Emotions And Political Theory
Recent papers in Emotions And Political Theory
This work aims to write about civil disobedience, defending an interpretation, based chiefly on an analysis of Martin Luther King Jr’s philosophical contributions, whereby this form of political claim has as one of its distinctive... more
On the whole, "Political Emotions" is a remarkably successful book that combines several areas of philosophical research in which the author’s proficiency is well known. It shows how problems that lie on the more intimate side of ethics,... more
El objetivo general del curso es explorar los principales enfoques y núcleos de debate propios de la antropología política como especialidad disciplinar. El programa se propone discutir ejes claves del área, incluyendo un panorama sobre... more
"This dissertation seeks to improve our understanding of the process by which emotions enable citizens to learn about public affairs and engage in political activities during electoral campaigns. It advances a theoretical model that... more
As a vast literature on political disaffection, populism, "pitchfork politics," and the emergence of an "age of anger" testifies, the nature of democratic politics and the socio-political context in which it operates appear to have... more
""In his « little Treatise in English» on Human nature (1640), and, later, in Leviathan (1647 – 1650), Thomas Hobbes examines and redefines the passions. Basing his argument upon the concept of motion, he conceives them as thoughts:... more
This paper is a response to Salvatore, Picione, Bochicchio et al's. (2021) application of psychoanalysis to understand and remediate current socially destructive processes. The authors conceptualize current anti-social tendencies as due... more
This report on climate anxiety is based on multidisciplinary research and observations made from practical actions taken to alleviate it. Written by eco-anxiety researcher Panu Pihkala. Editorial board: the experts of Mental Health... more
In the absence of democratic state institutions, Eastern European countries were considered to possess only myths of democracy. Working on the premise that democracy is not only an institutional arrangement but also a civilisational... more
In the wake of a sociopolitically volatile era, which is increasingly characterized by the intensive and extensive proliferation of borders, migration- and border management are still commonly considered as predominantly rational and... more
In 1967 Hannah Arendt published an essay with the deceptively simple title " Truth and Politics " (1967). Most scholarly discussions of her essay consider her distinction between a traditional political art of limited, deliberate,... more
This article offers a critique of a widespread political discourse that distinguishes 'resentment' from 'ressentiment', legitimating the former and dismissing the latter. This distinction not only incorporates some reactive sentiments at... more
Although most political theories imply some view of the role of emotion in political life, some are hostile to emotion; and no general treatment of the emotional has yet been written in normative political theory. The theoretical study of... more
This article examines how affective narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic on Chinese social media reinforce and challenge established scripts of national identity, political legitimacy, and international geopolitical imaginary. Taking... more
Publié le 21/04/2020 sur le site du média en ligne AOC L’épidémie de Covid-19 est l’occasion de mettre en évidence le « travail émotionnel » effectué au quotidien par les femmes, que ce soit professionnellement ou dans la sphère privée.... more
El campo general de investigación en que se inscribe este texto consiste en el análisis de las configuraciones políticas, las representaciones simbólicas y los complejos de valores afectivos que organizan el accionar de los diferentes... more
Korea has a long history of linking conflict resolution with particular moral and societal values. In this chapter we explore the potentials and limits of this tradition by focusing on the concept of Han, which many Korean scholars claim... more
In this article I explore the broad appeal of one recent and unusual cinematic revival of an orthodox romantic love narrative. According to the cultural historian David Shumway, a new intimacy paradigm for couples, and not the older... more
Numéro spécial de la revue Lien social et Politiques
The recent revival of social scientific interest in Gabriel Tarde has acknowledged his pioneering work as an economic thinker, micro-sociologist and political anthropologist. The aim of this article is to link Tarde's anthropological... more
The study of emotion has become a steadily growing field in international relations and international political sociology. This essay adds to the field through a further empirical examination of the political roles emotions can play.... more
Times of transition are times of intense emotional upheaval. Not only because of what people are supposed to leave behind, but also because of the uncertainty ahead. Indeed, one might argue that it is precisely the implied demand to “move... more
In the Ethics, Spinoza argues that individual human emotions and imagination shape the social world. This world, he argues, can in turn be shaped by political institutions to be more or less hopeful, more or less rational, or more or less... more
Tsoni, I. (2013). 'African border-crossings in a 'city of Others': Constellations of irregular im/mobility and in/equality in the everyday urban environment of Athens', Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 27(1), pp. 141-169. 7 diverted from... more
This paper explores the role of disgust in mediating disabled women's experience of workfare in the Australian state. As global social policy has been restructured along neoliberal lines in Western nations, the notion of ‗workfare' has... more
We recently spoke with Thomas Nail, an associate professor at the University of Denver, to talk about his recent book “The Figure of the Migrant.” In it, Nail develops a theory of what he calls kinopolitics and argues that the migrant has... more
This article presents a critical review of The Feeling of History, a recent work by the American anthropologist Charles Hirschkind. In this book, the author treats Andalucismo, a political movement that arose in modern Andalusia early in... more
Sammelrezension der folgenden Bücher: BRIAN MASSUMI: Politics of Affect, Cambridge 2015. Polity Press. JUDITH MOHRMANN: Affekt und Revolution, Frankfurt/M. 2015. Campus. MARTHA NUSSBAUM: Politische Emotionen, Berlin 2014. Suhrkamp. JOHN... more