Cognitive Biases
Recent papers in Cognitive Biases
The "new paternalism" claims that careful policy interventions can help people make better decisions in terms of their own welfare, with only mild or nonexistent infringement of personal autonomy and choice. This claim to moderation is... more
A cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one's preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. There are as many as 180 known... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
Financial professionals and their clients exhibit a wide collection of behavioral biases that many times result in imperfect judgments and outcomes. Understanding these cognitive and affective factors are important for financial planners... more
This paper studies the impact of ambiguity and ambiguity aversion on equilibrium asset prices and portfolio holdings in competitive financial markets. It argues that attitudes toward ambiguity are heterogeneous across the population, just... more
The increasing use of data visualization for displaying information in a transdisciplinary environment raises issues about client information seeking in the decision-making processes. Field experts and individuals with high confidence... more
Many adult anxiety problems emerge in adolescence. Investigating how adolescent anxiety arises and abates is critical for understanding and preventing adult psychiatric problems. Drawing threat interpretations from ambiguous material is... more
The late American Historian, Barbara Tuchman-. II concluded that nothing much has changed. Yet, now, with the fate of the planet potentially hanging in the balance, we need wise leaders. And coaching, if done well, can foster the... more
In the current business word, developing a new product successfully is a factor for growth and survival of companies, and deficiency in product development process especially in small medium size enterprises which possess limited resource... more
It can never be an easy period of adjustment when someone presents brand new ideas through a brand new science. In the case of the prosecution of Socrates, the philosopher created a scene by flipping the social order of the time. The... more
Human cognition is often biased, from judgments of the time of impact of approaching objects all the way through to estimations of social outcomes in the future. We propose these effects and a host of others may all be understood from an... more
Research on people's confidence in their general knowledge has to date produced two fairly stable effects, many inconsistent results, and no comprehensive theory. We propose such a comprehensive framework, the theory of probabilistic... more
Research examining the role of cognition in depression is critically reviewed. Specifically, five broad areas of cognitive functioning are examined: expectations and evaluations of performance, perception of environmental information,... more
The objectivity of forensic science decision making has received increased attention and scrutiny. However, there are only a few published studies experimentally addressing the potential for contextual bias. Because of the esteem of DNA... more
During the last years, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber (henceforth, M&S) have been consistently working on a novel theory of reasoning capable of overcoming the limitations of the "logicist" and "individualist" accounts that have largely... more
本報告は,因果関係に関する「人間らしい」推論の1つのモデルを提案する。 従来より,p という事象とq という事象とのあいだにどのような関係があればそれが「因果関係」と認知されるのか,について議論されてきた。われわれは,その認知の中で働いていると見られる「対称性バイアス」および「相互対称性バイアス」という2 つの非論理的な認知的バイアスが,結果として合理的な因果関係の認知・推論・期待形成をもたらしているのではないかという仮説を立てた。 これを検証するため,この2... more
"Will computers ever think like humans?" "Not if they're well designed." Mixing academic essay, anti-art philosophy, unsettling memoir and wry wit, Noise Music is a profoundly complex and open-ended collage covering a plethora of topics... more
In this project, we analyzed the decision-making process which took place at Steel Inc.
Money illusion has been defined as a tendency to think in terms of nominal rather than real monetary values, and understood as a cognitive bias. Overcoming money illusion would lead individuals to the preferable decisions, and... more
In this volume, volume 6, I will deal with insight and understanding, meaning and communication and intersubjectivity. (In an appendix I will include a number of –isms, cognitive biases and fallacies that might interfere... more
This research presents evidence that decision support systems can play an important role in debiasing behaviorally-challenged investors. An empirical study involving 119 participants provides strong evidence for the existence of cognitive... more
This paper analyzes experimentally if psychological traits and cognitive biases affect trading behaviour and performance. Based on the answers of 67 subjects to a psychological questionnaire we measured their degree of overconfidence,... more
Digital forensics is an important and growing forensic domain. Research on miscarriages of justice and misleading evidence, as well as various inquires in the UK and the US, have highlighted human error as an issue within forensic... more
Two dictionaries of Semito-Hamitic, one by Orel & Stolbova, and another one by Christopher Ehret, were published at the same time, thus allowing the public, for the first time, to assess their reliability. The authors disregard the... more
According to a growing literature in many fields of the social sciences and humanities defending the mind-modularity thesis, the brain is composed of mutually inconsistent modules that contain contradictory beliefs. What consequences... more
Όλα τα οικονομικά εγχειρίδια και βιβλία που διδάσκονται οι πρωτοετείς φοιτητές των οικονομικών σχολών με σκοπό την ανάλυση των μικροοικονομικών και μακροοικονομικών θεωριών, ξεκινούν με μια βασική υπόθεση: Ότι τα άτομα λαμβάνουν αποφάσεις... more
Objective: A large body of research has demonstrated the importance of cognitive biases in the development and maintenance of psychosis. Self-report scales for routine clinical practice have been developed only recently. Two new... more
Othering is the construction and identification of the self or in-group and the other or out-group in mutual, unequal opposition by attributing relative inferiority and/or radical alienness to the other/out-group. The notion of othering... more
Background: It has been hypothesised that dysfunctional strategies for avoiding depression play an important role in the pathway to mania. Support for this hypothesis comes from studies demonstrating that remitted and manic bipolar... more
In this paper we seek to gain an improved understanding of the structure of cognitive biases and their relationship with measures of intelligence and relevant non-cognitive constructs. We report on the outcomes of a study based on a... more
"This collection of essays is intended to showcase the potentially wide applicability of Strategic Foresight and Warning approaches and concepts. These provide a suite of useful analytical tools for busy analysts within and outside... more
This paper examines possible ways in which the legal process is influenced by money-related considerations – sometimes to a dramatic extent - and considers ethical implications and practical reflections on the administration of... more
I present some of the more prevalent and bothersome cognitive biases by means of simple classroom activities. These lay the groundwork for discussing de-biasing strategies with a focus on learning and training in normative rule systems.
As megaprojects have become ubiquitous, their real benefits and costs have come under increased scrutiny. We interviewed Bent Flyvbjerg, who has extensively studied megaproject development. Flyvbjerg has found systematic problems in the... more
Information visualization designers strive to design data displays that allow for efficient exploration, analysis, and communication of patterns in data, leading to informed decisions. Unfortunately, human judgment and decision making are... more