Religious Extremism
Recent papers in Religious Extremism
The article focuses on five "E" mean; Extremism, Economy, Education, Energy and Establishment of Pakistan.
Leseprobe des Lehrbuches Extremismus - Theorien, Konzepte, Formen von Astrid Bötticher und Miroslav Mareš. Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2012.
شكل خبر انسحاب المملكة المغربية من القمة الإفريقية العربية التي انعقدت آخر شهر نوفمبر الماضي في مالابو عاصمة غينيا الاستوائية موضوعا أثار اهتمام كثير من المراقبين ووسائل الإعلام الإفريقية والدولية التي عزت هذا التصرف إلى اعتراض المغرب على... more
My point of departure is Edward Said’s brilliant masterpiece ‘Orientalism’ (Said, 2003). I will summarise, although precisely, Said’s critique of Orientalism and will focus on the consequences of his conclusions about the fate of Islam... more
The Islamic movement of Uzbekistan is one the most infamous organizations which ring the bell for many. However, it was not so "famous" and radical from the very start, had no intentions to establish religious state and order
In this article, the term "radicalisation" is discussed as a process that appears to be a defensive and reactionary response of various individuals suffering from social, economic, and political forms of exclusion, subordination,... more
A mia nipote Marta, nata il giorno di Santa Lucia
Мартинович, В.А. К проблеме определения понятия "религиозный экстремизм" // Журнал БГУ. Социология. – 2018. - №3. - С. 74-82.
The attacks of 11 September 2001 and the War on Terror that has arisen in their wake have left an indelible imprint on contemporary cinema, as has the manner in which they have been covered in the media. Such is equally true of films that... more
Современные традиции лютеран Санкт-Петербурга весьма разнообразны, несмотря на общую историю Реформации, начавшуюся в Германии в 1517 г. Сегодня все реже вспоминают историю, хотя в церкви, не имеющей границ в привычном нам времени, нет... more
This book explores the moral psychology of devotion. In the first part of the book, I provide I analysis of devotion; an examination of its motivational role; and an explanation of its connection to a distinctive form of valuing, in which... more
Since the Arab Spring and the widely emergence of the IS (Islamic State), ISIS and Daesh in Syria and Iraq, Malaysians as other their counterparts no longer feel secure. Being less secure, Malaysia has to take few steps in order to avoid... more
This joint report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) and the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point offers a preliminary survey and analysis of one of the largest known online repositories of Islamic State materials in... more
The Order, otherwise known as the Silent Brotherhood, or Bruder Schweigen, had one of the shortest but most eventful and notorious careers of the post-civil rights or fifth-era extreme Right (1970s to the 1990s). In its short lifespan... more
Extremism is an ideology that is considered to be far outside mainstream attitude of society. Usually it is an attack on values’ system. We can see political, religious and ideological forms (some of them can interlace each other). I... more
Au moment où l’actualité met les projecteurs sur le terrorisme islamiste, cet article apporte un éclairage sur les concepts de radicalisme, extrémisme et terrorisme qui sert à introduire un modèle intégré explicatif de l’engagement... more
In 1968 a Mennonite pastor and peace worker named Edgar Metzler published a short booklet in the popular “Focal Pamphlet” series published by Herald Press – a series that includes other more widely read works by Mennonite historians and... more
This paper begins with a survey of historical, cultural and civilization dynamics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since ancient times, Bosnia has been at the crossroads of different cultures, civilizations, religions and traditions, which... more
В работе на основе результатов социологического исследования представлен комплексный анализ общественного мнения по проблемам секьюритизации терроризма и религиозного экстремизма в современных Казахстане и Кыргызстане. Работа выполнена в... more
This provides an overview of the 1.5M ERC Starting Grant on the Epistemology and Ethics of fundamentalism that was recently awarded to me. I aim to carry out the research from 2020 to 2025 in the Philosophy Department (Faculty of... more
The madrasa and extremism interrelationship is a twenty-first-century discourse. It grabbed international limelight after terrorists struck United States on September 11, 2001, in one of the most audacious attacks ever leaving around 3000... more
This paper discusses controversies on freedom of expression and the arts, focusing on Islam and Muslim sensibilities. Drawing from historical examples, the perception of visual arts, and music in the Islamic tradition, it attempts to shed... more
Extremism and ISIS in East Asia Three religious, political and military phenomena of Wahhabism, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS have been recently linked to each other in such a complex way that it is difficult to separate one from... more
Можно заметить интересный парадокс, те мусульмане или как минимум, люди, выступающие от имени Ислама и которые привержены экстремизму, радикальнымрелигиозным взглядам, на самом деле не знают или же не смогли постичь суть жизни Пророка... more
Since the destruction of Israel appears to be a shared goal of some Palestinian and Islamic terrorist groups, an examination of the role Jewish terrorism played in both the creation and expansion of the state of Israel as one of the... more
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more
The Arab Republic of Egypt has a long history of battling jihadism in the region, and as such presents an interesting case study of counter-terrorism (CT) practices in a non-Western setting. Contrary to the conventional wisdom that... more
Though there are numerous militant organizations in Pakistan's Punjab, there is little detailed work on their activities, interests and conceptions with state and societal power centers. The paper is based on field work across the... more
While often associated with a liberal demographic, the increasing online visibility of rhetoric such as "snowflakes," "politically correct," "postmodern identity politics," and "cultural Marxism" demonstrates the presence of right-wing... more
Barelwis are estimated to constitute between 50%-60%of the Muslim population in Pakistan in contrast with 20%-25% Deobandis, 15% percent Shia s and 5% Salafis/Wahhabis. The Deobandis are responsible for more than 90 % of militancy,... more
Islamist Extremism Inductive definition al-Ḫawāriǧ Muḥammad Antimuslimischer Rassismus Post-modernism Laïcism Ten commandments Doxastic logic
The rise since mid-2014 of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — a terrorist group otherwise known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Islamic State (IS), or Daesh (after its Arabic acronym) — seems to have... more
ABSTRACT Syria, due to its history, is a multi-religious society which when given independence had each religious group clawing for power over the others. This political unrest that lasted for decades, when aided by the Arab Spring and... more
counter terrorism.counter terrorist unit, extremism
Das jährliche Standardwerk zur Religionsfreiheit 2019 und das jährliche Standardwerk zur Verfolgung von Christen 2019 in einem Wendebuch zusammen gebunden – jedes Jahrbuch beginnt auf einer Seite des Umschlages. Herausgegeben für den... more
Lehava is an Israeli extreme right-wing organization dedicated to fighting intermarriage and especially preventing Arab men from courting Jewish women. This article presents the results of an ethnographic research on Lehava. The... more