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Признание договора незаключенным или недействи тельным само по себе не препятствует наступлению последствий, предусмотренных абзацем первым на стоящего пункта. Предусмотренная настоящей статьей ответственность наступает, если сторона,... more
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    • Contract Law
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryLaw
Effettività della tutela e ruolo del giudice SOMMARIO: 1. La tutela interna dello straniero. -2. Il dovere per lo Stato territoriale di riconoscere allo straniero un rimedio effettivo. -3. Applicazioni: l'effettività del rimedio come... more
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      European LawContract LawHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
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      Contract LawLaw of ObligationsEuropean contract lawLaw of Contract
The outer space becomes more approachable. As the developments occur in a row, the space launch vehicles are bigger, better, and faster, so that people can get to the outer space more quickly and efficiently. With this currency, space... more
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      JurisprudenceCivil LawContract LawLegal Theory
Përkushtimi për të shkruar një tekst universitar për një pedagog jo vetëm që është një nderë i veçantë por, para së gjithash, detyrë dhe barrë e madhe. Është detyrë e rëndë për faktin sepse libri jo vetëm që duhet të fitojë besimin e... more
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      Contract LawInternational Law
Muovendo dal fenomeno della commercializzazione dei dati personali dei consumatori, il lavoro analizza i formanti giuridici che intersecano il tema a livello nazionale ed europeo. Lo sguardo è rivolto principalmente alla disciplina in... more
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      Contract LawEuropean contract lawPrivacy and data protectionGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Reviews the nature of Programmes and delay analysis within the context of Construction Law; considers and compares the contractual provisions in the various standard forms of contract as used for complex construction projects in England... more
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      ContractsContract LawConstruction LawConstruction Project Management
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      PhotographyContract LawArchivesSocial Media
Recently, courts have decided that private and public colleges and universities can revoke degrees due to academic dishonesty. A university's authority to revoke degrees is supported by a logical extension of its conferral power, "black... more
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      Constitutional LawContract LawAcademic DishonestyUniversity
Under Venezuelan law, as in other jurisdictions, an arbitration agreement imposes to parties the obligation to refer present or future disputes to arbitration. Since an arbitration agreement is a legally binding agreement, the study of... more
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      ContractsContract LawInternational ArbitrationArbitration
As one of the young investment forms in emerging economies around the world, Public-Private Partnerships (“PPP”) have shown that it is one of the best ways to achieve the best of the best characteristics from both public sector and... more
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      Contract LawRegulation And GovernancePublic Private PartnershipsPublic Private Partnership
Against the backdrop of the predominant legal positivism, this book strives to depict private law as a complex social phenomenon interacting with human culture as a whole and its history. The author sketches the national jurisdictions... more
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      LawJurisprudenceComparative LawCivil Law
A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawCorporate LawContract Law
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      LawComparative LawCivil LawContracts
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
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      Economic HistoryPsychologyApplied PsychologyBehavioural Science
This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main legal and policy implications of blockchain technology. It proceeds in four steps. First, the chapter traces the technical and legal evolution of blockchain applications since the... more
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      Contract LawCompetition LawRegulation And GovernanceInformation Technology Law
Administrative law as “the law concerning the powers and procedures of administrative agencies, including especially the law governing judicial review of administrative action.”
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      Civil EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceCriminal JusticeConstitutional Law
We report the progression of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with circulating villous lymphocytes to Burkitt lymphoma with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) followed by a highly aggressive course. While the initial indolent... more
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      Contract LawBiologyMedicineSequence Analysis
This article identifies the chief impediment to a tortious response to mischief of the kind seen in _Bhasin v. Hrynew_, and goes on to explain the nature of the impediment before then considering how the problem may be ultimately... more
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      Contract LawPolitical ScienceDamages lawLaw of Torts
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      Contract LawCivil Punishment
Background and Aim: Supervision of Public company is accepted in most legal systems. In the legal system of Iran, inspectors are liable for overseeing Public limited company and in other countries like UK; this is the auditorchr('39')s... more
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    • Contract Law
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    • Contract Law
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      ContractsIntellectual PropertyContract LawIntellectual Property Law
La voluntad, para bien o para mal, fue erigida durante buena parte de los siglos XVIII y XIX como el sustento de la juridicidad de los negocios jurídicos e incluso se utilizó como noción básica para trazar las diferencias con los actos... more
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      Contract LawLaw of ContractDerecho ContractualLaw of Contracts
From the above mentioned admitted facts, it is evident that the petitioner needs sufficient amount of money for the treatment of breast cancer. Hence, it cannot be ruled out that in order to save her life by getting money, she agreed for... more
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      Contract LawFamily LawBreast CancerMarriage and Divorce
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      Contract LawMusic LawEntertainment LawMusic Copyright Law
The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On... more
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      Contract LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
Full text available at: --- The invalidity of contract in Croatian law, as well as in Swiss, Austrian, and German law, in principle has ex tunc effect. One of the legal consequences of the invalidity of... more
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      Contract LawLaw of Obligations
The purpose of this article is to examine two issues central to the tort of negligence: the role of reliance in establishing a duty of care; and the relationship between the harm-within-risk rule and the rule excluding liability for... more
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      Contract LawLegal Causation and IntentionalityNegligenceSpecific Relief and Contract Law
Đề bài:
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      Contract LawInternational Law
The purpose of this textbook is to teach real estate law not as some amalgamation of abstract, static legal concepts but, instead, to teach real estate law within the context of the dynamics of real estate development and finance, through... more
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      Environmental LawContract LawUrban PlanningReal Estate Finance
We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance... more
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      Social TheoryEuropean StudiesConstitutional LawContract Law
eBay has to resolve sixty millions disputes per year. For this task, the eBay's Community Review Forum (ECRF) has been established. The aim of our research is to investigate whether ECRF provides a fair dispute resolution. In this paper,... more
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawIntellectual PropertyContract Law
This article examines the potential liability of a party inviting tenders for a contract for improperly rejecting a tender. The approach of the courts in the recent decision of Petition of Sidey Ltd for Judicial Review of a decision of... more
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      Contract LawRisks in Tendering ProcessProcurement and Tendering Contracts
Quelques précisions importantes sur le champ d'application et les modalités du déséquilibre significatif de l'article L. 442-6, I, 2º, du Code de commerce I-« SOUMISSION » ÉGALE « CONTRAT D'ADHÉSION » II-LES CLAUSES CONTRÔLABLES... more
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      Contract LawFrench LawBusiness LawContract, Contracts of Adhesion, Contract Theory
No presente trabalho, proponho-me facilitar a identificação das ocorrências contratuais que se submetem ao regime jurídico dos contratos de crédito aos consumidores, previsto no DL 133/2009, de 2 de junho, na redação do DL 42-A/2013, de... more
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      Contract LawConsumer Credit LawDireito ContratualCrédito direto ao consumidor
El presente trabajo tiene por propósito abordar lo que algunas sentencias de nuestros tribunales han denominado publicidad errónea con el objetivo de dilucidar si, efectivamente, nos encontramos ante una nueva categoría publicitaria o,... more
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      Civil LawContract LawPrivate lawLaw of Contract
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      Civil LawContract LawFamily LawPrenuptial agreements
Banking regulation
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBusinessOrganizational Behavior
Denna bok tar ett samlat grepp om rättsliga och idrottsliga åtgärder mot doping. Boken utreder bland annat vad som utgör doping, vilka motiv som ligger bakom olika åtgärder och när olika regler är tillämpliga. Den behandlar också det... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawPublic AdministrationContract Law
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawFamily LawComparative Private Law
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      FinanceCivil LawContract LawInsurance Law
The influence that advertising has on contemporary society is undeniable. Its importance transcends the original boundaries of its area of activity to boldly assume a position as a sort of “magical wise woman-cum-mother of our time” ,... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawPrivate lawConsumer Law
Данная монография посвящена основам правового регулирования внешнеэкономической деятельности (далее – ВЭД) и основным видам внешнеэкономических сделок, наиболее часто встречающихся в практике осуществления ВЭД. При ее написании... more
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      LawCivil LawContract LawInternational Law
Nigeria depend greatly on oil and gas production to meet its revenue needs. Several initiatives are currently being gauged to diminish the high transaction cost of pipeline failures and the consequences on land rights' holders. Oil and... more
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      Contract LawLand LawPrivate and Property Law.
La característica general del common law frente a la imposibilidad sobrevenida de la prestación es, según la interpretación tradicional, el respeto formal y casi absoluto de la obligatoriedad del contrato. Este respeto se ha manifestado... more
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      Contract LawFrustration of ContractEnglish Common Law
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      Contract LawCommercial LawContrattiAppalto
För Demokratin, i Rättvisans namn, Och fulländan för allas Lyckan för ”LIKA INFÖR LAGEN” a) Grundlagens "Lika inför Lagen" kontinuiteten till den enskilda medborgaren som gäller i Sverige, enligt rättsbalkens 11.e kapitel § 1. ”Envar kan... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawPeace and Conflict StudiesContract Law
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      Contract LawCompany Law