Internet voting
Recent papers in Internet voting
This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. It addresses the potentials and challenges of the implementation of... more
The aim of the article is to present the opportunities and threats resulting from the implementation of voting via the Internet (i-voting) and to discuss the conditions for effective implementation of this alternative voting procedure on... more
Voting is an important part for any democratic country. Citizen elects their leader through the voting process to lead the country. This vote capturing process can be manually or electronically. Manually means traditional ballot paper... more
Governance for the people of any country is executed by the democratically elected party through the voting process. Earlier the paper ballot voting system was used manually, which was later substituted by Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)... more
E-voting implantation has been facing important challenges in recent years. Several incidents, together with a lack of evaluation methodologies social and cultural customs hinder a broader application. In this work, the authors aim to... more
By taking into account the recent debates on electronic and mail voting in Romania, an analysis is made in order to determine if online suffrage is a feasible and desired alternative among political parties and specialists alike. The... more
Remote Voting Systems has not been universally adopted by most countries for their elections such as in the case of Fiji. Although mobile phones are quite prevalent around the world and the amount of smart phones sold is increasing at a... more
Proponents of blockchain technology state that it facilitates transparency, verifiability, and auditability. Thereby, sometimes it is promoted and tested as an experimental e-voting design. In this relation, the contribution overviews the... more
The aim of this paper is to identify, structure, and remit the risks of electronic voting by offering practical solutions for countering them. In the context of a wider electoral reform, after a cost-benefit analysis has been performed... more
Kapitola popisuje vývoj možností absenčního hlasování a elektronického hlasování na federální úrovni v USA. Následně se věnuje aktuálnímu systému elektronických voleb v USA, soustředí se na možnosti jeho využití, bezpečnost hlasování,... more
In September 2012, the City of Edmonton launched a four-month strategy to engage a range of citizens in the development of a policy proposal for the use of Internet voting in civic elections. A variety of initiatives were implemented,... more
This paper is a case study of a country in which evoting used to be the general norm until 2006; the Netherlands. Since the abandonment of e-voting, several attempts have been made to reintroduces some form of e-voting. This paper... more
Мета цієї праці – виявити, структурувати та зменшити ризики електронного голосування завдяки пропонованим практичним рішенням. У контексті ширшої виборчої реформи, вже після проведення аналізу витрат і вигод та прийняття рішення щодо... more
ในช่วงสิบกว่าปีที่ผ่านมา ประเทศประชาธิปไตยหลายประเทศทั่วโลกได้ให้ความสนใจกับการพัฒนารูปแบบการลงคะแนนเสียงทางอินเตอร์เน็ต เพื่อนำไปใช้ในการเลือกตั้งและการลงประชามติ... more
Pandemia COVID-19 sprawiła, że głosowanie za pośrednictwem Internetu stało się przedmiotem wielu dyskusji w przestrzeni publicznej. Tradycyjna forma realizacji czynnego prawa wyborczego w lokalu wyborczym, ze względu na zagrożenie... more
This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. It addresses the potentials and challenges of the implementation of... more
Remote Voting Systems has not been universally adopted by most countries for their elections such as in the case of Fiji. Although mobile phones are quite prevalent around the world and the amount of smart phones sold is increasing at a... more
This opening article introduces the Fourth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting and, on the occasion of the 15 years since the first E-Vote conference in Austria, presents an analysis of the network of co-authorships based... more
Right after the national referendum votes of 27th September and 26th November 2009 by Geneva registered Swiss Abroad using the Internet as their voting channel, our center conducted an online survey asking questions about usability and... more
Internet voting has been available for French citizens living abroad since 2006, and 43.21% of them filled out their ballots online for the first election of their consular delegates in 2014. Using a multivariate analysis of turnout... more
Le vote des Belges à l'étranger pose moins de défis étant donné que le système utilisé pour les élections fédérales et européennes repose déjà en partie sur le vote par correspondance, où les principes de vote anticipé et de vote à... more
Investigación sobre los peligros de votar por Internet en México. Un análisis detallado de los mitos de esta modalidad de votación, las principales experiencias comparadas y el análisis crítico del caso mexicano, en particular del sistema... more
The Åland Islands spent years preparing an internet voting system, to be implemented for the first time in October 2019 for Parliamentary Elections. Despite this, the project was canceled the evening before the expected release date. In... more
Internet voting systems have gained popularity and have been used for government elections and referendums in the United Kingdom, Estonia and Switzerland as well as municipal elections in Canada and party primary elections in the United... more
The world’s largest democracy has adopted electoral reforms in Assembly as well as Parliamentary elections. Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) has replaced the paper ballot system. However, there are serious concerns being raised with... more
Цель. Выявление способов модернизации подходов к продвижению дистанционного электронного голосования как формы электоральной активности в социальных медиа. Процедура и методы. Методическим инструментарием исследования является система... more
Assessing the influence that socio-economic characteristics have on the division between traditional voters and those who choose to vote via the internet is crucial to political debate as well as for the future development of democracies.... more
Internet Voting (i-Voting) is an online electronic voting process where a voter can vote staying online from anywhere or connected to a wireless network of a target place. In this paper, a wireless ...
Organización mexicana sin fines de lucro, dedicada a la defensa de los derechos humanos en el entorno digital. Utiliza diversas herramientas legales y de comunicación para hacer investigación de políticas, litigio estratégico, incidencia... more
This article is devoted to the characteristics of electoral culture of the states which widely use electronic voting in elections of different levels. Voting, as a form of political participation, is driven by internal personal motives... more