Islam in South Asia
Recent papers in Islam in South Asia
The Ottoman Turks were a small group of nomadic warriors who managed to expand their territory into one of the greatest empires of fifteenth and sixteenth century. Originally from a minor principality bordering the Byzantine Empire in... more
The book is a significantly enlarged version of Tareen’s doctoral dissertation ‘The Limits of Tradition: Competing Logics of Authenticity in South Asian Islam’ at Duke University from 2012. Tareen focuses on key aspects of two 19th... more
Islam in World Cultures gathers the work of ten eminent scholars, each of whom has expertise in the Muslim culture of a particular country or geographical area. Individual chapters explore contemporary developments in the Islamic... more
Islam in Pakistan: A History by Muhammad Qasim Zaman, Princeton University Press, 2018 Discursive strands evolve in a complex traditional structure, shaping and modifying the meaning of normativity itself. However, this evolution does not... more
During and after the caliphate of the third Caliph, ‘UthmÉn ibn ‘AffÉn people from different backgrounds and persuasions with criminal mentality tried to corrupt the ×adÊth of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Muslim scholars, on the other... more
Modernity has been posing serious challenges to the Muslim world and its society since the eighteenth century. However, these challenges took on a more definite shape in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The challenges were... more
In Pakistan, one of the most significant celebrations on the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Azha (Feast of the Sacrifice), is marked by two major rituals. At the center of the festival is the animal slaughter remembering the prophet Abraham’s... more
Intendiamo aprire, con questo studio, una discussione sulla poetica e sulla filosofia della natura nell’opera di Mīrzā ‘Abd al-Qādir Bīdil (1644- 1720), il maggiore poeta di lingua persiana dell’India mughal, e nella sua scuola.... more
An in-depth analysis on how Islam arrived in three different regions of the Asian continent and is now perceived and lived by the local populations, with a common denominator being the purity of their belief and the strong identification... more
This chapter deals with the spread of Islam in Asia from the ninth to the nineteenth centuries. In order to restrict somewhat the huge geographical area and timeframe covered here, we have decided to exclude the places where Islam spread... more
This article presents an annotated translation of "The Equivalence between Giving and Receiving" (al-Taswiya bayna al-ifāda wa-l-qabūl), a short Arabic treatise on essence (dhāt) and existence (wujūd) composed by the South Asian... more
The ulama are important figures within Muslim societies. In the Indian sub-continent, their influence has transcended the socio-religious realm to include the political realm as well. This paper is an attempt to examine the role of the... more
South Asia’s encounter with Western colonialism preceded that of the Arab world, arguably rendering it more sensitive to the intellectual challenges implicit in political subjugation. Consequently, scholars of South Asian Islam, such as... more
يتناول هذا الكتاب موضوعًا مهمًّا لم توفِّه الأكاديمية الغربية حقَّه من الدَّرْس والنظر، وهو موضوع "شرح الحديث النبوي"، ويسلك في مقاربته منهجًا مغايرًا للمعهود في الدراسات العربية الحديثة التي طرقت هذا الموضوع؛ إذ يروم تحقيق الصِّلة بين... more
A critical consideration of Ashraf 'Ali Thanvi's "Huquq al-Islam," supplemented with a translation of the text from Urdu to English following the analysis.
تهدف تلك الورقة في الأساس إلى دراسة مفهوم العلاقات التجارية والدينية والثقافية بين الهند والعرب قبل البعثة النبوية وبعدها. و تظهر إشكالية الورقة في البحث عن الآليات والطرق التي أسهمت في تقوية تلك العلاقات بين الطرفين إبان تلك الفترة... more
Translation by Corinne Attwood of Annemarie Schimmel, Im Reich der Gross Moguln: Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2000).
Wafi Momin, ‘On the Cusp of “Islamic” and “Hindu” Worldviews? The Ginān Literature and the Dialectics of Self and Other’, in Orkhan Mir-Kasimov (ed.), Intellectual Interactions in the Islamic World: The Ismaili Thread (London, 2020), pp.... more
Since the Islamic resurgence of the 1970s, many Muslim postcolonial countries have established and empowered constitutional courts to declare laws conflicting with shariʿa as unconstitutional. The central question explored in this... more This conceptual essay pivots on the following problem: Tethered to a context of Muslim empire,... more
This essay makes two arguments. First,there is a hidden politics that the name ‘riot’ performs. It institutes a false equalization that flattens the gigantic power inequality between Hindus and Muslims, and in a single stroke makes them... more
This MPhil degree Thesis focuses on the historical, social and political changes of Shia and Sunni identity in Pakistan. It discusses the construction of identities within the context of Pakistan and other regions that have a great... more
We are witnessing an exciting renaissance in scholarship on modern South Asian Muslim religious scholars (‘ulama’). This article examines how this new scholarship repositions earlier academic conversations in distinctive ways to make... more
Dr. Sikandar Hayat is a renowned historian of Pakistan and he has been researching and writing on the Pakistan Movement for a long time. This time he has tackled the most difficult task of reconstructing the story of Pakistan by... more
This article contributes to scholarship on Muslim humanities, Islam in modern South Asia, and the Urdu literary tradition in colonial India. It does so by contextualizing and closely reading Ashraf ʿAlī Thānavī's (1863-1943) commentary on... more
It is something of a truism that the Quran’s narrative defies modern texts’ linear chronology demarcated by definitive beginnings, middles, and ends. Quranic studies specialists have expended considerable effort investigating its... more
This chapter gives an overview of the emergence of the Muslim preaching movement Tablighi Jama'at following the Deobandi orientation and how it evolved into a global format of missionary work for Islam.
1 3 9 C o m p a r a t i v e S t u d i e s o f S o u t h A s i a , A f r i c a a n d t h e M i d d l e E a s t V o l . 2 7 , N o . 1 , 2 0 0 7 d o i 1 0 .1 2 1 5 / 1 0 8 9 2 0 1 x -2 0 0 6 -0 4 9 © 2 0 0 7 b y D u k e U n i v e r s i t y P... more
Feb. 2018. Introduction to one of the world's largest da'wa/tabligh movements, with annotated citations to scholarly work on the TJ. Published in Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies:... more