Irrigation Engineering
Recent papers in Irrigation Engineering
In the humid and sub-humid areas, agricultural production is largely rain fed and this needs to be urgently supplemented by irrigation practice if the country is to meet its food demand. A two years study was carried out at the... more
As the water is the life force, essential for every living creature on the earth, saving and protecting it are the basic necessities. This paper study the characteristics of sewage of Erbil city, and also study methods of treatment by... more
La papa tiene una alta sensibilidad a los excesos y deficiencias de humedad en el suelo. Con la aplicación del modelo basado en el concepto grados día (°D), se obtiene un pronóstico del riego más preciso debido a que este modelo se ajusta... more
This study was carried out to assess the water quality of Rugende dam located in Eastern Province of Rwanda and its suitability for irrigation purposes based on various physicochemical parameters and water quality indices. Water samples... more
Irrigation extremely important practice is agricultural and most water-consuming which has to be reduced. An efficient irrigation system which includes soil moisture sensors can help in the efficient management of irrigation practices.... more
Despite the impressive gains in global food production over the last half century, an estimated 790 million people remain hungry. Many of the chronically hungry are poor farm families, who have neither the means to produce the food they... more
Intensity, duration and frequency are identified as the principle characteristics of a rainfall, which influences the planning design, operation and maintenance of soil and water conservation structures. The relationship between rainfall... more
The viability and sustainability of crop production is currently threatened by increasing water scarcity. Water scarcity problems can be addressed through improved water productivity and the options usually presumed in this context are... more
Evapotranspiration (evaporation and transpiration) represents vegetated soil water loss to the atmosphere and can be estimated by various empirical methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of methods of... more
There is a significant hydropower potential in irrigation canals worldwide. Much of this potential exists as energy dissipating ramp-type fall structures. Hydropower could be employed to pump water for water saving irrigation, or to... more
EXTENDED ABSTRACT The aim of the paper is to determine the best agricultural production planning in the territory of Agios Athanasios irrigation network, which is located in the northern region of Greece. The goal is to determine the... more
This Project is my academic project for CE: 461 (Irrigation and Flood Control). Course Code-CE 461 Course Name-Irrigation and Flood Control.
Provincializing Bollywood argues that Bhojpuri cinema exemplifies the overflow of a provincial derivative form that defies its place in the given scheme of things. Situating it at the intersection of vernacular media production and the... more
Irrigation and water management have lagged behind other industries in terms of technological advancements, but with innovations like variable rate, real-time systems, it is now embracing the 21st century. More efficient methods of... more
Within the framework of its implementation, PDIDAS plans to develop irrigation infrastructure for 2,555 ha of secondary irrigation and 832 ha of tertiary irrigation in the Lac De Guiers and Ngalam areas in the regions of Saint-Louis and... more
Published pipe standards serve three functions.
This study was mainly aimed at determining the irrigation water requirement of wheat, cropping pattern in the area and effect of CRIWAR software as a modeling technique. Kura Local Government area of Kano State of Nigeria was used as... more
Design of Irrigation and Drainage Networks for Reclamation Projects Section 5 by G.S. Ghuman - 1974.
The declining availability of fresh water has become a worldwide problem, which maintains the development of alternative, secondary quality water resources for agricultural use. Several studies recommend that give attention for selected... more
Desarrollo histórico del riego en Guatemala
Despite the impressive gains in global food production over the last half century, an estimated 790 million people remain hungry. Many of the chronically hungry are poor farm families, who have neither the means to produce the food they... more
i would be glad to have any information about rjkip for my report.
ABSTRACT: The following 58 questions follow the documentary (no.6), PBS: The Lost Gardens of Babylon (60 minutes) (2014; 60 min.). The question sheet aids in furnishing a summary of the documentary's coverage and sequence of specific... more
This is a study of the water-raising wheels of western Syria from the aspects of sources, terminology, typology, origin, history, technology and architecture, and gives a survey of these installations, discussing their present state of... more
Subsurface drip irrigation systems, compared to other irrigation systems, enhance delivery of water and chemicals directly into the root zone. However, in light-textured soils, certain quantities of water may percolate below the root zone... more
A preliminary surface irrigation system design.I hope you find it helpful for academic purposes.
Irrigation system layout and canal design is a subject that has not been dealt with enough. This manual tries to bring all the available works in the area so that further researches and works can be encouraged. The manual can serve as a... more
CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, respective cause and remedy
Optimasi dan pola operasi waduk/bendungan dapat digunakan dengan beberapa metode diantaranya Program linier, Program Dinamik maupun simulasi. This writing can inform for you all, how to optimum the reservoir so can fulfill water needs... more
In accordance to studies by G.S.Hawkins, the author of this paper continued decoding of ancient monument Stonehenge in Great Britain. The method of decoding by J.-F.Champollion was used with success. The author discovered mathematical... more
A solar powered evaporative cooling system of 0.6 m 3 capacity was designed and constructed to increase the shelf life of stored vegetables. The evaporative cooler was tested and evaluated using tomato (Roma). The equipment operates on... more
With two thirds of the earth's surface covered by water, it is evidently clear that water is one of the most important elements responsible for life on earth. It is not only vital for sustenance of life, but equally essential for... more
Ditulis oleh Syamsul Arifin (Koordinator KMB P3-TGAI BBWS Brantas tahun 2019) Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara yang sedang melaksanakan pembangunan disegala bidang, termasuk sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu sektor yang diandalkan... more
his work was conducted for two successive seasons (2015/2016) on Shemlaly 15 years old olive trees (Olea europaea L.) cultivated under semi-arid conditions of Egypt (sandy soil at spacing of 4x5 m) at a private orchard located in... more
As stated by one of the pioneer irrigation scientists Orson Winso Israelsen (1887-1968), irrigation is an age-old art that has been influencing the well-being of civilizations for thousands of years. Irrigated agriculture has been a vital... more