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The effect of induced transparency, which is related to photoinduced bleaching of photoabsorbers, is being intensely studied and has many applications in the field of sensing. Along with this classical effect, numerous studies on induced... more
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      Sensors and SensingNanophotonicsPlasmonicsLight-matter interaction
Visual of Light', An Experimental Study about Art and Science of Light is a practicebased study beginning with the researcher's self-interest of light, specifically on the existing of light in everyday life context. It is intended to... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstractionLight-matter interactionArtists Film and Video
Methane decomposition has been extensively investigated using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, focused on the metal catalysts including Ni, Fe, Pd, and Cu within the controlled chamber to verify the effect of catalyst, plasma properties, and... more
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      Plasma PhysicsLaser PhysicsHydrogenLaser
In circuit QED, protocols for quantum gates and readout of superconducting qubits often rely on the dispersive regime, reached when the qubit-photon detuning {\Delta} is large compared to their mutual coupling strength. For qubits... more
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      Quantum ComputingLight-matter interactionQuantum CircuitsSuperconducting Qubits
Resonance interaction between a molecular transition and a confined electromagnetic field can reach the coupling regime where coherent exchange of energy between light and matter becomes reversible. In this case, two new hybrid states... more
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    • Light-matter interaction
The interaction of several components in the strong coupling regime yielding multiple Rabi splittings opens up remarkable possibilities for studies of multimode hybridization and energy transfer, which is of considerable interest in both... more
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsPlasmonicsLight-matter interactionChirality
After a brief introduction to the field of light-responsive materials, this paper provides a general theory for mod-eling the photomechanical response of a material, applies it to the two best-known mechanisms of photothermal heating and... more
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      Materials SciencePolymer scienceNonlinear OpticsLiquid Crystals
Remote control of the pH of the medium is an important task for many applications in chemistry, medicine, and biology. Remote control of the pH using light is an intelligent and cost-effective approach. The nanoscale plasmon−exciton... more
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      Sensors and SensingPhysical Organic ChemistryPlasmonicsDye Sensitized Solar Cells
Coupling two lasers of different intensities and wavelengths inside bulk matter, also known as EIT, has applications in slowing down light. EIT essentially transforms an opaque material to a given radiation into a transparent one, and can... more
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      Light-matter interactionSlow LightVibrational Energy
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      PhotovoltaicsCarbon NanotubesGrapheneNanomaterials
Resonance interaction between a localized electromagnetic field and excited states in molecules paves the way to control fundamental properties of a matter. In this study, we encapsulated organic molecules with relatively low unoriented... more
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      Cavity Quantum ElectrodynamicsLight-matter interactionOptical microcavitiesMicrocavity
A fundamental feature and a longstanding drawback of the quasi-normal modes (QNMs), which describe light interaction with (leaky) open systems like nanoparti-cles, lies in the lack of completeness of the QNMs representation and in the... more
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      Modal AnalysisResonatorsLight-matter interactionDispersion
The optical properties of cadmium telluride nanowires have been simulated using the Mie scattering coefficients. It is seen that the absorption efficiency shows multiple peaks along the spectrum due to leaky mode resonance. The nanowires... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesNanophotonicsNanomaterialsNanoparticles Optical imaging, optical detection (e.g. biosensors), and opsin based neuromodulation (e.g. optogenetics) are the major techniques that have changed the practice of neuroscience. All these techniques use... more
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      Microelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringNeuroscienceMaterials ScienceOptics
Twisted light is light carrying orbital angular momentum. The profile of such a beam is a ring-like structure with a node at the beam axis, where a phase singularity exists. Due to the strong spatial inhomogeneity the mathematical... more
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      Orbital Angular Momentum of LightNanomaterialsLight-matter interactionTwisted Light
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      Computer ScienceLight-matter interactionPlantPhotomorphogenesis
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) from the metastable states in solids are widely used in luminescent phosphors, dosimetry, geochronology, and thermo- and photo-chronometry. OSL and TL result from a... more
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      Applied PhysicsOptical SpectroscopyExperimental Condensed MatterLight-matter interaction
The evolution of a quantum state undergoing radiative decay depends on how its emission is detected. If the emission is detected in the form of energy quanta, the evolution is characterized by a quantum jump to a lower energy state. In... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum MechanicsLight-matter interactionQuantum entanglement
The usage of semiconductor nanostructures is highly promising for boosting the energy conversion efficiency in photovoltaics technology, but still some of the underlying mechanisms are not well understood at the nanoscale length. Ge... more
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      PhotovoltaicsNanotechnologyLight-matter interactionNanoscience