LiDAR for topographic mapping
Recent papers in LiDAR for topographic mapping
A high order signal model is proposed in which the states are Kronecker tensor products of probability distributions. This model enables an optimal linear filter to be specified. A minimum residual error variance criterion may be used to... more
Generating maps of small areas using conventional aerial photography is of great interest for small engineering firms. The main problem is the high cost of the sophisticated digital photogrammetric workstations usually employed. In this... more
Analiza in arheološka interpretacija lidarskih podatkov zavarovanega območja spomenika Kazlje – gradišče Vahta (EŠD 7283) z okolico. Strokovno poročilo o delu in rezultatih Za arheološko interpretacijo obravnavanega območja v... more
The objective of this research is to detect and extract traces of past human activities on the Etruscan site of San Giovenale (Blera) in Northern Lazio, Italy. Investigations have been conducted by integrating high-resolution satellite... more
Viimeisen vuosikymmenen kuluessa Lidar-kaukokartoitusaineistoista on tullut eri puolilla maailmaa monille arkeologeille jokapäiväinen työväline. Suomessa Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimet pistepilviaineistot tarjoavat erinomaisen lähtökohdan... more
Digital elevation models have been widely used by the increase of digital geospatial data usage in daily life. More accurate and dense elevation data could be produced by the help of the developing technologies and new methods. Nowadays,... more
Peta Topografi memiliki informasi nilai horizontal dan vertikal yang menyatakan sebuah visualisasi ketinggian permukaan.
HARTOGRAFIA TOPOGRAFIKE edicioni i parë, Janar 2010. Dispensë për studentët e vitit të tretë pranë Departamentit të gjeodezisë – Fakulteti i Ndërtimtarisë dhe Arkitekturës – Universiteti i Prishtinës, Prishtinë, semestri i 5-të,... more
This paper brings together in one place results of a long-term, if intermittent, project assessing the archaeological potential of Environment Agency (EA) Lidar survey within the Lincolnshire fenland. Results were previously only... more
The interpretation of the urban fabric of Monselice has been exploited to outline the historic evolution of the town, focusing above all on urban landscape and geomorphology during the Middle Ages. The methods of research have integrated... more
Conferencia presentada en Atlixco, Pue. durante el Congreso interno dee Investigadores del INAH en Nov e 2013. Muestra la metodologìa desarrollada para hacer prospección arqueológica basada en LiDAR y ortofotogrametría, principalmente.
Illegal archaeological excavations, generally denoted as looting, is one of the most important damage factors to cultural heritage, as it upsets the human occupation stratigraphy of sites of archaeological interest. Looting identification... more
After several years of preliminary reports in scientific journals of "revolutionary" discoveries, the truly profound paradigm-changing impact of airborne LiDAR data on archaeology has yet to be seen. For a while, it seemed like it was... more
This article presents an airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-based method to extract interesting stand attributes for forest management in high-density Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations. An adaptive morphological filter... more
A comprehensive and comparative study of Samnites hillforts is crucial for understanding this society’s socio-political organisation. Past approaches have been limited by the available means of archaeological investigation, which has... more
From a wider disciplinary perspective, modern conflict archaeology is now a thoroughly established and mature subdiscipline. However, a significant problem conflict archaeologists in the Netherlands face is that modern eras, including... more
This paper introduces a new approach for determining the most likely initiation points for landslides from potential instability mapped using a terrain stability model. This approach identifies the location with critical stability index... more
A. Majewska, Wyludnione miejscowości z perspektywy geograficzno-archeologicznej. Pamięć krajobrazu wsi Dłutowo w powiecie piskim, [w:] Wieś zaginiona. Wspólnota, samorządność, przestrzeń, P. Nocuń, A. Przybyła-Dumin, K. Fokt (red.),... more
El uso de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (VANT´s) es cada vez más frecuente en arqueología con el fin de obtener ortofotos de alta resolución o modelos digitales de elevación resultado del procesamiento fotogramétrico. No obstante, los... more
Kostyrko M., Ruciński D., 2015 Przeszły krajobraz Góry Chełmo oraz jego zagrożenia w perspektywie lotniczego skaningu laserowego oraz zobrazowań satelitarnych, Zeszyty Radomszczańskie, t. X, s. 227-236. Mikołaj Kostyrko (Instytut... more
"In diesem Beitrag sind alle derzeit vorliegenden Informationen über den Burgwall auf der Anhöhe „Svákov“ bei Soběslav (Kr. Tábor) zusammengefasst. Die Fundstelle ist bereits seit dem 18. Jh. bekannt (Abb. 1–2) und wurde in den Jahren... more
Terzo Convegno Internazionale di Archeologia Aerea, Le Città Invisibili". Remote e Proximal Sensing in Archeologia: Metodologie non Invasive per lo studio della città antica, 19-20-21 Maggio 2022 - Lecce, Museo Castromediano
Exploring the documentation, analysis, publication and archiving of 3D data of endangered alpine rock art.
Landslide susceptibility mapping is indispensable for disaster management and planning development operations in mountainous regions. The potential use of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data was explored in this study for deriving... more
Generally seen as natural peripheries, upland landscapes present particular challenges both in terms of living, and of recording past human activity within. LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology has now brought considerable... more
The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands the ephrins play an essential role in the targeting of retinal ganglion cell axons to topographically correct locations in the optic tectum during visual system development.... more
The landscape of conflict is a conception which has recently attracted a lot of attention in landscape studies. It chiefly inspires studies that represent the field of the archeology of the present, thus constituting one of the keys to... more
Large, deep-seated landslides are common features in the Flemish Ardennes (Belgium). As most of these old (>100 years) landslides are located under forest in this hilly region, aerial photograph interpretation is not an appropriate... more