Free Trade
Recent papers in Free Trade
Developing economies may face a trade-off between specializing according to existing comparative advantage (in low-technology goods), and entering sectors in which they currently lack a comparative advantage, but may acquire such an... more
Columbia joint seminar in international trade, the Midwest International Economics Meetings in Pittsburgh in October 1992 and at the NBER 1993 Summer Institute. We thank participants for their comments. We are also grateful to the... more
FREE TRADE is one of the most cherished goals of American economists. The the-ory of comparative advantage, taught in every introductory economics course, is regarded as a triumph of scientific reason and a compel-ling argument to reduce... more
Supply chains for fresh fruit and vegetables, are going through considerable re-shaping phase worldwide. This study analyses the trends which impose those changes and focuses mainly at the wholesale and export trading of the... more
In the decade since scholarly work on standards began, the basic dynamics of standards in the marketplace have been reasonably well described (see [11],[15] and [30] for surveys of this literature). Some empirical studies have been... more
In Latin America, indigenous peoples constitute a marginalized group that is using the courts, increasingly, as one means by which to pursue and defend its rights. In part, this is a result of the juridifi cation of its collective rights... more
Focusing mainly on the United States and Latin America, we aimed to identify the constructions of social reality held by the major stakeholders participating in policy debates about global trade, public health, and health services. In a... more
This book describes and analyzes critical aspects of the labor market and social protection in the Arab world. The authors address the interrelationship between labor, human development, and social well-being in the Middle East and North... more
This article emphasizes the contribution of International Framework Agreements (IFAs) to collective bargaining within multinational companies (MNC). For this purpose, we used various data, including content analysis of 42 IFAs and... more
The theory of International Trade should have been treated as a part of the Theory of Inter-individual Trade and the Market but economists have studied it separately because the assumption of factor immobility eases modelling and... more
Globalization, free trade, and individualization have opened up a worldwide marketplace for trading goods. The fair trade movement and other political consumerist endeavours view consumers as important active holders of responsibility for... more
This article examines whether the involvement of stakeholders in the design of corporate codes of conduct leads to a higher implementation likelihood of the code. The empirical focus is on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). The paper... more
The book makes an effort in investigating the present and future developments in the global economy, after the 2008 global financial and economic crisis. The results of the global crisis were devastating and destructive all around the... more
Kompleksitas struktur perdagangan AS-Cina membuat kita tidak bisa langsung menyimpulkan bahwa perang dagang ini hanya akan mengalihkan keuntungan dari Cina ke AS dan hanya merugikan perusahaan-perusahaan Cina yang bergantung pada pasar... more
Il testo Sul finire dell'Ottocento nell'opinione colta italiana iniziò a dissolversi il convincimento di poter trapiantare nel nostro Paese il sistema politico-istituzionale britannico. Gli intellettuali, perlopiù economisti, che si... more
As the use of global and national computable general equilibrium (CGE) models has become more widespread, most policies still remain at the regional or sub-national level.
Yemen Economic Update is a quarterly report that consists of five sections. The first section highlights major economic and policy developments. The second section provides "flash indicators" for key economic variables that are available... more
We incorporate intermediate inputs into a small-union general-equilibrium model and develop the welfare economics of preferential trading under the rules of origin. Combining this analysis with the Grossman-Helpman political-economy... more
Произходът на стоките следва да се разглежда като сложна икономическа категория, която от митническа гледна точка предопределя наличието на специфични насоки за осъществяване на контрол. Многообразието от споразумения за свободна търговия... more
We provide an overview and introduction to the emerging field of trade and renewable resources, and discuss the potential impact of trade liberalization on welfare and resource conservation. A key factor determining the effect of trade... more
State conduct of commerce with the rest of the world has always been important, rather than determinant, to domestic capacity to generate and distribute output and income. Theoretically, engagements of world commerce have included... more
My research will examine the origins of the current corn crisis in Mexico. The rise in corn prices are not the result of shortages in production, but the outcome of increased demand stemming from the production of biofuels. I hypothesize... more
Il lavoro intende ricostruire i fili dell’agitazione in favore del libero scambio tra la crisi politico-economica di fine Ottocento e il tramonto del regime liberale. Tale campagna avrebbe dovuto inserirsi, per il movimento liberista, in... more
). Il s'agit d'une modification majeure de la politique commerciale du Sénégal qui bénéficie aujourd'hui d'un accès préférentiel relativement favorable vers les marchés européens, mais aussi vers le marché américain, et applique des... more
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) had a profound impact on corn trade between the United States and Mexico. Negotiated tariff reductions and the Mexican government's decision not to charge some tariffs to which it was... more
Over thousands of thousands years history proves to us that Gold and Silver are the best form of money. Both has kept their values time to time. This is the story of three examples how gold and silver coins have maintained their... more
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) had a profound impact on corn trade between the United States and Mexico. Negotiated tariff reductions and the Mexican government's decision not to charge some tariffs to which it was... more
This article examines how The wealth of nations (1776) was transformed into an amorphous text regarding the imperial question throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Adam Smith had left behind an ambiguous legacy on... more
Este documento desarrolla un análisis descriptivo del Tratado de Libre Comercio suscrito entre Canadá y Colombia, y sus antecedentes en materia de inversiones. Para ello se utiliza la metodología de investigación documental y análisis de... more
In this article, core tenets and claims of the theory of ecologically unequal exchange (EUE) are synthesized. EUE theory postulates a net flow of natural resources from peripheral developing to core industrialized countries through... more
Presentación de una estrategia para reducir la pobreza y convertir a Honduras en una nación del primer mundo en una o dos generaciones. Análisis de procesos exitosos de liberalización económica en Asia, Europa y América Latina.... more