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The Slovenian Energy Law, adopted in 1999, has opened the internal market to competition up to 64% of the final consumption. The opening of the internal market to foreign competition is envisaged for 2003. With regard to the methodology... more
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      EconomicsEnergy PolicyDemand Side ManagementElectricity
The current geological epoch has been dubbed the Anthropocene-the age of humans. We argue that the roots of the Anthropocene lie in the agricultural revolution that began some 8000 years ago. Unique human psychological and cultural... more
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      EconomicsEcological EconomicsSociobiologyEvolution
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      International TradeUrban EconomicsRegional EconomicsResearch Agenda
Empirical evidence documents a discernible negative relationship between government size, as measured by income tax rates and the output share of government purchases, and the magnitude of macroeconomic fluctuations in OECD countries... more
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      EconomicsFiscal policyLabor MarketIncome Tax
We study a simple model of factor saving technological innovation in a concave framework. Capital can be used either to reproduce itself or, at additional cost, to produce a higher quality of capital that requires less labor input. If... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsEconomic GrowthEconomic Theory
This paper reviews the new economic geography literature, which accounts for the uneven distribution of economic activity across space in terms of a combination of love of variety preferences, increasing returns to scale and transport... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GeographyNew Economic GeographyEmpirical evidence
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      EconomicsPanel DataTechnological changeTechnical efficiency
Recently, the 'new economic geography' literature has developed as a theory of the emergence of large agglomerations which relies on increasing returns to scale and transportation costs. This literature builds on diverse... more
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      Economic GeographyEconometricsInternational TradeApplied Economics
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach used to estimate technical efficiency and followed by regressing the technical efficiency scores to farm specific characters under tobit regression model. Primary data was collected from random... more
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      Resource useTechnical efficiencyRandom samplingRegression Model
ucJnqu © uopcc icu o (C orucc o cxcccq wo b uibp um) pc dnorcq wporu cxbJ!c!(bci.uiiou bi.oAqcq ip njj ci.cqii © j p? 2T12U(O msq IOPU 0 CL1Jq VII LJU LC2CLACq poLi 2CC(OU2 °L (CX1 UO(JC2CLCp obpjoua cxbLccq 9LC iJJOC O (PC V1JIJJOL2 vIJq... more
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      Developing CountryBusiness CycleAggregate ProductivityIncreasing Returns to Scale
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    • Increasing Returns to Scale
The standard view is that situations where no transborder environmental externalities occur are most efficiently dealt with by national environmental policies rather than by international cooperation. Though this may be the general case,... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsTransaction CostENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
In this paper, a parametric cost frontier for the credit card market is specified ("stochastic frontier approach" - SFA) and robustness checks of the main results are performed. The aim is to provide some clues to: the... more
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      BusinessTechnologyScale EconomiesIndustrial policy
Based on the 'endogenous' growth theory, the paper examines the effect of trade liberalization on long-run income per capita and economic growth in Turkey. Although the presumption must be that free trade has a beneficial effect on long... more
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      Economic GrowthApplied EconomicsFree TradeTrade Liberalization
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      Cultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsScale EconomiesSeasonality
We introduce mild increasing returns-to-scale into a version of the Real Business Cycle model. These increasing returns-to-scale occur as a consequence of sector-specific externalities, that is externalities where the output of the... more
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      Monetary EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsSunspots
The purpose of this paper is to characterize the possibility of indeterminacy in multisector growth models that exhibit constant marginal returns to scale at the social level, with empirically realistic small external effects. Our results... more
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      MarketingEconometricsEconomic TheoryWorking Papers
This study examines the impact of external and internal scale economies on the decision to start exporting and the level of exports of innovating firms. Based on new trade theory, increasing returns to scale-both internal and external... more
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      EconomicsProduct innovationCompetitive advantageScale Economies
Durusu (Terkos) Gölü Balıkçı İşletmelerinin Karlılık ve Verimlilik Analizi. Bu araştırma, Durusu Gölü balıkçı işletmelerinde kullanılan üretim faktörlerinin dağılımlarını ve kaynak kullanım etkinliğini tespit etmek, optimum kaynak... more
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      EconomicsFisheriesFisheries EconomicsProfitability
We estimate the euro effect on Irish export patterns using a panel of industry data over the period 1993-2004. Our innovation is to account for country and industry specific omitted trending variables bias. We find that the euro effect on... more
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      PapersEmpirical evidenceIncreasing Returns to Scale
We provide an empirically plausible endogenous growth model to prove analyti- cally that sometimes a progressive redistribution from rich to poor lowers the growth rate of consumption per capita in all subsequent periods. The model... more
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      Human CapitalIncome inequalityEndogenous GrowthGrowth rate
This paper studies the size and number of industrial clusters that will arise in a multi-country world in which one sector has a propensity to cluster because of increasing returns to scale. It compares the equilibrium with the world... more
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      EconomicsEconomicaRace to the BottomIncreasing Returns to Scale
There is a huge literature regarding the main determinants and sources of economic growth. Most of the recent work emphasizes on the role of knowledge, and innovation activities typically produced by a specific sector of the economy, and... more
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      Economic GeographyEconomic GrowthComparative AdvantageEmpirical evidence
This paper is in the spirit of Marshall (1920), who raised the question of how economic distance affects a firm's productivity, focusing upon the role of idea sharing in relation to technological knowledge or information between... more
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      Increasing returnsProduction FunctionReturns to ScaleIncreasing Returns to Scale
This paper discusses the importance of manufacturing industry for the growth trajectories of developing countries from a Kaldorian perspective, with particular emphasis on the case of Latin America. After three decades of expressive... more
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      Economic GrowthFinancial LiberalizationPanel DataLatin America
The Korean housebuilding industry has been subject to structural changes since the 1980s. One of the key features is that housebuilding firms have become diversified into a range of businesses and as a result display multi-product... more
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      Housing EconomicsUrban And Regional PlanningApplied EconomicsTranslog Cost Function
This paper demonstrates several strengths and shortcomings of models of sectoral reallocation. Although these models demonstrate that sectoral reallocation can bean important amplication and propagation mechanism for exogenous shocks,... more
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      First-Order LogicSteady stateAggregate ProductivityReal Wages
This paper studies the inßuence of different modelling assumptions on the stability of the steady state in one-sector models of economic growth with externalities in the production function. We start with a standard Benhabib&Farmer 1994... more
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      Economic GrowthCapacity UtilizationSteady stateProduction Function
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsQuantitative analysisMonetary Policy
Yildinm, I., Ciftgi, K. and Ceylan, M. 2009. Comparison of profitability of cross and native breed cattle fattening farms in Turkey. J. Appl. h i m . Res., 35: 17-20. To compare cross and native-breed fattening farms focusing on the... more
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      ZoologyAnimal ScienceBiologyAnimal Production
We show that a one-sector real business cycle model with mild increasing returns-to-scale, variable capital utilization and saddle-path stability is able to produce qualitatively realistic business cycles driven solely by disturbances to... more
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsIndeterminacyClose relationships
The main objectives of this paper are to measure the relative efficiency of Argentinean airports, and to infer possible regulatory consequences of the results. We pay attention to regional differences that could help the regulator in its... more
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      Best practiceEnvironmental VariablesTechnical efficiencyEfficiency
This paper is in the spirit of Marshall (1920), who raised the question of how economic distance affects a firm’s productivity, focusing upon the role of idea sharing in relation to technological knowledge or information between firms. In... more
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      SimultaneityIncreasing returnsProduction FunctionReturns to Scale
We show that under indeterminacy aggregate demand shocks are able to explain not only aspects of actual°uctuations that standard RBC models predict fairly well, but also aspects of actual°uctuations that standard RBC models cannot... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied Economics
This paper goes beyond orthodox considerations of direct payment e®ects on agricultural output, by highlighting the role of subsidies in a®ecting individual producers' ability to cover¯xed costs, and in distorting the volume of aggregate... more
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      EconomicsCapital MarketsAgricultureApplied Economics
What are the underlying rationales for industrial policy? Does empirical evidence support the use of industrial policy for correcting market failures that plague the process of industrialization? To address these questions, we provide a... more
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      Economic TheoryCapital MarketsFree TradeDynamic Analysis
We explore asset pricing in the context of the one-sector Benhabib-Farmer-Guo (BFG) model with increasing returns to scale in production and compare our results with …nancial implications of the standard dynamic stochastic general... more
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      EconomicsEconomic TheoryEquity PremiumDSGE Model
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      Applied EconomicsProduction FunctionReturns to ScaleIncreasing Returns to Scale
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      Economic policyParameter estimationMarket ShareCost Function
This paper describes a search model with a continuum of worker and job types, transferable utility and an increasing returns to scale contact technology. We apply a second order Taylor expansion to characterize the equilibrium. One third... more
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      EconomicsNumerical SimulationTaylor ExpansionSecond Order
This paper presents a model of media competition with free entry when media operators are financed both from advertisers and viewers. The relation between advertising receipts and sales receipts, which are both complementary and... more
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      Constant Returns to ScaleIncreasing Returns to Scale
Network economic analysis provides an important and intuitive explanation of racial inequality. In short, Whiteness is Microsoft's Windows operating system, or the QWERTY keyboard, or the standard (nonmetric) measurement system, and... more
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      Critical Race TheoryLaw and EconomicsNetwork EconomicsOPERATING SYSTEM
Purpose – The aim of this study is to investigate the validity of the Kaldor-Verdoorn's law in explaining the long-run determinants of the labor productivity growth for the manufacturing sector of some developed economies (Western... more
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      EconomicsGrowth And ProductivityEuropean CommissionDeveloping Country
Four firms dominate the international uranium enrichment market. Simultaneously, the nations that host enrichment facilities strongly discourage other nations from developing enrichment capacity, given its potential use in nuclear weapons... more
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      Political ScienceMarket PowerImperfect CompetitionGovernment Regulation
This paper demonstrates how fiscal policy rules can be designed to eliminate all forms of endogenous fluctuations in a one-sector growth model with increasing returns-to-scale. When the policy rules are implemented, agents' optimal... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconometricsBusiness CycleIncreasing returns
We explore asset pricing in the context of the one-sector Benhabib-Farmer-Guo (BFG) model with increasing returns to scale in production and compare our results with financial implications of the standard dynamic stochastic general... more
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      Economic TheoryEquity PremiumDSGE ModelMacroeconomic
We show that in a standard, technology shock-driven one-sector real business cycle model, the stabilization effects of government fiscal policy depend crucially on how labor hours enter the household's period utility function and the... more
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      Fiscal policyLabor MarketIncome TaxEmpirical evidence
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      AquacultureAquaculture Economics and ManagementFisheries SciencesProduction Function
Spatial inequality in developing countries is due to the natural advantages of some regions relative to others and to the presence of agglomeration forces, leading to clustering of activity. This paper reviews and develops some simple... more
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      Human GeographyEconomic GeographyInternational TradeDeveloping Country
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      Economic GrowthInstitutionTechnological ProgressKnowledge based economy