presence" have been re-articulated from the camera obscura and magic lantern, through the nineteenth-century's panoramic and stereoscopic formats, and in today's emergent... more
B ARWOOD MJ, D ATTA AK, T HELWELL RC, T IPTON MJ. Breath-hold time during cold water immersion: effects of habituation with psychological training. Aviat Space Environ Med 2007; 78:1029 -34.
This presentation focuses on a study carried out in a French immersion charter school on the scores first-graders obtained on two reading benchmark tests, the DIBELS and its equivalent in French, the IDAPEL. A statistical analysis of the... more
Immersion, in video games, is essential to a good gaming experience. To date, many studies have interested in immersion and presence. Those two phenomena depend on attentional process and pleasant game situation. Yet, this two elements... more
Background: More evidence is needed for diagnostic criteria of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) before it can be included as a disorder, according to DSM-V. Some studies suggest differences between an addicted and highly engaged... more
Fracture resistance of provisional restorations is an important clinical concern. This property is directly related to transverse strength. Strengthening of provisional fixed partial dentures may result from reinforcement with various... more
Science museum exhibits embody both content and form, and these aspects are not independent of each other. However, selecting the right form for a given content is not straightforward. This paper provides an example of how science... more
3D film’s explicit new space depth arguably provides both an enhanced realistic quality to the image and a wealth of more acute visual and haptic sensations (a ‘montage of attractions’) to the increasingly involved spectator. But David... more
This article presents the category of emersion in videogames. The author of this article understands emersion as an experience of such elements of a game that weaken the impression of non-mediated participation in events presented in the... more
Abstract Die in kommunikationstechnologischen Medien vermittelten Immersionswelten durchdringen und überwölben zunehmend die Lebenswelt. Apparative Immersionen bestehen in erster Linie aus dem Erlebnis hergestellter Atmosphären, die... more
This study aimed to compare the recovery kinetics of physical performance and subjective ratings in response to a soccerspecific exercise simulation on natural grass and artificial turf. Physical performance tests and subjective ratings... more