Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (3rd Ed.)
G. O. Schwab, R. K. Fievert, T. W. Edminster and
K. K. Banes
John Wiley and Sons, 1 9 8 1 , 7 0 4 pp., $39.90/£21.00
This is a third edition of the book originally published in
1955. In their Preface, the authors state that in comparison
to the earlier editions, more emphasis is given in the present
one to engineering design of soil and water conservation
practices. Indeed, throughout the book the engineering
solutions are extensively presented and discussed,
Altogether, the book focuses attention on six phases of
the engineering activities related to soil and water conservation: (wind and water) erosion control, (surface and
subsurface) drainage, irrigation, flood control, moisture
conservation and water resources management and development.
In the introduction, the authors define soil and water
conservation engineering as 'the application of engineering
principles to the solution of soil and water management
problems', with the conservation of these resources implying 'utilisation without waste'. The main interest of the
authors seems to be in the increase of food production. For
them, this serves as the main objective of soil and water
management. The figures they give, in the introduction and
in subsequent chapters, of land use, investment in soil and
water conservation, land erosion, drained wetlands, irrigation, etc., relate to the US.
Chapter 2 deals with precipitation, since 'moisture,
whether too much, too little, or poorly distributed is one
of the major limitations to agricultural production'. The
same is true for Chapter 3 on infiltration, evaporation and
transpiration and for Chapter 4, on runoff, where the
emphasis is on hydtograph analysis. Nevertheless, the inclusion of these subjects in this volume is important as they
provide the essential input information to the considered
engineering practices.
Chapter 5 deals with practices of control of water
erosion and Chapter 6 deals with wind erosion and its
Chapter 6 deals with wind erosion and its control and
Chapter 7 considers vegetated waterways, where the vegetation's objective is to stabilise the channel and protect it
against the development of gullies.
Chapter 8 discusses terracing as an erosion control technique. Design details and the methodology for planning
terrace systems are reviewed.
Chapter 9 describes temporary and permanent structures
constructed along channels with the objective of taking up
most of the fall along the channel in order to dissipate the
energy of the falling water and thus to maintain along the
channel non-silting and non-scouring velocities.
Chapter I0 deals with earth embankments and farm
ponds. The theoretical aspects of seepage through earth
embankment is limited to a simple Dupuit-based expression.
The information presented is sufficient only for the initial
planning phases if the embankment is a large one. Otherwise, all the important elements: foundation, side slopes,
and berm, top width, free brand, compaction arrd settlement, and spillway, are properly described.
Chapter 1 1 deals with the control of runoff at the headwater. The role of reservoirs in reducing flood peaks is discussed in detail, and flood routing techniques are presented.
Chapters 12-1 5 deal with surface and subsurface drainage. Many design details are included. Spacing formulae for
parallel drain systems, and information of cost estimation
are also given.
Chapter 16 gives some basic facts about pumps, their
construction and operation. This is, again, a review of
Editor: C. L KIRK
Associate Editor: C. C. MEi
ISSN 0141 1187
Modern ocean (in particular, offshore)
technology ff growing rapidly as a new
discipline and profession, and a research
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A major characteristic of modern
ocean technology is its dependence on
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can be transferred readily among
researchers of different backgrounds, a
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which prevides accurate and up to date
information on Engineering Software.
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Engineering software is the term used to
Advances in Water Resources is a procover all computer programs, specialised
fessional journal designed to act as an
packagesand large analysis and design
international forum for the interchange
of scientific and technical information,
The aims of the journal are to proAdvances in Water Resources provides an
vide a forum for the presentation and
important alternative to existing journals
discussion of recent advances in engineerfor those scientists and engineers who
ing software, and act as a link between
are interested in the more quantitative
the originators of software and the
aspects of the water sciences,
engineering community. The main body
The Journal considers for publication
of the journal consists of articles describTapers in most areas of water resources
ing a particular piece of software, its
ut editorial policy is to encourage papers
theory, scope and application. Computer
on basic developments, simulation techlistings will be published when necessary.
Advances in Engineering Software also
niques and papers that emphasise the
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publishes articles on commercially availdescribed. The emphasis is on new conable software.
cepts and techniques. Case histories will
The cost of one year's subscription
only be published if they enhance the
(four issues) of Advances in Engineering
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Software is UK £39.00, overseas £45.00
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North America (including Canada and
Published quarterly.
Mexico) to be sent to Springer Verlag,
44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 10010, USA.
Tel. (201) 348 4033. $103 incl. p&p.
Subscriptions: North America including Canada and Mexico) to be sent to Springer Veriag, 44 Haxtz Way, Secaucus, NJ, USA.
Tel: (201) 348 4033. $126 incl. p&p. Other Countries to be sent to CML Publications, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton
SO4 2AA. Tel: (0421) 293223. UK £49. Elsewhere £55.00 ($120).
Editor: G. F. PINDER
Associate Editor: C.A. BREBB1A
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton
Adv. Water Resources, 1982, Volume 5, September
standard material, but well presented and needed here to
complete the practical engineering aspects.
Chapter 17, on water supply and quality, in the form
presented, is not directly related to the general scope of the
problem (except that the material on water measurement
could be included in one of the earlier chapters). Too little
on water quality, and only a brief glance at groundwater.
On the other hand the detailed description of irrigation
principles and (surface and subsurface) practices (Chapters
18-21) is good and most useful. Of special value to planners
is the material on trickle irrigation (a large portion of which
is taken from a publication by Karmeli and Keller, 1975).
A number of practical appendices (runoff determination,
Dynamic Analysis of
Offshore Structures
Edited by C. Kirk
Recent developments in fixed and floating offshore
structures have shown that dynamic analysis is the
single most i m p o r t a n t issue in the design of safe and
reliable structures.
Manning Roughness coefficients pipe and conduit f l o w ,
Because of the c o m p l e x nature of new types of
floating and c o m p l i a n t structures, dynamic analysis
loads on underground conduits, filter design criteria) con-
studies at the preliminary design stage are essential
elude the presentation,
Altogether, this is an excellent, clearly w r i t t e n and com-
for predicting m o t i o n s and dynamic stresses which
are generally d i f f i c u l t and expensive to obtain f r o m
prehensive presentation of almost every engineering aspect
related to soil and water conservation, l emphasise engineering (as do the authors also), as management (e.g. economic)
model tests.
Theoretical analysis is a valuable design tool to the
offshore engineer in enabling a wide range of design
aspects (and tools)
briefly mentioned.
authors use the SI
version tables. The
o f soil and water conservation are only
It may be o f interest to note that the
system o f unit, giving appropriate conb o o k should be a most useful profes-
parameters to be considered, and the purpose of the
present volume is to present a Wpical cross section of
problem areas in offshore structural dynamics. Since
the subject is continually growing the volume is
sional text for civil and agriculture engineers, foresters, and
unable to consider all aspect and it is intended to
others engaged in this i m p o r t a n t field. It is written also in
a way (including exercises) that should make it a good t e x t b o o k for teaching this subject at college and university
keep engineers up t o date w i t h new developments in
future volumes.
Softback£14.00 12pp
J. Bear
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Israel Institute of Technology
Proc0edings of the 3rd In~rnational Conference held at
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l-lannover, June 1982
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G. Pindar
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W. Gray and W. Zielke
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Resources held at the University of Mississippi, in May
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The conference attempted to present a state of the art of
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Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton
Adv. WaterResources, 1982, Volume 5, September
SO4 2AA,