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Some numbers on religiosity in the U.S. We are far more religious than our narrative of secularity would suggest. Religion and politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Saba Mahmood, and Pierre Bourdieu's Doxa and Habitus.... more
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      PedagogyPierre BourdieuGender and PoliticsSaba Mahmood
The theme of politics and religion, its relationship and consequences, is perhaps one of the most popular topics in both public and scholarly discourse today. The factors that led to this state of affairs are not the subject o f my... more
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      Political AnthropologyIslam in EuropeIslamic movements (Anthropology Of Religion)Political Islam
In the collective monograph "Islam and Politics: Ideology, Movements and Organizations", are explored the causes of the emergence of Islam, the main stages of its development, the main actors and structural components. The analysis of the... more
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      Religious ExtremismReligion and ViolenceIslamic Movements and Political IslamIslam and Politics
First President of independent Algeria, FLN leader
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      Middle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesAlgerian warFrench colonialism
Globalization and democratization have greatly contributed to the rise of Islamic popular culture especially popular piety in Indonesia. Popular piety can be defined as Muslims’ religious expressions that are driven mostly by their... more
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      Popular CultureIslam and PoliticsIslamic Populism
Some Muslims have claimed that all their co-religionists must obey the laws of the countries in which they live. This paper looks at the scriptural and historical evidence for this claim
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      Islamic StudiesIslam and PoliticsBiography of the Prophet Muhammad
Although Syria, since the 1960s, has been dominated by a decidedly secular-nationalist regime, the 2011 uprising has demonstrated that the role of Islam in the country’s social and religious scene cannot be underestimated. The... more
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      Middle East StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamPolitical Islam
In Koran, there is no prescribed or commanded detailled political regime, no model for the electoral system for the civil magistrate, no exhaustive rules to do with the relations between state-society-individual. It is also not possible... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceIslamic Philosophy
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      Race and RacismMuslims in EuropeIslamophobiaModern Turkey
يتناول هذا الكتاب موضوعًا مهمًّا لم توفِّه الأكاديمية الغربية حقَّه من الدَّرْس والنظر، وهو موضوع "شرح الحديث النبوي"، ويسلك في مقاربته منهجًا مغايرًا للمعهود في الدراسات العربية الحديثة التي طرقت هذا الموضوع؛ إذ يروم تحقيق الصِّلة بين... more
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      Islamic LawMiddle East StudiesMamluk StudiesIslamic Studies
Do voters regard male and female candidates equally? Does apparent religiosity of candidates help or hurt their electoral chances? Where biases exist, what explains them? We present a novel explanation of political bias, drawing from role... more
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      ReligionComparative PoliticsPublic OpinionVoting Behavior
doctrine of wilayat al-faqıh, or the mandate of the jurisprudent. In this article, I will focus on the following two questions: how consistent was he in espousing the doctrine, and what was his major addition to the doctrine? After... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslam and PoliticsShiism, Shiite Islam, Shii IslamIslam, Politics and Government
A fghanistan faces a serious crisis of political stability, threatening its modest development gains, the survival of its government, and the interests of the West and the international community. In order to meet these challenges, the... more
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      NationalismIslam in the Southeast AsiaIslam and Politics
„Was verrät eigentlich die Islamdebatte über die Selbstwahrnehmung, die Fantasien und die Begierden einer Gesellschaft, die sie so leidenschaftlich führt?“, fragt Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç und blickt hinter die Kulisse des Spektakels. Er... more
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      Race and RacismAntisemitism (Prejudice)ColonialismAntisemitism/Racisms
It is a harsh reality that Islamic and Western civilizations have been active opponents and reviler throughout the Islamic history. Islamic civilization is proud of its revealed sources and guidance, while the Western civilization claims... more
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      Islam and PoliticsIslam and Modern Western ThoughtComaparative Religions
Diskursus tentang partai politik Islam di Indonesia tak lekang ditelan zaman sejak negeri ini belum merdeka hingga sekarang. Bahkan perjuangan kemerdekaan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari perjuangan politik Islam, begitu juga setelah... more
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      Islam and PoliticsPolitical PartyIndonesian elections
Mohammad Hashim Kamali's “Foreword” to Ahmet T. Kuru’s The Ulema-State Alliance: A Cause of Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment in the Muslim World published in Malay by Lestarih Hikmah (February 2022) translated by Muthanna Saari... more
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    • Islam and Politics
Shaykh Ṭanṭāwī Jawharī was an Egyptian exegete known for having produced a scientific interpretation of the Qurʾān. A pioneering scholar in terms of familiarising the people of his time with many previously neglected matters regarding... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyPhilosophy of ScienceReligion and ColonialismSlavery
With an ethical-centered philosophy, Taha Abdurrahman remains one of the most significant and sophisticated Arab philosophers of today. This review article seeks to elaborate on two of his recent books, which builds on and compliments his... more
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      EthicsIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Thought & PhilosophySecularism
Founded in 1952 by the Palestinian jurist Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani (1909-1977), Hizb ut-Tahrir’s (HT) raison d’être is the re-establishment of the Caliphate. HT currently has a presence in over forty countries, an estimated membership of a... more
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      Islamic LawPsychology And IslamIslamic StudiesIslam and the West
Gerakan masif yang memprotes dan menolak hasil Pemilu 2019 di Indonesia mengindikasikan adanya ketidakpercayaan politik (political distrust) terhadap kedua lembaga Pemilu, yaitu KPU dan Bawaslu, dan Pemerintah. Sebagian besar dari... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslam and Politics
Tulisan ini ingin menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. Bagaimana Proses Masuknya Muslim Ke Amerika Serikat?, Politik Eksistensi Warga Muslim Di Amerika Serikat?, Bagaimana Kehidupan Muslim Pasca Serangan 11 September 2011?, Muslim Kekinian... more
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    • Islam and Politics
يعالج هذا البحث بالدراسة والتحليل وبرؤية تدبرية منهجية أحاديث الطاعة بغيةَ الوقوف على رؤية متكاملة وواضحة لإشكالية الطاعة، من خلال تحليل مكوناتها الأساسية: "الطاعة"، و"الحاكم"، و"الجماعة." يربط البحث بين مبدأ الطاعة وبين السلطة السياسية... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Political ThoughtIslamismReligious Studies
The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Theory
The purpose of this essay is to display the significance of studies relating to the influence of Persian Shi'ism in Southeast Asia in general, and the Malay Archipelago in particular. With this purpose in mind, a comprehensive... more
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      Persian LiteratureIndonesian HistoryIslamic StudiesShi'ism
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    • Islam and Politics
, PAS led the coalition to victory in Kedah, winning 16 seats, while Barisan National won only 14 state seats. This paper highlights cultural dimensions of the shift from BN to the opposition coalition in this state of the Malay... more
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      Political IslamIslam and PoliticsOPPOSITION PARTIES
The paper draws on celebrated cultural anthropologist Saba Mahmood and seeks to explore how the normative liberal understandings of agency, among other things, contribute to the discursive blackout of pious Muslim women in literature.
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic feminismIslam and womenSaba Mahmood
Ustaz Ashaari Muhammad (1937-2010) was a sufi leader best remembered for the controversies surrounding his eschatological teachings which led to the Malaysian government’s banning of his organization, Darul Arqam, in 1994. Loved by... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationSoutheast Asia
Gerakan ekspansi Islam telah menjamah wilayah Tunisia sejak masa khalifah Umar Ibn Khattab dan bertahan empat belas abad kemudian hingga kini. Fakta inilah yang melatarbelakangi kuatnya pengaruh Islam dan Arab dalam struktur social dan... more
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      Islam and ModernityIslam and Politics
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic StudiesContemporary Movements and Trends in IslamMuslims in Europe
For the past year and a half, al-Shabaab has continued to take advantage of the ongoing political and security turmoil between Somalia’s federal government, regional state administrations, and other powerful social groups, including the... more
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      Social MovementsAfrican StudiesIslamic LawTerrorism
Sayyid Qutb's aim is to revive what is regarded by many as the "Golden Age" of Islam, namely the first generation of pious Muslims, from Muhammad to the last Caliph Ali. To this end, he persisted that the method used by the Prophet is... more
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceIslamic Contemporary StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
An important advocate of moderate Islam, Muḥammad Saʿīd al-ʿAshmāwi (1932-2013) is certainly one of the most influential figures in the Egyptian debate over the relationship between Islam and politics, and one of the most strenuous... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesEgyptIslam
Religion and politics in Pakistan are very closely related. This fusion of religion and politics took place before the creation of Pakistan as the very idea of a separate state for Indian Muslims was shaped by religion. After... more
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    • Islam and Politics
In Indonesia, the issue of Islamic shari'a was emerging since long. Anthony Reid show that since begin age of 17th M, the Islamic law was applied in a strict manner. It was applied partially in Banten (West Java) and Aceh where, for... more
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      Islamic Movements and Political IslamFatwa and Islamic Shariah LawIslam and Politics
Public opinion is strongly patriarchal in the MENA, leading to low women’s workforce participation and political and economic problems. Efforts to explain attitudes focus on Islam and modernization, but miss employment-based mechanisms... more
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      Public OpinionPalestineLebanonGender Equality
Today, the AIWG publishes an International Report on the ‘Education and Training of Muslim Religious Professionals in Europe and North America’. It ties on the intensive expert discussions within the framework of two international... more
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      Islam in EuropeMuslims in EuropeIslam and PoliticsImam training
The Arab Spring, a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions, spreads across the Middle East throughout 2011. A rhythmic chant echoed across the Arab lands which showed that the people want to topple the regime.... more
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      International RelationsIslam and Politics
This paper explores al-Būtī’s critical view on contemporary Islamists who, according to al-Būtī, have misapplied the Islamic law and sacrificed da‘wah in favour of political gains. Among their dogmatic beliefs is the ruthless and hasty... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Political ThoughtIslamic Movements and Political IslamIslam and Politics
This book is the culmination of Wilkinson's impressive career of scholarship on Oman and Ibāḍī Islam. The author elaborates on his earlier work and produces the most thorough analysis to date of the historical evidence regarding Ibāḍism's... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryIslam
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      Islam and PoliticsIslamist politics and national identity
Religion has been always at the crux of Egypt’s domestic and foreign policies. Egypt’s different political regimes since former president Gamal Abdel Nasser have employed religion in order to enhance their internal legitimacy,... more
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      Religion and PoliticsMiddle East PoliticsIslamismAuthoritarianism
This research studied on political elite in Muhammadiyah as moderate representatives in post-New Order in response of the dynamics Islam and politics. There are three issues as basic analyzes, i.e. the emergence of Islamic political... more
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      Political ElitesIslam and PoliticsMuhammadiyah Studies
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    • Islam and Politics
This paper examines the construction of Islamic authority in Kazakhstani online media. I build on the growing scholarship in Central Asian studies that questions the logocentric nature of Islamic authority, even for scripturalist Muslims.... more
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      Masculinity StudiesIslam in Central AsiaIslam and PoliticsAnthropology of Religion
Çoban, M. (2016). Türkiye'de Din ve Siyaset. Gülay Ercins & Melih Çoban (Eds.) "Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı" içinde (s:201-252). İstanbul: Lisans Yayıncılık
ISBN: 978-605-5044-91-6
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      SociologyTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyPolitical Islam in Turkey
Appréhender aujourd'hui la notion de féminisme islamique apparue il y a maintenant 20 ans, au début des années 1990, c'est se pencher sur un phénomène éminemment politique, particulièrement quand on écrit dans le contexte français,... more
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      Gender StudiesGenreGenderIslamic feminism
This volume is a record of the 2017 Building Bridges seminar for theological dialogue between Muslim and Christian scholars. Chaired by Daniel Madigan, SJ, and hosted by Georgetown University, the seminar explored a range of questions... more
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      Religion and PoliticsQur'anic StudiesBiblical TheologyPolitical Theology