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      Comparative LawLegal CultureHistory of western law, history of judiciary and judicial law
This article deals with the history of Italian legal culture between 19th and 20th centuries. The objective is not studying the different aspects of Italian doctrine but to try to understand what "Italian style" (according to John... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal CultureItalian LawStoria Del Diritto Italiano
In the Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930), regarding the question of the tactics of constructing and defining Brazilian law, jurists searched for countries that would be civilizational ideals, with citation of authors, legislations and... more
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      Comparative LawPhilosophyHumanitiesLegal History
"Making accountable the guilty ones" - Restorative justice in Brazil and the brazilian legal culture ABSTRACT: Restorative justice, as a new form of conflict management, is a developing reality in Brazil, presenting itself through... more
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      Sociology of LawAccountabilityLegal CultureRestorative Justice
Cet article analyse la façon dont les promoteurs de la discipline "anthropologie juridique", ont, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, fait du rejet de l'ethnocentrisme juridique la pierre angulaire de leur fondation disciplinaire. En... more
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      Legal AnthropologyLegal HistoryHistory of Social SciencesColonialism
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      Legal CultureBetter RegulationLegal CertaintyLegistics
Ce travail touche une des stratégies utilisées par les esclaves, hommes et femmes, et leurs familles, lorsqu'ils demandaient auprès de la justice leur liberté ou leur vente :... more
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      Legal HistoryHistory of SlaveryLegal Culture
Divided into three parts, this book examines the relationship between law and culture from various perspectives, both theoretical and empirical. Part I outlines the framework for further considerations and includes new, innovative... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LawSociology of LawCase Study Research
This is a short presentation about the evolution of internal legal culture in Bosnia in the XIX/XX century. The paper is intended for students of PhD study as a summary of my previously held lectures at the University of Sarajevo.
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    • Legal Culture
RESUMEN Este trabajo se dirige a recrear y ponderar el peso que las experiencias forenses previas de los diputados al Congreso de Tucumán (1816-1820) tuvieron en su actuación legislativa y constituyente, en tanto que denso trasfondo... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal CultureHistoria del DerechoHistoria de la administración de justicia.
The article explores the development of the notion “legal culture” in European legal science, as well as its relation to the legal socialisation of the individual. The article stresses the importance of civic society in the formation of... more
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    • Legal Culture
《唐律疏议》中,有一类特殊的犯罪主体:尊长。他们因其身份在而为子孙的行为承担罪责,可称为“尊长身份犯”。这些规定和国家赋予他们的尊长特权构成一种“对称性”的义务,两者构成一个整体,建构起了宗法国家对社会的控制结构,即国家通过尊长控制家族、进而建立起以家族为社会基本单位的权力控制结构,进一步地,这种控制结构并没有为个体设立法律上的独立人格。不过,同样存家长权力的古罗马却没有因为宗法控制而在法律上否认个体的法律人格,相反它强化了个体脱离家族的独立。通过比较分析这两种制度不同的社会... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal CultureDecentralizationPower structures and ideology
In this note we propose through a guide, to investigate and explain the judicial Argentinean culture in the fi rst half of the 20th century, a list of some twenty patterns shared by most of the jurist of that time. Furthermore, the... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal CultureComparative Legal HistoryHistoria del Derecho
Il presente volume raccoglie gli atti del Convegno Lontano vicino. Metropoli e colonie nella costruzione dello Stato nazionale italiano, organizzato all'interno delle attività del Dottorato in Diritto Pubblico e del Dottorato in Studi... more
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      Legal CultureWork and LabourItalian colonialismColonialism and Imperialism
Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2007
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      Latin American StudiesLegal HistoryLegal CultureLatin America
In a changing international commercial dispute resolution landscape, the combined use of mediation and arbitration has emerged as a dispute resolution approach offering parties a number of benefits. These include resolving parties’... more
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      Dispute ResolutionInternational ArbitrationArbitrationPolitical Science
The thesis analyzes the treason of Grand Duke of Lithuanian as a political crime. It reconstructs the history of treason in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) from 13th till the middle of 16th century and reveals the daily and exceptional... more
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      Legal CultureHistory of LawMedieval history, history of emotions, political historyHistory of Treason
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      Chinese LawChinese StudiesSinologyLegal Culture
El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir si la conocida distinción entre normas jurídicas regulativas y constitutivas presupone una tesis ontológica descriptiva según la cual en los ordenamientos jurídicos existen normas regulativas y... more
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      OntologyLegal TheoryLegal CultureLegal Ontology
Brief overview of the legal history and cultures of South Asia
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      Islamic LawComparative LawIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
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      Comparative LawChinese StudiesSexualityHistory of Sexuality
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      Legal HistoryGenocide StudiesLegal CultureLegal Codifications
A perspective on the nature of the Roman legal order in the provinces and the status of local laws and practices under Roman rule. These questions are explored through a series of case studies from Roman Egypt, including the well-known... more
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      Roman HistoryPapyrologyLegal HistoryRoman Law
Kurgu ile Gerçeklik Arasında HUKUK MESLEKLERİ.
Astana Yayınları, Ankara, 2018.

Edited book: "Legal Jobs between Fiction and Fact"
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      Critical Legal TheoryLegal CultureLawyersSocio-legal studies
Parution du numéro 39/40 de la revue de la SOCIETE POUR L'HISTOIRE DES FACULTES DE DROIT ET DE LA CULTURE JURIDIQUE Sommaire :... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal CultureHistoria del DerechoHistoire du droit
“Juristas Universales” es una obra fruto del esfuerzo de más de medio millar de especialistas procedentes de universidades de los cinco continentes. Partiendo de Roma, verdadera cuna del Derecho, recoge en cuatro volúmenes una historia... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
This chapter begins by outlining the legal culture of citizens, judges, and courts in two countries’ modern history—that of Korea and Japan. It first examines the Constitutional Court of Korea as compared to the Supreme Court of Japan,... more
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      Legal CultureComparative Legal HistoryJudicial Decision-MakingSociology of legal professions
Este ensayo problematiza nuestra visión sobre la historia y posición social de los incas en el Perú postoledano, así como la narración más general sobre el colapso del Estado incaico, a partir del análisis de una serie de acciones legales... more
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      ColonialismLegal CultureIncasSpanish conquest of the Americas
In a changing international commercial dispute resolution landscape, the combined use of mediation and arbitration has emerged as a dispute resolution approach offering parties a number of benefits. These include resolving parties’... more
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      Dispute ResolutionInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
Mauro Grondona Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università di Genova (Italia) Grondona, M. (2021). Premesse per una discussione sul rapporto tra continuità e discontinuità nel diritto civile. A partire dalla... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawLegal CultureDireito
Madama Butterfly is one of the most famous operas by Puccini. Set in Japan in 1904, it depicts the tragic love story between B.F. Pinkerton, an officer in the US Navy, and Cio-cio-san (also called Madama Butterfly), a young Japanese girl... more
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      Comparative LawFamily LawLegal HistoryPrivate International Law
"Legal Mentality in Turkey" : Summary of the results of a survey conducted with 4170 participants, most of whom are law students and legal professionals
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      Sociology of LawLegal CultureLegal mentality
L'époque est à la culture juridique. L'expression fut longtemps, en France, la marque quasi exclusive de l'« Association Henri Capitant pour la culture juridique française ». Le précieux Dictionnaire de la culture juridique (2003) n'était... more
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      Civil LawLegal CultureDroitDroit Civil
This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional law. The legal corpus of Deuteronomy provides a utopian model for the organization of the state, one that enshrines... more
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      Comparative ReligionAmerican HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
In this issue, we publish several papers presented at the international conference “Complaints: Cultures of Grievance in Eastern Europe and Eurasia” that took place on March 8–9, 2013, at Princeton University.1 Organized by the Program in... more
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      Human RightsHybrid SystemsGovernanceSocial Justice
Professional knowledge is produced and transmitted in the context of state and societal relationships. Academic knowledge, including the study of law, is no exception and should be explicated as an articulation, construction and... more
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      Critical TheoryLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
En diciembre del 2000, la Casa Blanca es tomada por un segmento de la élite nortreamericana. Resultará, a la postre, que sólo transitoriamente podrá ejercer la hegemonía al interior del bloque en la estructural real de poder en la... more
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      Mass CommunicationCritical Legal TheoryLegal CultureSocio-legal studies
Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2004
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      Legal CulturePampean RegionHistoria LocalHistoria Rural
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      State FormationLegal CultureArgentinaIndigenous Peoples
'Lucid and engrossing, Unraveling Abolition spotlights the enslaved people who spearheaded Colombia’s antislavery legal culture alongside jurists and politicians. This sweeping account brims with insights for historians of republicanism... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryAfro Latin AmericaColombiaLegal History
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      Comparative LawLegal CultureComparative Legal History
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      Legal TheoryLegal CultureThe Rule of Law
This paper aims to capture the intellectual effervescence trying to answer the delicate need to build a Romanian legal identity in the modern Romanian nation-state. Consequently, I'm addressing the concept of legal identity in terms of... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal CultureLegal TransplantsLegal Identity
La concorrenza sleale e gli esordi del diritto industriale nell'Italia liberale: verso una teoria generale della concorrenza?
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      Competition LawLegal CultureCommercial Law
Please use the following link to read/download the article (open access):... more
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      Medieval StudiesLegal HistoryLegal CultureMedieval Europe
"This article studies the historical origin, legal training, career patterns, professional identity and ethics, judicial philosophy, and scale of professionalization of thousands of legal specialists in late imperial China from about 1651... more
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      Comparative LawChinese LawLaw and SocietyLegal History
This essay, after determining the characteristics constituting a codification, sets out the historical conditions for the creation of national codifications in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It then deals with a number of myths... more
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      Comparative LawLegal CultureEuropean Civil CodeCodification
Contents Part I Michał Dudek - Not So Long Time Ago Before Malinowski: The Puzzle of Lotar Dargun’s Influence on Bronislaw Malinowski Krzysztof Pałecki - Stanisław Estreicher: The Forgotten Master of Bronislaw Malinowski Part II... more
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      AnthropologyTheory of What Is a Culture and What a Culture DoesSociology of LawSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Civil LawFascismLegal CultureHistory of Law
Analysen des Rechts lassen sich grundsätzlich danach unterscheiden, ob sie Recht primär als Macht- und Herrschaftsinstrument deuten, seine innerjuridische Eigenlogik in den Vordergrund rücken oder Recht als einen kulturellen Tatbestand in... more
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      Sociology of CultureCultural SociologySociology of LawPower (social)