Law And Economics (Economics)
Recent papers in Law And Economics (Economics)
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has resulted in the disruption of activities in major centres of global production, with adverse portents for contractual obligations across global supply chains. The global pervasiveness and... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
This Palgrave Pivot is the first book in the field of Law & Economics looking at the relationship between economics and law in legal reasoning. The book constitutes a reference point for the economic analysis of legal institutions, as... more
‘Law and economics’ studies are considered to have given to legal doctrine and argumentation a powerful analytical apparatus, which helped to detail the empirical consequences of legislative and judicial decisions. The main body of... more
This chapter considers the relationship between the U.S. federal income tax system and innovation, using the sharing economy as a focal point for analysis. It makes two main points. First, the tax system is currently a questionable tool... more
As experience in the development of the economy of different countries shows, risk is an integral factor in a market economy. The rapid development of science and technology, the emergence of new technologies, their implementation into... more
The paper investigates comparatively the fundamental separation into criminal and administrative sanctions respectively the enforcement mechanisms of the Swiss Financial Market Regulation and the Swiss Competition and the Antitrust Laws... more
This paper discusses a few meta-theoretical questions about Behavioural Law and Economics (BLE) in order to better understand both its popularity and the criticisms it has received. It argues that BLE provides a litmus test to reveal... more
Esta labor personal de investigación, cuyo resultado ha sido publicado en el final de 2017 por la editorial Atelier (colección «Derecho Global»), tenía por objetivo contribuir al progreso real del conocimiento en España mediante un... more
This paper investigates optimal tax policy with uncertainty in private and public consumption. Tax policy affects volatility through two channels; spreading risk between public and private consumption and hedging idiosyncratic tax source... more
President Trump and other prominent Republicans have argued that the measures taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 will create economic consequences too serious to justify the number of lives saved. Are they right? We do the math.
Abstract Distress assets of Non-Performing Loans (NPL) are part of life of Financial Institutions (FIs). The case is not different with Nigeria as NPLs account for one of the major ills facing the Nigeria FIs. The Nigeria financial... more
At a time when neoliberalism has become an accepted term in public debate to refer to the current state of modern societies and their political economies, Kean Birch critically analyses the conflicting theories that shape our... more
The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has resulted in the disruption of activities in major centres of global production, with adverse portents for contractual obligations across global supply chains. The global pervasiveness and... more
Urban designers and urban planners should never uncritically rely on policy prescriptions purportedly derived from neoclassical economic theory concerning their respective disciplines or specialized praxis. Although neoclassical... more
This is an excerpt from my book Freedom of Contract and Paternalism Prospects and Limits of an Economic Approach (New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012) x + 194 pp. [Perspectives from Social Economics], ISBN 978-0-230-34029-9 Please follow... more
(Book Review) Wm. Dennis Huber, CORPORATE LAW AND THE THEORY OF THE FIRM: Reconstructing Corporations, Shareholders, Directors, Owners, and Investors, London & New York: Routledge, 2020. ISBN 978-0367895532
ABSTRAK Nisrina Atikah Hasdar , Tinjauan Yuridis Hak Ekslusif Merek Pierre Cardin Terhadap Pelaksanaan UU No. 15 Tahun 2001 Tentang Merek Dan TRIPS Agreement (Studi Kasus Putusan No.557K/Pdt.Sus-hki/2015) yang dibimbing oleh Winner... more
This Article draws upon law and behavioral economics to analyze the transition to remote work brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. While widely celebrated, this transition, which indeed has many promising aspects, is far more complex... more
Indonesia's exports in 2012-2015 experienced a downward trend, mainly influenced by the decline in export value of oil and gas sector. Therefore, the government is making efforts to encourage the increase of exports from the non-oil and... more
Rozvoj fungujúcej spoločnosti si vyžaduje dodržiavanie zákonov ako stanovených pravidiel hry. Ak sú vnímané ako spravodlivé a prospešné, pomáhajú k upevneniu presvedčenia, že čestný život sa oplatí. Pokiaľ toto presvedčenie neexistuje,... more
Theme and Purpose: The centrality of law for the study of political economy was widely recognized at the time of the emergence of the political economy discipline in the 18th century as well as throughout the 19th century. From the outset... more
Resumo: Este artigo pretende indicar como a visão convencional da análise econômica do direito – aquela que enfatiza a eficiência como valor e critério explicativo das decisões jurídicas – é apenas uma das vertentes abertas pela abordagem... more
ABSTRAK Kasus penimbunan BBM bersubsidi di Pulau Sumba tidak pernah menemui titik terang dalam penindakannya bahkan sejak bertahun tahun lalu. Penimbunan ini sering dikaitkan dengan keberadaan pengecer illegal yang marak di Pulau Sumba.... more
Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de una tradición que ha mostrado una profunda preocupación por el entendimiento de los problemas catalácticos vinculados al estudio de la preservación del medio ambiente. El autor puede ser catalogado... more
Coase always expressed dissatisfaction with neo-classical economics and advocated for a new approach. Rather than using toy mathematical models built from unrealistic, idealized assumptions, Coase preferred to study real-world contexts,... more
We examine the intersection of patents and antitrust where a patent holder uses the monopoly power it possesses in the market for a patented product to exclude competitors in an adjacent market and attempt to monopolize or monopolize the... more
Since its origin, ecotourism development has been at the centre of controversial and heated debates within the environmental and scientific society. On one hand, it has been considered as a model of responsible and sustainable tourism... more
This bibliography lists more than 100 articles on trade, and includes links to those articles, making it possible for scholars to easily retrieve them.
In this paper, we characterize adversarial decision-making as a choice between competing interpretations of evidence ("models") constructed by interested parties. We show that if a court cannot perfectly determine which party's model is... more
Abstract Argentina is debating the reform of its copyright act, dating back to 1933, focusing on its opportunity, merit, convenience, and scope. The lack of economic understanding on the part of the actors has led to an unsatisfactory... more
Where do we start when thinking about law and social transformation and how do we articulate and address resistance to the reproduction of the concentration of power, wealth, authority, and prestige in the world? Contemporary legal... more
While it is early to mourn the euro, it would be unwise to ignore the magnitude and significance of the changes now taking place in the Eurozone. No doubt, the economic and financial problems in the Eurozone are serious and plentiful. The... more
Aplicamos un sistema de propiedad intelectual nacido en los albores de la revolución industrial a una sociedad del conocimiento global. Un régimen de escasez artificial choca contra la abundancia digital. Es hora de reequilibrar el... more