Latinitas Viva
Recent papers in Latinitas Viva
Ita: Il rapporto di Lucrezio con il suo maestro, Epicuro, è una questione centrale nel De rerum natura di Lucrezio. Come devoto seguace dell'epicureo, Lucrezio sostiene di aderire fedelmente agli insegnamenti di Epicuro. Tuttavia, come... more
Разговорник Капеллана был впервые опубликован в 1890-м году, вы держав семнадцать немецких изданий, был переведён дважды на ан глийский, испанский, французский, итальянский и японский языки. За псевдонимом Капеллан скрывается доктор... more
A. Fritsch. Lateinsprechen im Unterricht: Geschichte - Probleme - Möglichkeiten / Translated into Russian by A. Slednikov. Moscow: Museum Graeco-Latinum, 2017
Este arquivo é uma cópia em PDF com links do volume vermelho da coleção Latinitas: leitura de textos em língua latina, lançada em dois volumes impressos em 2015.
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de opere Suetonii "De vita Caesarum", ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
The article is devoted to the 90th anniversary of the Belgian Guy Licoppe, the oldest and one of the largest representatives of the “Living Latin”. He has a great influence on many adherents of modern Latin in particular, and on the... more
commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Marco Paulo Veneto (Marco Polo), auctoribus Andrea Dalby aliisque multis (vide indicem auctorum)
Reception of Classical Heritage: The Living Latin Movement. Sergiyev Posad: Moscow Theological Academy, 2019 (In Russian with English Summary)
Tomus 53 Commentarii periodici favore et subsidio Studiorum Universitatis Sarávicae comparati ISSN 0172-5300 2017 Fase. 208 Saraviponti In: M elissa 23 (1988), pp. 3-5. M ir Nom. -I.M. Mir* Quo modo nomina agentium et instrumentorum... more
The present article considers the key problems of creating the modern elementary course in spoken Latin intended for Russian students. Latinitas viva — living Latin is fixed of some native textbooks, dictionaries and monographs. However,... more
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Parthenone Athenarum ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
На правах рукописи Следников Алексей Георгиевич РЕЦЕПЦИЯ АНТИЧНОГО НАСЛЕДИЯ: ДВИЖЕНИЕ «ЖИВОЙ ЛАТЫНИ» Специальность 07.00.03 -Всеобщая история АВТОРЕФЕРАТ диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук Ярославль 2017
Agirur hic de Alphonso Maria Casoli, claro poeta, qui, intrante vicesimo saeculo, Latinitati novae alacri strenuoque ingenio operam dedit, siquidem pluries in illo Hoeufftiano certamine laudem sibi consecutus est. Paucis de eius vita... more
Without doubt Apollo is one of the oldest, best known and most venerated deities of the Greek pantheon. However, the god was not only venerated by the Greeks, but also by the Romans since the middle of the 5th century BC. The present... more
Recovery of Latin as a universal means of (scientific) communication and reception of the cultural heritage of antiquity constitute the goal of living Latin (Latinitas viva or lingua Latina viva), but on the question of the relationship... more
Sine ullo dubio diebus nostris Latinitas eo docetur, ut discipuli studendis textibus Latino sermone conscriptis notitiam cultus humanitatisque Romanorum adipiscantur. Quam ob rem Latinae artis grammaticae non solum primordia pueris... more
In symbola conscribenda hoc nobis proposuimus, ut Latinitatis vivae motus originem atque historiam perscrutaremur maiora, quae ad rem spectarent, facta adnotantes. Latinitas lente ac paulatim ex usu internationali pellebatur, quod saeculo... more
B r a u n , G. / H o g e n b e r g , F.: Quaedam descriptiones urbium 236 S e m in a r ia L a t in i t a t i s v iv a e a n n i 20211 244 I n c e p t a a n n i 2021 I 246 G a r a n in , M.: Te sequar in Latium (carmen) 246
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Nicolao Rigaltio (Nicolas Rigault) philologo, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
This paper tries to bring a socio-cultural element into a recent discussion between followers of the Latinitas Viva.
The paper deals with international Latin periodicals from the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. On the pages of such magazines is reflected the pre-war history of the movement «live Latin» (“Latinitas viva”). Search for norms at... more
The end of Latin civilisation or the beginning of the sixth Renaissance? The article presents a series of five cultural renaissances which took place in the Western World from the 3rd century BC to the 15th–16th centuries AD. One feature... more
Latin translation of "The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe.
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de exploratore Vasco Gama, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
commentatio Vicipaediae Latinae ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (fontibus nominis Latini ab Iustino Mansfield conlectis)
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de tabula Rosettana (Rosetta Stone) apud Museum Britannicum servata, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum). Capitulum de differentiis inter versiones ab Iustino Mansfield... more
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de templo Cambosiano Angkor Wat, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
Recovery of Latin as a universal means of (scientific) communication and reception of the cultural heritage of antiquity constitute the goal of living Latin (Latinitas viva or lingua Latina viva), but on the question of the relationship... more
The paper deals with the eminent representatives of the Latinitas viva in modern Russia and the events for popularizing Latin studies in our country. The history of the Latinitas viva in the Soviet Union is also discussed.
Разговорник Капеллана был впервые опубликован в 1890-м году, выдержав семнадцать немецких изданий, был переведён дважды на английский, испанский, французский, итальянский и японский языки.За псевдонимом Капеллан скрывается доктор... more
Herausgebervorwort zu Litterae recentissimae
commentatio Vicipaediae Latinae ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Iacobo Quarterio (Jacques Cartier), ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)
The present article considers the key problems of creating the modern elementary course in spoken Latin intended for Russian students. Latinitas viva — living Latin is fixed of some native textbooks, dictionaries and monographs. However,... more
Das Lateinsprechen hat in den letzten Jahren einen ebenso unerwarteten wie rasanten Aufschwung erfahren. Neben lateinischen Sommersprachwochen und einer stetig wachsenden Zahl an Fachpublikationen zum Thema ‘Lateinsprechen im Unterricht’... more
Monstrantur hac in symbola rationes et consilia ad auctores in lyceis praelegendos, quem ad fi nem exemplo depromitur initium operis Caesaris De Bello Gallico. De transitu illo agitur, qui est inter linguae Latinae rudimenta et monumenta... more
Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)
Arcadius Avellanus’ Neo-Latin heritage is multifaceted: a pedagogue-innovator who practiced the communicative method in teaching the classical language, a publisher of the periodical “Praeco Latinus”, a Latin translator of “Treasure... more
Hac in symbola inspiciuntur appellationes quibus Cicero in litteris Attico missis usus est ad multos illius temporis homines significandos. Nomina enim usitata et omnibus nota Cicero saepe mutabat atque aliter appellabat aequales. Quae... more
The article is devoted to the investigation of Aeschines’ parentage and political views. The purpose of the paper is detection of the socio-political group that was led by Aeschines. The author concludes that categorical dividing of the... more