Recent papers in Neo-Latin
The main focus of this paper is the Neo-Latin work Bucolica (Wittenberg 1560) by the Danish humanist poet Erasmus Laetus, and in particular the introduction to his third eclogue. Laetus's Bucolica is permeated by a striving both after a... more
The article deals with a Latin booklet published in 1914 by the German government. Its author, Matthias Erzberger (1875-1921), aimed to show to the cardinals, who were sitting in conclave in order to choose the successor of pope Pius X,... more
We have been told many times that " Renaissance " means rebirth: the rebirth of the Greek and Roman classical values and artistic expressions. Scholars of the day were trained in the Latin language and studied its writers closely. Virgil... more
Two letters to Carl von Linné from the German naturalist Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-1794) and his son George Forster (1754-1794) during their participation on the second pacific voyage of James Cook (1772-1775). Edition of the Latin... more
Rafael Landívar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), his masterpiece of didactic poetry, he drew extensively from Greek and Roman literature to describe in vivid epic... more
In his 1877 Storia della letteratura (History of Literature), Luigi Settembrini wrote that Petrarch's fourteenth-century poem, the Africa, 'is forgotten …; very few have read it, and it was judged-I don't know when and by whom-a paltry... more
This doctoral dissertation on Book 4 of the Constantinopolis by Ubertino Posculo represents the first completed English translation of a book in an epic poem that has hitherto been only available in Latin, French, or Italian. The... more
In 1611, the Swedish antiquarian and mystic Johannes Thomae Agrivillensis Bureus (1568–1652) (Johan Bure) put up a huge memorial plaque in stone, in memory of his ancesters and family. The plaque is now in the Uppsala Cathedral, Sweden.... more
This is the first of two collections exploring cases, in Europe and beyond, in which Latin served as a vehicle for the definition or expression of linguistic, regional and incipient national identities.
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
In 1452 Lorenzo Valla finished what became the standard translation of Thucydides for the next several hundred years. Identifying the central themes taken up by Valla in the dedicatory letter to Pope Nicholas V, this article will discuss... more
The collection of the Elegiarum Aurimpiae Libri by the humanist Elisio Calenzio (Fratte-Ausonia 1430 – Fratte-Ausonia 1502), member of the Academia Neapolitana and friend of G. Pontano, as well as tutor and secretary of Frederick of... more
The present work concerns the history of Latin and Greek i Norway and is part of the second volume (out of four) of a new history of the Norwegian language
The Prussian Protestant Daniel Hermann is an important Neo-Latin poet. He lived from probably 1543 until 1601. Hermann studied at Königsberg, Straßburg, Basel (probably also Ingolstadt and Heidelberg) and Wittenberg. Afterwards he served... more
Jeremias Drexels SJ ›Iulianus Apostata Tragoedia‹ (1608) erzählt vom Aufstieg und Fall des römischen Kaisers Julian, der für seinen Abfall vom Christentum bereits zeitgenössisch als ›Apostata‹ (›Abtrünniger‹) geschmäht wurde. Während des... more
The importance of translation across centuries and throughout the world cannot be over emphasised, a fact of which Neo-Latin authors and translators were well aware. Not surprisingly, their contribution to the understanding and practice... more
In: Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World edited by Philip Ford, Jan Bloemendal and Charles Fantazzi. Renaissance Society of America Texts & Studies Series 3 (Leiden 2014), 21-36.
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[Postprint] The present paper constitutes a guide through the complex history of the word διάλεκτος/dialectus/dialect from Greek antiquity up to the early modern era with a focus on the latter period and on its fate as a (Neo-)Latin word.... more
Výkonná redaktorka: Svetlana Šašerina Technický redaktor: Martin Žeňuch Adresa vydavateľa a sídlo redakcie: © Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 31750940 © Slovenský komitét slavistov,... more
In the early modern period thousands of people whose mother tongue was Dutch came to the English county of Norfolk. Whilst some of them only stayed for a short while, others settled and established communities in the towns of King's Lynn,... more
A survey of recent Danish research in Neo-Latin topics.
In Danish.
In Danish.
2021-10-15: fixed some typos Relics of the Székely script from between the 15th and 18th centuries contain some Latin terms whose meanings are different from the meanings we are most familiar with. This presentation is an attempt to... more
A study of the first publication of Neo-Latin verse by an Irish author, an obscure client of Thomas Cromwell who studied in Wittenberg under Philip Melanchthon.
This article aims to offer an overview of Neo-Latin literature between 1914 and 1920. The authors of Latin writings about the Great War – young people just out of high school, university students, priests, professors and politicians –... more
An examination of the context surrounding an oration given in 1620 in Paris by the newly appointed bishop of Ossory, David Rothe, and of the religious and scholarly feuds that fuelled the debate between Irish and Scottish Catholics about... more
This paper tries to bring a socio-cultural element into a recent discussion between followers of the Latinitas Viva.
Chapter on the dramas written and represented in Latin in the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin America from the end of the 15th century until the middle of the 17th century. First of all I pay special attention to certain works of humanists... more
A review of Mark Riley, The Neo-Latin Reader: Selections from Petrarch to Rimbaud. Sophron Editor, 2016.
The Latin poetry of Pavao Ritter Vitezović (Paulus Ritter; Paulus Eques, 1652–1713) contains a number of technopaegnia, compositions in which part of the meaning is generated by means of transposition of the linguistic material (letters,... more
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system or transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior wri en... more
Several works in the Mexican language of Nahuatl were produced in the early colonial period as a direct result of European influence: they range from psalms and sermons to indigenous chronicles and compilations of riddles and adages.... more
In the second half of the sixteenth century, Norwich received a large number of immigrants from the Continent whose mother tongue was Dutch or French. Whilst the use of these languages in the city, along with English, has received some... more