Recent papers in Lease
Lease-purchase of real estate is a new model of accommodation which is increasingly applied by housing companies in Sweden. The model is based on that the tenant gets the opportunity to either continue to rent or purchase his residence,... more
WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the absolute and registered owner of a residential property described as Unit / Address, hereinafter referred to as the " LEASED PREMISES " ; WHEREAS, the LESSOR has offered to let and the LESSEE desires to lease... more
The tenant of a residential lease is under duty to pay rent regularly, on time and in full as required by section 4 (5) (a) of the Rental Housing Act 50 of 1999. Failure to pay rent on time or withholding rent is a material breach and may... more
In property management, some reasons would make it imperative to terminate some tenancies so, tenant eviction is almost inevitable. It is a global phenomenon, occurring in all parts of the world, both developing and developed countries.... more
A landlord can attach and remove the personal belongings of a third party if he has no knowledge of it. The landlord’s hypothec is therefore extended to the third party’s property provided the third party gave consent for his or her goods... more
Since China Merchant Port Holdings and Sri Lanka signed a 99-year Concession Agreement for the 15,000 acres of Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka in 2017 as part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), media outlets and academics have used the... more
This paper aims to discuss the locus standi of the subtenant for paying by deposit (consignation) of rent and accessory charges owed to the lessor, even if the sublease has not been previously authorized. The subtenant is qualified as an... more
WHEREAS, the LESSOR agrees to lease-out the property to the LESSEE and the LESSEE is willing to lease the same; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSOR leases unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby... more
Land Law Notes
Hijacked property- the court will not allow the bank and sheriff to rob an owner of his/her property that was part of a third party’s fraudulent scheme. The new owner will not only be denied the right to evict the lawful owner but will... more
How does a sub-lease differ from an assignment? Can a sub-tenant acquire more rights from the principal tenant than that which the tenant has? In assigning a lease, what rights and obligations are transferred to the new tenant?
The article provides a commentary on a lengthy inscription from Hellenistic Larissa (published by Helly & Tziafalias in 2013, cf. BE 2015. 394 and SEG 64.501), dated in the late 3rd cent. BC and more precisely in 219 by the editors. My... more
The decade long struggle of the tenants of Seamen’s Institute building in Durban continue to have secure tenure with the provincial government as the owner while the seller as the landlord is in full control of the building. A government... more
La aplicación e interpretación del complejo entramado normativo que regla al contrato de arrendamiento, genera ciertas dificultades que la doctrina y la jurisprudencia han debido resolver. El hecho de que sus reglas legales estén... more
Habitability is now included in the amendments, as a dwelling that is safe and suitable for living in with adequate space, protection from the elements and other threats to health, physical safety of the tenant, the tenant’s household and... more
Banks are the backbone of any Country in so far as its upward economic developments are concerned. A well knit Banking System supported by proper regulatory mechanism are inevitable for the economic development of a Country.
O presente trabalho tem como objeto a monitoração eletrônica de presos e de apenados no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e o crime de dano, valendo-se do método da revisão bibliográfica. O primeiro capítulo apresenta a origem do sistema de... more
U radu se raspravlja o sadržaju i značenju Ulpijanova teksta d. 19, 2, 9, 3 u analizi problema podjele rizika kod ugovora o zakupu i položaju požara među različitim pojavama koje se u rimskim pravnim izvorima navode kao oblici više sile.... more
El objeto del presente trabajo consiste en abstraer las características principales de la legislación autonómica de expropiación temporal del uso de viviendas, por su previsión en Cataluña, Andalucía, Navarra, Canarias y el País Vasco, y... more
Sokan gondolják, hogy hitel csak a hitelközvetítésre szakosodott intézmények (takarékpénztárak, bankok, hitelszövetkezetek stb.) kialakulása óta létezik. Pedig a pénzintézeti rendszer nem " puszta helyen " született meg, a fenti... more
Landlord may choose to have several tenants on one lease but it is essential to stipulate that tenants are each responsible for the performance of the lease. A tenant or tenants must serve the notice of termination on each landlord... more
The court will order the landlord, agent or any third party who breaks the law (spoliator) to reinstate the tenant or reconnect the services, regardless of the reasons to justify the unlawful action. Spoliation, literally means an action... more
The person who signs as surety must be aware of the serious implication that he or she is responsible for the tenant’s lease and liable for all the tenant’s debt. The landlord can hold a third person who signed as surety and co-principal... more
There is no lease if the lease period is undecided, undetermined or indefinite. In other words, a lease does not exist if the period is without limit or restriction of time. According to South African common law, a lease period is... more
Securing an eviction was simple prior to our 1994 Constitution and the legislative changes that followed. At common law, after the lease was cancelled, the landlord merely needed to state that he or she was the lessor (owner or landlord)... more
The commercial property market in New Zealand is characterized by two standard but distinct lease environments. In Auckland, the commercial core of the economy, net leases dominate, whereas in Wellington, the political capital, gross... more
A deposit is different from a holding or application fee, which may not lead to parties concluding a lease. Does it mean that once deposit is paid, there is a lease agreement? Why was the deposit paid? How was the amount determined? Was... more
This InFocus discusses the Department of Defense's (DODs) authority to lease-out (otherwise outlease) its non-excess property. In particular, the military's use of enhanced use leases (EULs) is described with attention to: what is... more
Landlord demanding water charges from tenant four years later can be problematic for the landlord. In the absence of a written clause that in some way enables the landlord to claim the amount he paid unintentionally, and paid consistently... more
By using the data from a primary survey of 1100 farm households from Indian Punjab, the present study examined the impact of COVID-19 pandemic-induced disruptions on food security and farm incomes. The paddy-wheat-based production system... more
Mediation of disputes arising from lease agreements requires special skills, experience and knowledge of various relevant legislation, including the common law, contract law, the relevant constitutional provisions, case law and rules and... more
There is no difference regarding contractual rights and obligations between a private landlord, the government or social housing institutions in respect of a residential tenancy
A contractual right is realised through a legal process that provides the affected party an opportunity to defend itself. Such is the case with share block schemes if it intends to revoke a shareholder’s entitlement to a use agreement for... more
Prescription is a way to “punish” the creditor for taking long to claim her/his debt. The claim to rental, for example, is extinguished or rendered unenforceable after three years. A judgment obtained for a debt in South Africa will... more
Every human being in this world must definitely be able to defend themselves. There are many ways that people take to maintain their lives. One way that can be taken to maintain his life is to run a business. Along with the times, the... more
There are only a few Old Elamite documents available today; however there are more than 500 legal documents from Susa, written in Akkadian, that provide us with a unique chance to study legal and social institutions of Elam in the... more