Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
Recent papers in Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art
The domain of the sublime is vast, and in any period hard to define. In this essay, I attempt to explore the concept of the sublime in relation to seventeenth-century landscape painting, mainly from Italy. I have chosen some key works... more
A MOST HAVE FOR THE ART HISTORIAN! Dopo la pubblicazione del primo tomo, che raccoglie il patrimonio architettonico e artistico del Fondo Edifici di Culto di 129 luoghi di culto presenti in Piemonte, Veneto, Liguria, Emilia Romagna,... more
R iconsiderato criticamente solo da pochi de-cenni dopo secoli di oblio, Michele Desubleo si è rivelato come un artista non solo di eccel-lente livello, ma anche di grande fortuna collezioni-stica 1. Il pittore di origine fiamminga, tra... more
In April 1604, the Italian painter Caravaggio, believing that he had been slighted, threw a platter of artichokes at the head of waiter in a Roman tavern. This essay examines this curious episode through the lens art history, food... more
A painting in the Parisian collection of the Prince of Conti, sold in Paris in 1779 is identified with one portrayed on a photograph sent to Bernard Berenson in 1916. The article traces the history of its owners and critics between those... more
M.C.Cozzi, S. Guido, G. Mantella, "La Madonna di Ognissanti. Un dipinto di Battistello Caracciolo: la tecnica, il restauro e un'ipotesi interpretativa tra devozione e storia", in "La Madonna di Ognissanti di Battistello Caracciolo. Una... more
Maurizio Marini, com'è noto, ha trattato spesso il tema della natura morta, specialmente in relazione al naturalismo caravaggesco, di cui si poteva definire un vero e proprio specialista anche se il suo campo d'interesse principale era... more
Ambrogio Figino’s late-sixteenth century portrait of the future saint Carlo Borromeo (1538-84) has long been revered for its subtle naturalism. Art historians place its fictions within a certain stylistic timeline, and beholders prize the... more
Author's first publication on Artemisia Gentileschi, later developed as a chapter in her 1989 book on the artist (Artemisia Gentileschi: The Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art, Princeton, 1989)..
John Cabot University’s Master of Arts (MA) in Art History fosters professional mastery of the materials and methods of art history with emphasis on first-hand research in the museums, monuments, and archaeological sites of Rome. The... more
SUMMARY (ENGLISH) Waszlavik László: THE RAPHAEL'S CODE SYSTEM Hidden Madonna-legends in Raphael's works The history of astromithological and tarot-based representation of Mary As a result of several years of intensive research, an... more
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Preliminary bibliography for undergraduate research in Italian Renaissance art and architecture (sources in English only).
“The Twin Aviary Pavilions of the Farnese Gardens on the Palatine: Roman Antiquity, the Levant, and the Architecture of Garden Pavilions.” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome vol. 59/60, 2014/15, 361-398. This paper investigates the... more
Pietro Bernini and the "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Notes of artistic technique and restoration
This essay offers a comprehensive history of the Hungarian reception of Italian Baroque and Rococo painting, including contemporary commissions, Italian artists working in Hungary, collecting, and criticism.
This publication is probably the first text made in the first decade of XXI century that focus completely its interest on the chapel first belonging to the Confraternity of the Holy Sacrament fully decorated by Bernardino Luini. It's... more
In this paper the covering of the breasts of the Charity statues Bernini designed for two sepulchral monuments at Saint Peter's is reconsidered from the perspective of a campaign of censorship that took place in the nineteenth century. It... more
Between the first decade of the 1600s and the early eighteenth century, the small town of Pontinvrea was a feudal property of the Invrea family, which formed part of the Genoese aristocracy and provided the Republic with four Doges. While... more
Le immagini riprodotte nel volume sono tratte dalle Cinquecentine, conservate, in gran parte, nella Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa (vedi il sito): Nella prima metà del Cinquecento, in concomitanza con... more
This paper interprets Paleotti's notion of acceptable religious art--understood to be true or verisimilar, rather than false--in light of his hierarchy of viewing practices based on educational levels and social class.
Comparative discussion of an early book on women artists, considered in the context of issues raised by feminism and contemporary writings by feminist scholars
Sir Denis Mahon' s studies on 17th-century Italian art are an unquestionable asset for international scholarship. Four years from his passing, the nature and development of Mahon' s long work survive as memories that Italy is called to... more
Private devotional art of the early 17th century often found its place in the galleries of noblemen and women whose diverse collections were symbols not only of stylistic taste, but of their owners' exhaustive curiosity. In these domestic... more
Il contributo analizza le presenze lombarde della galleria di pitture del ministro plenipotenziario di Maria Teresa a Milano, conte Carlo Firmian, politico e diplomatico di rango e uomo di insaziabili curiosità culturali, che ne fanno uno... more
Giorgio Vasari racchiude entro la cornice dell’«introduzzione» alle «Vite» una solida e documentata trattazione tecnica, in cui l’attività dei rappresentanti delle tre arti viene descritta in una prosa caratterizzata dall’andamento... more
This is part of a comprehensive 4 volume study of Leonardo da Vinci's life and work.
Questo contributo intende mettere a fuoco le diverse declinazioni dell’avversione per il Barocco di Adriano Cecioni (Fontebuona, 26 luglio 1836 - Firenze, 23 maggio 1886). Attraverso un’attenta lettura degli Scritti sulla scultura... more
A cultural portrait of Giorgio Fulco, an outstanding and yet often underrated scholar of the Late Renaissance and the Early Baroque Italian literature
Per molti anni si è creduto che Il Palazzo Santa Croce di Palermo fosse frutto di un unico intervento di "ammodernamento" ed ampliamento contemporanei di una "vecchia " Casa per mano di due diversi architetti che si alternarono nella... more
This paper examines the inter-relationality of the pregnant terms 'baroque' and 'superabundance'/ 'excess' and 'materiality' when applied to the south of Italy. In order to shed light on what is already at play in that potent conjunction... more
This study focuses on three paintings--which I understand as of-the-spirit yet tangible--from Artemisia Gentileschi's and Elisabetta Sirani's early-to-mid-seventeenth-century bodies of artwork. These two Italian artists received... more