Language death, billingualism and multilingualism
Recent papers in Language death, billingualism and multilingualism
language planning goals, examples of corpus and usage planning, linguistic diversity, diglossia, language shift, globalisation of English, critical approaches to linguistic imperialism, practice of LLP in selected regions and countries:... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
The optimal language for literature and educational materials is not the same for all Zay areas. The data gathered during the current study points to Zay as optimal for the islands on Lake Ziway and Oromo as optimal for the lakeshores.... more
The existence of language surely cannot be separated from our daily life. Through language, the interaction among tribes and religions can be delivered smoothly. As a system of communication, language also helps humans to complete all of... more
Previous research has shown that the Boro people, also known as the Shinasha, are in the process of shifting from the Borna language to Oromo and Amharic (Lemma and Wedekind 2002). However, the qualitative information gleaned from... more
Survey of the cultural-linguistic history of Cappadocia and Cappadocian (Asia Minor Greek)
The study is based mainly on the author’s field materials, collected between 1993 and 1997 during an ethno-linguistic research assignment. These materials include systematised observations concerning the sociolinguistic situation in the... more
This study examines schwa deletion and insertion in the Louisiana Regional French (LRF) spoken in Ville Platte, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana. Since stylistic range tends to contract towards an informal register in dying languages... more
Iran as a linguistically diverse country, proved to be a rich venue for linguistic studies. Hence, the preservation and protection of linguistic variants merit twofold consideration. Adopting a sociological approach to Bakhtiari dialect... more
Jól ismert tény, hogy a nyelvek gyakran hamarabb tűnnek el, mint a beszélőik. Az utolsó beszélők gyakran egymástól távol élnek, és fi zikai lehetőségük sincs használni a nyelvüket. Az elszigetelt (potenciális) beszélők nem alkothatnak... more
"Sharing knowledge to contribute to social growth", joint PhD Seminar featuring the University of Turin and IHS Tokyo, Turin; 09/2015
... Come Agostino, anche Attilio ha imparato il bovese in condizioni di uso comunitario: ... Dall'analisi delle retroversioni fornite da Agostino, Attilio e Bruno per 26 forme riconducibili a suffissazione con -ía, al suffisso non... more
Percezione del repertorio multilingue e selezione lessicale nel greco di Calabria Maria Francesca Stamuli L'enclave greco-calabra si estende sul territorio aspromontano della provincia di Reggio; Condofuri, Amendolea, Gallicianò,... more
Despite the status of Irish as the first official language in Ireland under Article 8 of the constitution, and current policies such as the Official Languages Act of 2003 which state that Irish and Irish speakers are entitled the same... more
This chapter examines the use and function of neo-Punic inscriptions and neo-Punic/Latin bilingual inscriptions in Roman North Africa, especially Lepcis Magna. It considers how and why Punic was used as a language for monumental... more
The term 'Death' sounds stark in every of its form with unwelcoming effect whether it is a death of human being or of a language. The diversity of the worldly languages is getting shrunk day by day because of the some major reasons like... more
Pojęcie "wyspy" oznacza obszar zamieszkany przez przedstawicieli danego etnosu w izolacji od Ojczyzny - ich "kontynentu" językowego i kulturowego. Celem publikacji był interdyscyplinarny opis izolowanych wspólnot słowiańskich w obcym -... more