Liberation Theology
Recent papers in Liberation Theology
This is just the introduction and contents of the Fourth Volume of the Book Collected Works of Sebastian Kappen, compiled and edited by Sebastian Vattamattam
Kristendommen er i rask endring og kommer til uttrykk på nye måter både sosialt og politisk. På få tiår er tyngdepunktet flyttet fra det globale nord til det globale sør. I Vest-Europa blir kirker nedlagt eller solgt. Samtidig fylles... more
Contemporary political theology often defines itself against Lutheran social ethics, which is portrayed as politically disengaged and overly deferential to state power. At the same time, contemporary political theology often embraces the... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Palestine is known as the birthplace of Christianity. However the Christian population of this land is relatively insignificant today, despite the continuing institutional legacy that the 19th century Western missionary focus on the... more
This work is concerned with some basic problems which historical criticism poses to biblical interpretation. The first chapter deals with historical criticism in relation to problems of the text’s historical distance and contemporary... more
Conference Presentation at the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
Příspěvek vychází z koncepce sociální pastorace Hermanna Steinkampa, která jednak
umožňuje, vnímat bohaté a mocné jako inspiraci pro pastoraci, jednak dává i návod, jak k pastoraci
bohatých a mocných přistupovat.
umožňuje, vnímat bohaté a mocné jako inspiraci pro pastoraci, jednak dává i návod, jak k pastoraci
bohatých a mocných přistupovat.
In Laudato Si', Pope Francis stresses the close link between the cry of the poor and cry of the earth. These essays, the product of a conference sponsored by the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University... more
O presente artigo analisa as ligações entre a Cáritas Brasileira e a Economia Popular Solidária a partir do trabalho do Agente de Cáritas. A problemática central do artigo remete às representações sociais que esses Agentes constroem em... more
New York: Columbia University Press, 2011
Reacción a la ponencia del mismo nombre presentada en el Primer Simposio Internacional Mariano celebrado en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, junio 1988.
This article submits that the confluence of language and power proliferate social strata and exacts violence on subaltern bodies in a punitive age of mass incarceration. I explore racialized social hierarchies in Judeo- Christian sacred... more
Langanhaltende stehende Ovationen erhielt Gustavo Gutiérrez beim Lateinamerikanischen Kontinentalkongress für Theologie in São Leopoldo (Brasilien) 2012. Die Dauer und Intensität dieser Ovationen war sicher nicht nur dem Umstand... more
Thomas M. Kelly is an associate professor of theology at Creighton University. His previous corpus of work includes numerous articles relating to issues of lay ministry, sacramentality, and marriage, and a book regarding the theology of... more
"The purpose of this analysis is to provide an overview of the North Korean situation in order to design effective mission strategies among the North Korean people. This analysis will provide a summary overview of the current North... more
Essentially, this paper is a proposal for the reaffirmation of Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen’ Spirit Christologies approach. In his first volume entitled, Christ and Reconciliation: A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World... more
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In the light of the gap between constitutional vision and social realities in South Africa and a perceived disconnect between religious and human rights discourses, this article suggests that embodying a liberating theological hermeneutic... more
This article explores how the "Masters of Suspicion" can be used for understanding discipleship. From this, it queries into expanding this canon of masters to include decolonial thinkers. Resultantly, this article explores potential... more
Würzburg, 1. Oktober 2019 | Vortrag bei der Tagung "Gustavo Gutiérrez: Theologie der Befreiung (1971/2021) — Der bleibende Impuls eines theologischen Klassikers"
The following article is the first English translation of an article written by Bishop Proano of Ecuador on the Role of Christianity in the Process of Development. It was published in El Salvador in 1975. I publish it here as a resource... more
The following is an analysis of an excerpt titled “Thoughts on the Baptism of D.W.R.” derived of German Theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s "Letters and Papers from Prison." Unfortunately, no argument will be rendered, rather it will be a... more
What makes Christian punk “Christian”? And what makes it “punk”? Drawing on his previously published work on punk and religion, and engaging his own experiences as a musician and theologian, Iafrate’s chapter offers a theological... more
Full text of this chapter available at Publisher's web page for book David Tombs, ‘Machismo and Marianismo: Sexuality and... more
Interdisciplinary dialogues find researchers seeking better understandings of theories and concepts, such colonialism and capitalism, and the means through which these concepts impact both local and global cultures. The results of... more
How do we critically engage South African constitutionalism today? This is the basic question that will animate this article. In order to investigate this, I will specifically look at the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act... more
In this paper, I interrogate Christian interpretations of punishment through atonement theories from the early church in the West and turn to the Eastern concept of theosis as a possible correction to retributive punitive philosophies.... more
Reformed evangelical theology is liberation theology. Is that a hyperbolic statement? Maybe. However, if we take the arguments and perspectives of Children of the Waters of Meribah and Evangelical Theologies of Liberation and Justice... more
in New Theology Review vol. 18 (2005) 82-85. Founded on Fidelity to Reality and Conversion to God's Reign, Liberation spirituality (and theology) grow on five pillars. 1) Contemplative Vision 2) Preferential Option for Poverty 3)... more
This work analyzes the influence of Marxism in two theological projects of liberation: Liberation theology. Perspectives (1971) by Gustavo Gutiérrez and The ideological weapons of death (1977) by Franz Hinkelammert. The work is divided... more
Drawing on feminist liberation theology, this essay argues for an expansion of generic formulations of prophetic rhetoric to explicitly include the discursive practices of female rhetors who exhibit the substantive and stylistic... more
I'm including in this bibliography monographs and edited volumes explicitly engaged with (predominantly) Christian religion and theology (with some nods to biblical studies and pastoral care) since about 2000 (with a couple important... more
consideration of contextual reconciliation theology, and the role and importance of a such a theology for such a time as this
In deze bachelorscriptie onderzoek ik hoe ecospiritualiteit het diaconisch handelen van de kerk zou kunnen beïnvloeden.
Ik betoog dat ecospiritualiteit diaconie kan verbreden en kan verdiepen.
Ik betoog dat ecospiritualiteit diaconie kan verbreden en kan verdiepen.
What kind of decolonial possibilities exist in today’s world? Exploring the rise of Islamic activism in Lebanon and the Middle East, and drawing transnational parallels with other revolutionary religious struggles in Latin America and... more
Latin America is experiencing a new era of the myth of development based on a model of extractivism. The most dramatic face of extractivism in the region has been, on the one hand, the growing presence of transnational mining corporations... more
La teologia della liberazione dei poveri «Il deserto diventerà un giardino e il giardino sarà considerato una selva. Nel deserto prenderà dimora il diritto e la giustizia regnerà nel giardino. Praticate la giustizia darà pace, onorare... more