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      InformationCultural changeInformation EconomicsInformational cascades
Page 270. 12 Waving in a crowd: fiddler crabs signal in networks DENISE S. POPE University of Copenhagen, Denmark Introduction A communication network is formed when more than one receiver can in-tercept the signal ...
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      ZoologyBiologyCommunication NetworksInformation Cascades
Social visualization systems have emerged to support collective intelligence-driven analysis of a growing influx of open data. As with many other online systems, social signals (e.g., forums, polls) are commonly integrated to drive use.... more
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      Collective IntelligenceInformation VisualizationSocial InfluenceSocial Context
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      Capital MarketsBehavioral FinanceFinancial managementSocial learning
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      InformationCultural changeInformation EconomicsInformational cascades
We study a sequential trading financial market where there are gains from trade, that is, where informed traders have heterogeneous private values. We show that an informational cascade (i.e., a complete blockage of information) arises... more
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      Economic TheorySocial learningFinancial ContagionFinancial Market
The purpose of this paper is to reflect the behavioral biases that led to this global financial crisis. The paper presents briefly the real causes of the crisis (structural and cyclical factors) and puts a greater accent on the behavioral... more
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      Corporate GovernanceBehavioral FinanceGlobal Financial CrisisHuman behavior
Experts tend to herd if they can communicate among themselves. I show that every expert can be induced to do independent research and report truthful results if and only if payments to the expert depend on other experts' reports. If the... more
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      BusinessEconomicsCommunicationApplied Economics Letters
Online discussion threads are conversational cascades in the form of posted messages that can be generally found in social systems that comprise many-to-many interaction such as blogs, news aggregators or bulletin board systems. We... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingMaximum LikelihoodWikipedia
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      Foreign Exchange MarketMultidisciplinaryNatureForeign Exchange
We examine a model of social learning in networks following the lines of Bala and Goyal (1998, 2001). As a model of agents’ behaviour we have chosen the model of informational cascades of Bikhchandani et al (1992). Similarly to Bala and... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationSocial learningInformation Flow
Informational cascades can be used to augment the existing Austrian business cycle theory. As first-order users of knowledge know the direct causes of a price change, they transmit this knowledge to second-order users through the price... more
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      EconomicsHigher Order ThinkingProfitabilityFirst-Order Logic
This study develops and tests a theoretical framework, which draws on herd behavior literature and explains how and under what conditions tabloids' attention to misinformation drives broadsheets' attention to misinformation. More... more
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      JournalismAttentionPolitical JournalismAttention Economics
Time plays an essential role in the diffusion of information, influence, and disease over networks. In many cases we can only observe when a node is activated by a contagion— when a node learns about a piece of information, makes a... more
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      Social NetworksBlogsNews MediaInformation Propagation
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingMaximum LikelihoodWikipedia
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial InteractionGroup Behavior
In the social learning model of B£inerjee [l] and Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer and Welch individuals take actions sequentially after observing the history of actions taken by the predecessors and an informative private signal. If the state... more
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      Economic TheorySocial learningLearning ProcessInformation Cascades
We study a model of learning on social networks in dynamic environments, describing a group of agents who are each trying to estimate an underlying state that varies over time, given access to weak signals and the estimates of their... more
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      Economic TheorySocial learningMinimum variancePrediction Model
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      MarketingSocial InfluenceBusiness and ManagementProfitability
Given a directed social graph and a set of past information cascades observed over the graph, we study the novel problem of detecting modules of the graph (communities of nodes), that also explain the cascades. Our key observation is that... more
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      Social NetworksInformation Cascades
We investigate the herd behavior of returns for the yen-dollar exchange rate in the Japanese financial market. It is obtained that the probability distribution $P(R)$ of returns $R$ satisfies the power-law behavior $P(R) \simeq... more
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      Statistical MechanicsProbability Distribution & ApplicationsMathematical SciencesPower Law
The experience nature of movies makes box-office ticket sales unpredictable and uncertain. As such, consumers look for indicators, or signals used by producers, that infer cues of product quality and entices information cascading through... more
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      Social learningInformation CascadesEntertainment Economics
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      Public OpinionHealth EconomicsEast AsiaRisk Management
This study examines whether analysts' forecast revisions exhibited increased herding behavior following the adoption of Regulation Fair Disclosure. A recent model by projects that one potential consequence of Regulation Fair Disclosure... more
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      Empirical EvaluationACCOUNTING/PUBLIC POLICYInformation CascadesHerd Behavior
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyFashion PhotographyInformation
An interactive innovation can be defined as an end-user application which is subject to network effects at both the demand and supply sides. As a result of network effects, the diffusion of such an innovation is predicted to follow a... more
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      EconomicsTechnologyCritical MassInstitutions
We investigate by numerical simulation a threshold model of social contagion on degree-correlated random networks. We show that the class of networks for which global information cascades occur generally expands as degree-degree... more
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      EngineeringNumerical SimulationMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Modelling accurately financial price variations is an essential step underlying portfolio allocation optimization, derivative pricing and hedging, fund management and trading. The observed complex price fluctuations guide and constraint... more
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      Probability TheoryStochastic ProcessStock MarketStandard Deviation
The experience nature of movies makes box-office ticket sales unpredictable and uncertain. As such, consumers look for indicators, or signals used by producers, that infer cues of product quality. These signals infer product quality and... more
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      Social learningWord-Of-MouthInformation CascadesEntertainment Economics
There is a large and rapidly increasing literature which analyses social networks for which substantial amounts of quantitative data are available. Further, there is a growing and related literature on what is referred to by economists as... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCultural ScienceScale-Free Networks
Abstract: How do blogs cite and influence each other? How do such links evolve? Does the popularity of old blog posts drop exponentially with time? These are some of the questions that we address in this work. Our goal is to build a model... more
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      Computer SciencePhysicsData AnalysisComputer Network
In settings characterized by imperfect information about an underlying state of nature, but where inferences are made sequentially and are publicly observable, decisions may yield a "cascade" in which everyone herds on a single choice.... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsMate selectionLaboratory experiment
This paper investigates the validity of the Dual Process theory by using eye-tracking methods to trace the process of attention during a non-preference-based problem solving task, i.e. informational cascades. In this setting, gaze... more
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      Eye trackingProblem SolvingCognitive BiasesGaze Direction
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      Political EconomyApplied EconomicsExperimental ResearchExperiments
In this paper we try to understand the phenomenon whereby a large proportion of the population evades tax payments. We present a model which incorporates elements from the theory of information cascades with the standard model of tax... more
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      Development EconomicsApplied EconomicsUncertaintyStandard Model
Initial adoption of technology is examined. Initial adoption refers to the point at which the decision to adopt a technology is made, before the user has formed perceptions of -for instance -how easy it is to use or how useful it is.... more
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      Technology AdoptionInformation CascadesPrivate InformationSocial Network
We study the effect of transaction costs (eg, a trading fee or a transaction tax, like the Tobin tax) on the aggregation of private information in financial markets. We implement a financial market with sequential trading and transaction... more
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      Applied EconomicsTobin taxFinancial MarketInformation Cascades
In a variety of important domains, there is considerable correlational evidence suggestive of what are variously referred to as social norm effects, contagion effects, information cascades, or peer effects. It is difficult to... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsNorth CarolinaElementary School
The availability of high-frequency data for nancial markets has made it possible to study market dynamics on timescales of less than a day 1 ]. F or foreign exchange (FX) rates M uller et al. 2] have s h o wn that there is a net... more
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      EconomicsTurbulenceForeign Exchange MarketMultidisciplinary
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      Social NetworksOptimization ProblemMissing DataMisinformation
This paper identifies a disadvantage to decision making in a team. We show that in some cases available information is lost due to sequential communication that results in informational cascades. Although incentive contracts exist that... more
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      EconomicsDecision MakingApplied EconomicsInformation Flow
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      Social learningWord of MouthInformation CascadesEntertainment Economics
Abstract—The spread of information cascades over social networks forms the diffusion networks. The latent structure of diffusion networks makes the problem of extracting diffusion links difficult. As observing the sources of information... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisTime SeriesMarkov Processes
We examine a model of social learning in networks following the lines of Bala and Goyal (1998, 2001). As a model of agents’ behaviour we have chosen the model of informational cascades of Bikhchandani et al (1992). Similarly to Bala and... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationSocial learningInformation Flow
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      SociologyInformation Cascades
Motivated by the significant amount of successful collaborative problem solving activity on the Web, we ask: Can the accumulated information propagation behavior on the Web be conceived as a giant machine, and reasoned about accordingly?... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational TheoryInformation Cascades
We introduce the idea that informational cascades can explain the observed regularity that emigrants from the same locations also tend to choose the same foreign locations. Thus informational cascades generate herd behavior. Herd behavior... more
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      EconomicsMigrationNetwork ExternalitiesInformation Cascades
ㅇ Purpose When purchasing digital content (DC), consumers are typically influenced by various information sources on the website. Prior research has mostly focused on the individual effect of the information sources on the DC choice. To... more
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      RecommendationDigital ContentsInformation CascadesGLS
In settings where there is imperfect information about an underlying state of nature, but where inferences are made sequentially and are publicly observable, information cascades can lead to rational herding. Cascade phenomena may be seen... more
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      MarketingMate selectionImperfect informationFinancial Market