Recent papers in Leaching
In order to develop an advanced polymer based package technology to obtain small and flexible medical implants, diffusion barriers are essential to protect electronic chips and components for corrosion caused by leaching of body fluids.... more
The sequential extraction test, known as a BCR procedure, was used to assess a leachability of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu) from the metallo-organic sorbent-iron humate-loaded with these metals. The sequential test allowed to... more
Separation of the main metals contained in spent Li-ion batteries has been investigated using a treatment route consisting of the following steps: manual dismantling, acid leaching, precipitation with NH 4 OH and liquid-liquid extraction... more
Soils from many industrial sites in southeastern USA are contaminated with As because of the application of herbicide containing As2O3. Among those contaminated sites, two industrial sites, FW and BH, which are currently active and of... more
This article reports responses of two different forest ecosystems to 9 years (1988-96) of chronic nitrogen (N) additions at the Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts. Ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3 ) was applied to a pine plantation and a... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the utility of adding chelating agent during hydrochloric acid leaching of low-grade scheelite concentrates, obtained from Uludağ, Bursa (Türkiye). Examined parameters were as follows; leaching... more
pH is one of the key parameters that determines heavy metal mobility in soils, sediments and waste materials. In many respects leaching behaviour as reflected by the pH stat leaching tests provide a better means of assessing environmental... more
In this study, the strength development and lechability aspects of metal-contaminated soil treated with ordinary portland cement (OPC) were investigated. The soil was collected from a scrap metal yard within the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur,... more
Cement stabilisation has been widely applied for the immobilisation of heavy metal ions before their disposal in landfills. This paper investigated the microstructure of cementitious wastes containing Pb, Cd, As, and Cr using an electron... more
Cupels are generated by mines during the fire assaying of precious group metals. The cupels contain lead which is a known environmental hazard hence the need to recover it. This work illustrates how leaching and electrowinning processes... more
The eect of soaking, boiling and pressure cooking on the retention of folates in whole chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) and ®eld peas (Pisum sativum) was investigated. Pressure-cooking allowed signi®cantly higher (p<0.05) retention of folates... more
For the determination of Cr(VI) concentrations with a potentiometric ion-selective electrode (ISE), ionophore-immobilized membranes were prepared by ultraviolet (UV)-induced graft polymerization followed by chemical treatment. Novel... more
By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that reproduction and... more
The Baccu Locci stream catchment (Sardinia, Italy) is affected by serious As contamination as a consequence of past mining. The presence of both point and widespread sources of contamination (waste-rock dumps and flotation tailings,... more
Oil-contaminated soil (OCS) results from leaking underground storage tanks, oil spills on clean soils, or soils surrounding petroleum refineries and crude oil wells. In Oman, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) generates more than 50,000... more
Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
The determination of Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Zn and Ca, K, Mg by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS), respectively, in digests and infusions of Hibiscus... more
lnorganic constituents of ash in biomass fuels are responsible for equipment failure and operating difficulties in thermochemical energy conversion facilities. Alkali metals, in the presence of chlorine and sulfur, are the leading... more
Obtención de metales preciosos a partir de residuos sólidos mineros o relave RESUMEN Este estudio hace referencia a la recuperación de metales preciosos, como el oro y la plata presentes en los relaves sulfurados de los residuos mineros... more
Gold ore processing relies, among other criteria, on the efficient oxidation of not only the target metal, but also components inhibiting this crucial step, such as iron-and sulphur-based compounds. The associated oxygen mass requirements... more
Prosperity in Qatar and the consequent stresses on water resources resulted in a sustainable increase in the bottled drinking water market. Reports on health concerns and possible migration of chemicals from the plastic material into the... more
Purpose The objective of this study was to investigate the bioleaching of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn from sewage sludge using iron-oxidizing microorganisms. These conditions include the solid concentration, initial pH, ferrous iron concentration,... more
Limonene is present in orange peel wastes and is known as an antimicrobial agent, which impedes biogas production when digesting the peels. In this work, pretreatment of the peels to remove limonene under mild condition was proposed by... more
Electric Arc Furnace dusts are considered hazardous waste due to their high heavy metals content (zinc, lead, etc.). The Waelz process is one of the most efficient technologies, in terms of capacity and quality, able to recover nearly the... more
Laboratory analyses a b s t r a c t Membrane and glass fiber filters are widely used in laboratory water and wastewater analyses. During sample filtration, some filters release organic compounds, which may interfere with organic analyses.... more
The disposal of fly ash as a byproduct of thermic power stations, results in significant environmental problems. The leaching of coal fly ash during disposal is of concern for possible contamination, especially for the aquatic environment... more
Lead leaching from lead-based paint (LBP) was examined using standardized laboratory protocols and tests with leachate from actual and simulated landfill environments. Two different LBP samples were tested; leaching solutions included... more
Thirty-three samples of construction and demolition waste collected at 11 recycling facilities in Denmark were characterised in terms of total content and leaching of inorganic elements and presence of the persistent organic pollutants... more
The mechanochemical processing of bauxite with lime has been investigated. The milling of bauxite and lime mixtures in an attritor mill resulted in the formation of an iron rich hydrogarnet phase in bauxite/lime slurries containing... more
Wood has been known for a long time to contain nitrogen and mineral elements like potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. These elements are found as carbonates in the ash when wood is burnt. 7he finding that the ash of cocoa husk... more
Ilmenite occurs in black sand at the mouth of great rivers as in India, or as massive deposits like in Quebec Province in Canada. It is unsuitable for processing into pigment or for metal production because of its high iron content and... more
Методические указания составлены на основании типовых и рабочих программ по курсу «Теория гидрометаллургических процессов». Данное методическое указания написан на основе предмета "Теория гидрометаллургических процессов" и содержит в... more
Atmospheric leaching of a sphalerite concentrate in sulphate and chloride media was performed and the effect of several variables, such as solid/liquid ratio and oxidant (Fe(III)) concentration were investigated. The behaviour of minor... more
Delayed ettringite formation (DEF) can damage concrete that has experienced a temperature above about 70°C. Claims that slow release of sulfate from the clinker can have a similar effect in concrete not thus heated are unsupported.... more
This review aims at considering the use of REEs to trace pedogenetic processes, in order to quantify the respective contribution of the successive processes on pedogenesis. We first consider the origins and contents of REEs in soils, to... more
Altın zenginleştirme, gümüş zenginleştirme, bakır zenginleştirme, demir zenginleştirme, antimuan zenginleştirme, molibden zenginleştirme, Alüminyum zenginleştirme, nikel zenginleştirme, otoklav liçi, tank liçi, yığın liçi, gravite ile... more
The combined process developed using Ion Exchange, Solvent Extraction and ElectroWinning (IX-SX-EW), is described. This method is excellent for processing of pregnant leach solutions both from spent and new copper heaps and dumps, acid... more
О безцианидных методах выщелачивания, сопоставительном
анализа различных систем выщелачивания на примере
конкретной руды, эффективности альтернативных методов
выщелачивания и недостатках цианидного процесса
анализа различных систем выщелачивания на примере
конкретной руды, эффективности альтернативных методов
выщелачивания и недостатках цианидного процесса
Biocompatibility or tissue compatibility describes the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response when applied as intended. Poly-methylmethacrylate (PMMA) based resins are most widely used resins in dentistry,... more
... 43 (1995) 61-72 Leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate with ferric chloride Tom Havl'k a, Milan ~krobian a, Peter Bal b, Roland ... Zevgolis and Cooke (1975 ) observed a 200 to 400% difference in the electroleaching rates of five... more