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Stormwater management has focused increasingly on Low Impact Development (LID) techniques in recent years. Although their effectiveness has been demonstrated in a number of cases, methodologies for the selection of most appropriate... more
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      EngineeringMultidisciplinaryLow impact developmenturban storm water managment using EPA-SWMM
– The rise in population moving to urban centers and the land development to support this growth creates additional stress on natural resources, including the aquatic ones. In many countries that have made significant strides in... more
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      Green InfrastructureSmart GrowthLow impact developmentsustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
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      BusinessClimate ChangeEnvironmental SciencesLow impact development
The purpose of this case study research is to examine City of Portland’s green infrastructure projects towards the implementation of green infrastructure in Japan. Interviews with Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services followed by... more
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      Green InfrastructureLow impact developmentGreen infrastructure and sustainablityPortland
Low Impact Development (LID) is part of a new paradigm in urban water management that aims to decentralize water storage and movement functions within urban watersheds. LID strategies can restore ecosystem functions and reduce runoff... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentAir pollutionWater PollutionEnvironmental Pollution
Mudanças climáticas globais, excesso de impermeabilização, crescimento urbano acelerado, canalização de rios e córregos, são algumas das motivações que contribuem para alteração do ciclo hidrológico. Estas... more
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      Planejamento UrbanoArquitetura e UrbanismoLow impact developmentEngenharia Ambiental
Modelling of Stormwater run-off for current and future scenarios in a sample sewershed in Windsor, Ontario. Attempt to use Low-Impact Development controls to reduce runoff in the future time-period model, and increase infiltration and... more
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      StormwaterStorm Water ManagementLow impact developmentStormwater management
Community-based participation is a vital component of municipal efforts to address water quality, reduce pollution, and enhance habitat in the Salish Sea basin. At the request of Nature Conservancy and Snohomish Conservation District, a... more
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      Coastal ManagementSocial MarketingConservationSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Seminar about relationships between Suds and public spaces. European case studies.
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementPublic SpaceUrban DesignUrban Public Open Space
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a viable runoff reduction mechanism and an important player in the hydrologic cycle of vegetated green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). As a dynamic process, ET is dependent on both meteorological factors (e.g.,... more
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      Green InfrastructureStormwaterWater sensitive urban designUrban Hydrology
Urban streams and their associated riparian zones in western Washington contain important fish and wildlife habitat. This report summarizes the results of an in-stream salmon spawning survey from October 23, 2016 through December 16,... more
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      Community CollegesEnvironmental AnthropologyGreen InfrastructureWater quality
Demonstrating and experimenting interdisciplinary teaching and experiential learning, faculty and students across three colleges (Agriculture and Life Sciences, Architecture and Engineering), and 4 departments (Landscape Architecture and... more
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      EngineeringLandscape ArchitectureGreen InfrastructurePedagogy
Managing runoff in urban areas offers many challenges for engineers, landscape architects, and planners. As cities grow, the amount of impermeable surfaces--those that do not allow water to infiltrate into the ground--increases. Examples... more
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      Low impact developmentStormwater management
Aydın Türk, Y. (2019). "Suya Duyarlı Kentsel Tasarım", 3rd International Water and Health Congress, Antalya, Türkiye, 12-16 Kasım 2019 (pp.187-191), Us Yayınları. Water Responsive Urban Design is a field that is still developing. It is... more
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      WaterUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban Design
The reliability with which harvested rainwater can be used as a means of flushing toilets, irrigating gardens, and topping off air-conditioner serving multifamily residential buildings in New York City is assessed using a new rainwater... more
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      HydrologyIrrigationCase StudiesRainwater Harvesting
Low-impact development urban stormwater drainage systems (LID) are an increasingly popular method to reduce the adverse hydrologic and water quality effects of urbanisation. In this review, ten existing stormwater models are compared in... more
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      Water qualityTemporal ResolutionMultidisciplinaryContaminant Transport
Stormwater management has focused increasingly on Low Impact Development (LID) techniques in recent years. Although their effectiveness has been demonstrated in a number of cases, methodologies for the selection of most appropriate... more
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      Low impact developmenturban storm water managment using EPA-SWMM
As more land is covered by impervious surfaces, less rainfall infiltrates into the ground and instead becomes runoff. Too much runoff is problematic. Flooding increases, streambanks erode, and water quality is reduced. An increase of... more
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      Low impact developmentStormwater management
Climate change and its related factors are increasing the frequency of hurricanes, coastal storms, and urban flooding. Recovery from disasters can be slow, with jurisdictions failing to rebuild better, wasting time and money without... more
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      ResilienceGreen InfrastructureLow impact developmentStormwater management
Municipal officials are often faced with difficult decisions about land uses in and around city boundaries. Urban expansion often causes negative environmental impacts, but there are designs for development which can mitigate some of... more
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      Real EstatePerceptionLow impact developmentLand Use
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      Green InfrastructureSustainable Water Resources ManagementStormwaterUrban Water Management
Stormwater is excess water from rainfall and snowmelts that flows over the ground and does not infiltrate the soil. It is a concern not just in urban areas but in suburban and agricultural locations as well. As stormwater runoff flows... more
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      Urban DevelopmentLow impact developmentStormwater management
Demonstrating and experimenting interdisciplinary teaching and experiential learning, faculty and students across three colleges (Agriculture and Life Sciences, Architecture and Engineering), and 4 departments (Landscape Architecture and... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureGreen InfrastructurePedagogyLow impact development
This study uses participant observation to investigate the process of making do in ad hoc self- builds in rural Wales. Making do involves the meeting of needs in situations where there is a scarcity of resources. In the context of... more
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      Low impact developmentSelf-Build HousingMaking do
In urban and suburban areas, stormwater runoff is a primary stressor on surface waters. Conventional urban stormwater drainage systems often route runoff directly to streams and rivers, thus exacerbating pollutant inputs and hydrologic... more
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      ManagementAustraliaEnvironmental ManagementMultidisciplinary
This study introduces a preliminary approach to integrating design framework with Low Impact Development (LID) technologies which promote education and awareness, and evaluates the impact of LID. The proposed framework, called a... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape DesignLow impact developmentStormwater management
Interview with Chellis Glendinning, author of 'My Name is Chellis and I'm In Recovery from Western Civilisation' for the eighth Dark Mountain anthology - Techne.
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      Information TechnologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnology
Perencanaan saluran drainase lokal berdampak rendah di lingkungan kecamatan genuk, Semarang dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan. Tahapan-tahapan tersebut adalah permasalahan, penyelesaian masalah, pengumpulan data, analisa hidrologi, dan... more
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      Civil EngineeringLow impact developmentTeknik Sipil
This study aimed to estimate the watershed runoff caused by extreme events that often result in the flooding of urban areas. The runoff of a residential area in the city of Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil was estimated using the... more
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      Environmental ScienceLow impact developmentUrban DrainageSustainability
This study examines how the impact of impervious surface in the Templeton Gap watershed (Colorado) could be reduced through the use of low-impact development (LID) strategies. LID is a sustainable stormwater approach to land management... more
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      HydrologyInfrastructure PlanningUrban EcologyLow impact development
Drawing upon low impact development (LID), a radical approach to housing, livelihoods and everyday living, this article interrogates the notion of sustainability and argues for greater attention to be paid to its geographies. We wish to... more
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      Human GeographyLow impact development
Green roofs offer many benefits for dense urban environments, one of which is their potential to supplement existing stormwater management infrastructure. The ability of green roof systems to act as a decentralized rainwater retention and... more
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesUrbanization
Low Impact Development (LID) is part of a new paradigm in urban water management that aims to decentralize water storage and movement functions within urban watersheds. LID strategies can restore ecosystem functions and reduce runoff... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentAir pollutionWater PollutionEnvironmental Pollution
Low impact Development (LID) techniques are known as a novel stormwater management approach designed to mitigate the adverse effects of stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution. This study proposes a methodology for selecting the... more
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      Green InfrastructureMCDALow impact developmentGreen Roofs
Several constituents discharged with urban storm water runoff have been sampled and analyzed in a residential area in Bucharest, Romania. A total of five rainfall-runoff events were monitored through grab sampling. The monitored... more
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      Green InfrastructureLow impact developmentStormwater managementLand-Use and Climate Change Impacts on Stormwater Systems
Sustainability often appears as an elusive term even in renowned reports of public policy and international urban development. One reason explaining this is that the translation between the different dimensions of sustainability – the... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySocial sustainabilityDeGrowthLow impact development
The dramatic impacts of the climate change phenomenon faced by the urban communities coupled with increased urbanization trend dictate a new paradigm in managing urban storm water runoff in the wider context of Integrated Urban Water... more
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      Green InfrastructureWater sensitive urban designLow impact developmentsustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
Impervious Cover Analysis and Study of Existing Regulation vis-à-vis Low Impact Design for the State Hawai'i. Planning Practicum Fall 2004. Ken Fukuda, Patrick Lui, Wendy Okazaki, Kalin Pacheco, Nargis Sultana, Jared Anderson, RA,... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchLand-use planningLow impact developmentHawaii
Air hujan yang jatuh pada area kedap air menjadi limpasan. Jika limpasan ini tidak diatur secara baik dan langsung dialirkan ke drainase konvensional, maka akan mendatangkan banjir/ genangan serta kekeringan pada musim kemarau. Untuk itu... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingSustainable Water Resources ManagementFlood MitigationSoil and Water Conservation Engineering
The Tysors r'ed Use Ta$k Force, x'hich I fhair" hfls rssrffily coqpleled ix plca for firu$&ming ths r?00 acre developing yrrry*r"on bdrarfi,r*" i-tfir_q r pr*sen&d ouromprehensive plan to *re rairex eoard af $rryervi$or$ o{r septmrber2i.... more
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      Landscape EcologyCity and Suburban IntegrationEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
Soil sealing processes that involved European cities in the twentieth century have reduced the quantity and quality of permeable soils (open land for agricultural and leisure resources). These processes have also weakened the ability of... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationResilience (Sustainability)River RestorationLow impact development
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      Organizational ChangeChange ManagementMinimalismDeGrowth
Capítulo "O lazer em unidades de conservação: qualidade da experiência do visitante X mínimo impacto ambiental" do livro "Turismo: uma perspectiva regional" Organizador: Fábio José Garcia dos Reis Editora: Cabral, Sao Paulo Ano da... more
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      Visitor studiesOutdoor RecreationTourism in protected areas/World HeritageLow impact development
The surface infiltration rates of 40 permeable pavement sites were tested in North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. Two surface infiltration tests ͑preand postmaintenance͒ were performed on 15 concrete grid paver lots filled... more
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      Water qualitySustainable DevelopmentStormwaterStormwater (Engineering)
The influence of zoning on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and radiant surface temperature (T s ) measurements is investigated in the City of Indianapolis, IN, USA using data collected by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus... more
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      Remote SensingUrban PlanningUrbanizationUrbanisation
1] Understanding low impact development (LID) planning and best management practices (BMPs) effects on recharge is important because of the increasing use of LID BMPs to reduce storm water runoff and improve surface-water quality. LID... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeWater resources
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      GeneticsSpatial AnalysisSpeleologyActivated Carbon
Stormwater runoff from urban areas is a significant source of water pollution in the United States. Many states are promoting low impact development (LID) practices, which provide a variety of direct and ancillary ecosystem services. We... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesStormwaterResourcesLow impact development
Urban stormwater runoff rates are expected to intensify with climate change. Permeable surfaces, a low-impact development (LID) stormwater management technology, can be used to mitigate the impacts of urban stormwater runoff.... more
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      Adoption and Diffusion of innovationsUrban DesignLow impact developmentPermeable Pavements