Information Architecture
Recent papers in Information Architecture
Open card sorting is used by information architects to gather insights from users to incorporate feedback into an information architecture. In theory, it is one of the more inexpensive, user-centered design methods available to... more
Existing Web design guidelines give conflicting advice on the best position for the navigation menu. One set of guidelines is based on user expectation of layout, the other on results from user testing with alternative layouts. To resolve... more
Though information architecture (IA) has been represented in Wikipedia since 2003, subject coverage remains inadequate. Without current, academically oriented information and references, the article fails to meet quality standards. A... more
Telemedicine technology is rapidly evolving. Whereas early telemedicine consultations relied primarily on video conferencing, consultations today may utilize video conferencing, medical peripherals, storeand-forward capabilities,... more
Requirements have remained one of the grand challenges in the design of software intensive systems. In this paper we review the main strands of requirements research over the past two decades and identify persistent and new challenges.... more
Tankönyv az információbiztonsági programról, kapcsolódó architektúrákról.
"Open card sorting is used by information architects to gather insights from users to incorporate feedback into an information architecture. In theory, it is one of the more inexpensive user-centered design methods available to... more
Until 1993 there were conducted first excavations in what promised to be the site of one of the most important buildings of Petra, the stunning capital of the Nabataean kingdom. Its construction, whose initiation century BC, several... more
The paper highlights the concept of library portals and information architecture and the relationship that exists between the two concepts. Further, it imports the functions of librarians in the traditional setting into the webometric... more
Dalam makalah ini, penulis mencoba menyajikan analisis arsitektur informasi yang membangun situs web Perpustakaan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Topik ini dipilih karena Perpustakaan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia memiliki situs web... more
"The cyberPRINT is a fully immersive, interactive virtual environment that is being generated in real-time based on physiological data readings of a human body. In other words, the cyberPRINT is based on creating interfaces between... more
Agner, Luiz. Ergodesign e arquitetura de informação : trabalhando com o usuário I Luiz Agner. - Rio de Janeiro : Quartet, 2a ed. 2009. il.; 196p.; 21cm. Inclui bibliografia ISBN: 978-85-7812-0 17-7 I. Ergonomia. 2. Arquitetura... more
Through a study of web site design practice, we observed that designers employ multiple representations of web sites as they progress through the design process, and that these representations allow them to focus on different aspects of... more
The mobile application as a library service Abstrakt: Aplikacja mobilna to wyspecjalizowany program pozwalający na dostęp do wybranych przez ich dostawców funkcji oraz treści. Badania polskiego rynku mobilnego dowodzą, że laptop i... more
This handbook is the result of an exploratory study that tries to connect rhetoric and user experience (UX). Here, the user interface (UI) becomes the middle point through which rhetorical figures can be applied to influence the user... more
Conceptual structures are, as a rule, approached from logical perspectives in a broad sense. However, since Antiquity there has been another approach to conceptual structures in thought and language, namely the rhetorical tradition. The... more
Este livro aborda todos os conceitos aprendidos na disciplina Design de Informação, de uma maneira enxuta e linguagem clara. Tem como objetivo servir de base para estudantes e professores da área de Design. Ao final de cada capítulo, o... more
Abstract Expert evaluation methods, such as heuristic evaluation, are still popular in spite of numerous criticisms of their effectiveness. This paper investigates the usability problems found in the evaluation of six highly interactive... more
La Tesi vuole dimostrare che è possibile ampliare le potenzialità di un mezzo innovativo come MediaWiki per un facile reperimento dei beni artistico-culturali, rendendo la navigazione e la ricerca intuitiva e minuziosa. Il progetto ha lo... more
- Result of “the Onlife Initiative,” a one-year project funded by the European Commission to study the deployment of ICTs and its effects on the human condition - Inspires reflection on the ways in which a hyperconnected world forces the... more
Purpose/thesis: The purpose of this paper is to present a reflection on the relationship between Information Architecture and Information Science, both as scientific disciplines and the practices of university teaching. The... more
Today any organisation has to deal with a great deal of information and an even greater amount of data. In many instances the terms data and information are used interchangeably, and it can be very problematic to determine the right... more
ÖZET Tarihin eski dönemlerinden bu yana devinim içerisinde olan bilgi, hızla genişleyerek çeşitli iletişim türleriyle ve bilimsel alanlarla etkileşim içerisine girmiştir. Bilgiyi paylaşma ihtiyacının artmasıyla, içeriğin daha iyi... more
Tal como a organização e todas as teorias que a envolvem, também a Informação é uma temática que tem sido exaustivamente estudada, tendo-se construído um quadro conceptual de referência com elevada sustentação teórica.
Slide ini berisi materi perkuliahan pertama Mata Kuliah Arsitektur Informasi, membahas pengertian, sejarah perkembangan, fungsi dan komponen-komponen arsitektur informasi secara garis besar.
Angiolo Mazzoni nasce a Bologna da genitori senesi il 21 maggio 1894. Da un inizio di clima "secessionista", che ha praticato alla fine degli anni Dieci, come -anche se qualche tempo dopo -Sant'Elia, Chiattone e poi Marchi (progettando... more
Increasingly, organisations establish what is called an enterprise architecture. The enterprise architecture combines and relates all architectures describing some aspect of the organization, such as the business process architecture, the... more
Tracking of shipments is an important element of customer service in the transportation industry; and essential for logistics services as merge-in-transit. However, contemporary tracking systems are designed for use within a single... more
This thesis proposes an epistemological and theoretical framework for the idea of a Genetic Architecture of Information, founded by the General Theory of the Architecture of Information, proposed by Lima-Marques (2011); under the... more
It is often inappropriate to write an academic paper in the first person narrative of "I", as this indicates the writer to be an authority on the subject in which they are writing, and often they are far from it. However, as a former... more
Salah satu komponen enterprise architecture adalah arsitektur informasi, yang memiliki tiga elemen, yaitu people, process, dan technology. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan variabel-variabel pada elemen process dengan melibatkan elemen... more
Przedmiotem pracy jest Radio Uniwersytet przy Uniwersytecie Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy. Problem badawczy stanowi specyfika architektury i zarządzania informacją w tej organizacji, na którą składają się: witryna internetowa,... more
Purpose: The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication was founded in 1973 to promote programs in technical and scientific communication, promote research in technical and scientific communication, develop... more