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      NarrativeCrisis CommunicationCommunication EthicsModernity
The aim of this paper is to reconstruct Charles L. Stevenson’s metaethical view. Since his metaethical view is a form of emotivism, I will start by explaining what the core claims of emotivism are. I will then explore and comment on the... more
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      MetaethicsMoral PhilosophyEmotivism
A new way to explain the meta-ethical theory of emotivism for the 21st Century using emojis.
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      PhilosophyEthicsMeta-EthicsDavid Hume
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      EmotionEthicsFranz BrentanoConsciousness
This paper examines some ethical models or principles that ought to guide how accountability can be instituted and assessed. It is a philosophical probe into the rationale and moral foundations of accountability. We shall examine such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsSemantics
I reconstruct a plot in the twentieth-century Anglo-Saxon ethical discussion. I discuss first the reasons why in the first half of the twentieth century the claim of a neutral character of metaethics vis-a-vis normative ethics was... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyEthicsNormative EthicsHistory of Analytic Philosophy
El que roba lo interpreta como un bien y la víctima lo interpreta como un mal. El robo como mal no existe. Los líderes de la ciencia y la tecnología El conocimiento es tecnológico y la única finalidad es ganar dinero. Al cual la ciencia... more
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      A. J. AyerMotivational InternalismNoncognitivismJudgment Internalism
The process of decision making is predictable and irrational according to Daniel Ariely and other economic behaviorists, historians, and philosophers such as Daniel Kahneman or Yuval Noah Harari. Decisions made anteriorly can be, but... more
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      EmotionPhilosophy Of LawBehavioral Decision MakingJustice
Recent empirical research seems to show that emotions play a substantial role in moral judgment. Perhaps the most important line of support for this claim focuses on disgust. A number of philosophers and scientists argue that there is... more
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      Non-cognitivismExpressivismCognitivismMoral Judgment
This book hopes to explain the reasons behind the creation of violent ideologies as alternative modes of governance given perceived injustice. Emotion and sentimental attachment form an important part of developing one’s politics and... more
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      NeuroscienceSocial MovementsSocial TheoryCognitive Psychology
""In his « little Treatise in English» on Human nature (1640), and, later, in Leviathan (1647 – 1650), Thomas Hobbes examines and redefines the passions. Basing his argument upon the concept of motion, he conceives them as thoughts:... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEmotion
The philosophical work of Iris Murdoch, although not so extensive, cannot be easily grasped through usual classifications. Here we suggest approaching it from the perspective of Moore’s thesis on the indefinable nature of good that she... more
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      PlatoIris MurdochSartreRealism
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
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      EthicsKantPhilosophical ScepticismAristotle
Questa tesi è costruita su un confronto fra due filosofi morali contemporanei: lo scozzese A. MacIntyre e l’americano W. K. Frankena. L’opportunità per tale confronto è fornita dalla recensione, intitolata MacIntyre and Modern Morality,... more
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      EthicsVirtue EthicsAlasdair MacIntyreEmotivism
This book is an introduction in a double sense. It is intended to introduce beginners in philosophy to the idea of philosophical nonsense and the problems it raises. But it is also addressed to professional philosophers, most of whom seem... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtificial IntelligenceMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageEmpiricismCritical Discourse Studies
Welcome to the "Ways In" section of this Macat analysis. This is an introductory section, summarising the most important points of this work in one 10-minute read. Macat's Analyses are definitive studies of the most important books and... more
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      EducationAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Moral RelativismC.S. Lewis
The purpose of this paper is to outline the meta-ethical system that most aligns with normative Sunni Islāmic theology and to present contending systems in order to articulate why they are not consistent with mainstream Sunni theology.... more
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Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts geschah in der Philosophie etwas grundlegend Neues: Junge Philosophen wandten sich von der Metaphysik ab. Die Philosophie, so eine damals revolutionäre These Alfred Ayers in seinem Werk „Language, Truth and... more
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      PhilosophieAlfred AyerEmotivismCharles Stevenson
Adviser: Professor Stefan Baumrin In the first chapter I introduce the distinction between metaethics and normative ethics and argue that metaethics, properly conceived, is a part of cognitive science. For example, the debate between... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageMoral RealismEmotivism
The aim of this essay is to show that moral judgments are produced both by emotions and rational principles. First of all, I will point out some of the answers that have been given in modern and contemporary philosophy to the question... more
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      Moral PsychologyRationalismMoral emotionsMoral Reasoning
.Taking as my starting-point Cora Diamond’s paper ‘What nonsense might be’, I extend her ‘austere’ conception of nonsense to encompass the talking of nonsense.  We need to focus on the utterer as well as the utterance.  This brings out... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychoanalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic Philosophy
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      WittgensteinMetaethicsLogical PositivismRudolf Carnap
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      CommunicationPhilosophical ScepticismAristotlePragmatics
A brief conspectus of my views on Hume, Is and Ought, omitting most of the complications required to answer Arthur Prior (and saying nothing about Gerhard Schurz whose ideas would be a little too complicated to explain to the intended... more
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      Meta-EthicsNaturalistic EthicsDavid HumeNon-cognitivism
David Hume was an early exponent of attending to the language we use to speak about objects of aesthetic and artistic interest. His remarks on this topic were largely negative and designed to warn us against being misled by such... more
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      AestheticsEnvironmental AestheticsMetaphorDavid Hume
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      EthicsMeta-EthicsResearch EthicsNonsense
Herewith my notes to the second section of Russell on Ethics (9780 words) exploring Russell’s contributions to what we nowadays call Meta-Ethics. These deal with: 1) Russell’s admiring but critical response to Moore’s Principia Ethica.... more
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      Meta-EthicsHistory of Analytic PhilosophyBertrand RussellMoral Philosophy
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      Alasdair MacIntyreNoncognitivismEmotivismAyer
Book review of A. MacIntyre's Ethics in the Conflicts of Moderniy—An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative (2016). Appeared in Raisons Politiques (2018)
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsMarxism
Chapter in Adrian Blau, ed. "Methods in Analytical Political Theory," Cambridge University Press, 2016.
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      EmotionPolitical PhilosophyEthicsMoral Psychology
Alasdair MacIntyre as a Critic of the Enlightenment Project of Justifying Morality (II): The History of the Corruption of the Modern Ethics In the famous “disquieting suggestion” Alasdair MacIntyre has written a hypothetical state of... more
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      EthicsAlasdair MacIntyreUtilitarianismRationalism
Статья посвящена проблеме соотношения дефляционизма относительно истины и нонфактуализма (в частности, экспрессивизма). В работе подробно рассматривается проблема Фреге-Гича, демонстрируются способы ее преодоления. Обосновывается точка... more
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      DeflationismFrege-Geach problemEmotivismNon-Factualism
A discussion of Eugenio Lecaldano, “Saggi di storia e teoria dell’etica”.I criticize three key-ideas in Lecaldano's proposal of new sentimentalims, namely (i) the very definition of sentimentalism, which falls short of providing a... more
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      EthicsBioethicsReligious EthicsConsequentialism
Filosofía moral. Una investigación sobre los conceptos éticos fundamentales Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 2013. 368 págs. MAURICIO RENGIFO GARDEAZÁBAL.
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      Analytic PhilosophyMetaethicsNaturalismEmotivism
Tabla de contenidos 1. Presentación, Editores 2. Elementos para un enfoque pragmatista de la responsabilidad en la obra de G. H. von Wright, Matías Parmigiani 3. La filosofía de von Wright y su utilidad en el derecho penal, María... more
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      Criminal LawAnalytic PhilosophyPhilosophy of ActionLegal Theory
Fin dal Secondo Dopoguerra abbiamo assistito a un'espansione progressiva del cognitivismo etico anche all'interno della filosofia analitica del diritto e del positivismo giuridico. altri teorici che aderiscono almeno a una di queste... more
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¿Qué lógica yace detrás de las cláusulas de moralidad? La respues- ta es que este tipo prohibitivo no se encuentra alineado con la función principal de lamarca. En términos generales, podemos afirmar que una marca reputada “inmoral” puede... more
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      TrademarksCopyright and intellectual propertyEmotivismMorality and Immorality
Analytic ethics in the central period – extending from the beginning of the twentieth century to post-World War II linguistic analysis – is too often construed by historians and philosophers alike in monolithic terms as the emotivism of... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsHistory of Analytic Philosophy
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      Analytic PhilosophyEmpiricismBiographyJean Paul Sartre
Не существует никакой другой проверки или обоснования истин помимо наблюдения и научного опыта. Мориц Шлик («Поворот Философии») 1. Альфред Джулис Айер: язык, логика и этика. 1.1. Вена-Лондон-Оксфорд. Альфред Джулис Айер-ведущий... more
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      Logical PositivismA. J. AyerVerificationPhenomenalism
The paper investigates different ways to understand the claim that non-cognitivists theories of morality are incoherent. According to the claim, this is so because, on one theory of truth, non-cognitivists are not able to deny objective... more
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Spanish translation, introductory study and notes on Charles Leslie Stevenson’s “Persuasive Definitions”. Published in Stevenson, Charles L. “Definiciones persuasivas”. Quaderns de Filosofia, vol. VIII, n. 1 (2021), pp. 105–125.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageMetaethicsFilosofia Del LenguajeMetaética
Bertrand Russell was a meta-ethical pioneer, the original inventor of both emotivism and the error theory. Why, having abandoned emotivism for the error theory, did he switch back to emotivism in the 1920s? Perhaps he did not relish the... more
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      Meta-EthicsBertrand RussellEmotivismMoral Error Theory
la cual se encuentra en curso, denominada: "Testigos de sí mismos: narrativas políticas de jóvenes bogotanos".
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I. INTRODUCTION 'I do not myself think very well of what I have said on ethics' wrote Russell in extreme old age (DBR, p. 132). And most subsequent philosophers have agreed with him. Either they do not think very well of what he said or... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyThomas HobbesEthical Theory