Is/ought Problem
Recent papers in Is/ought Problem
In his book The Ethical Project, Philip Kitcher (2011) offers a naturalistic account of Ethics, which he dubs Pragmatic Naturalism. Based in evidence from primatology, archeology and anthropology, and some speculation from evolutionary... more
Die systematische Diskussion um die Gültigkeit der These von der Unableitbarkeit eines Sollens aus einem Sein ist bis auf den heutigen Tag nicht abgeklungen. Für unser Thema ist von Bedeutung, daß Befürworter wie Kritiker der sogenannten... more
Bu araştırma, ilk defa David Hume'un tartışmaya açtığı problem olarak bilinen 'Olgu-Değer Problemi' veya diğer bir ifadesiyle 'Olan-Olması Gereken Problemi'nin tarihsel ve kavramsal incelemesini içerir. Bu bağlamda, ilk bölümde... more
Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
NATURALIZM "Etyka jest pochodzenia naturalnego", "dobro i powinność są czymś naturalnym"tak mogłyby brzmieć najogólniejsze i zarazem najbardziej intuicyjne odpowiedzi osoby niewyszkolonej specjalnie filozoficznie na pytanie o to, czym... more
When one deliberates one has reasons both for and against doing something. Could the reasons for OBJECTIVELY outweigh the reasons against, in the sense that someone who thought otherwise would simply be wrong? (This is not the same... more
In an earlier paper, 'Peter Geach on nonsense, confusion and sin' 1 , I suggested that what one can say in explanation of one's own actions suffers from a severe limitation: one can shed little light on the question why one acted on one's... more
According to Democritus’ anthropogeny is a microcosmic consequence within the process of cosmogony. However, the case of man is a peculiarity: man, this atom complex, is well aware of himself, yet is not aware of what he must do. Man does... more
Mackie’s claim that in general courage benefits its possessor seems inconsistent with his ‘error theory’ of value. But how plausible is it in itself? I suggest that his arguments for the claim fail in the same way as the arguments of... more
I argue that Mackie's thesis about courage and self-interest is neither consistent with his 'error theory' of value nor convincing in itself. The question of the objectivity of value needs to be distinguished from that of whether one... more
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