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Career guidance for students, particularly in rural areas is a challenging issue in India. In the present era of digitalization, there is a need of an automated system that can analyze a student for his/her capabilities, suggest a career... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy rule-based modelingFuzzy SetsTheoretical Frameworks/Methodologies
Examen de Web Dynamique ( PHP / MYSQL / Modele MVC / .. )
FSDM 2015/2016
Prof : MR Ahmed ZineDine
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      InformaticsPHPPHP ProgrammingMySQL
We design online e-commerce training course in delhi at affordable rate. In our e commerce course,  you will learn various programming language like PHP, JQuery and  MySql.
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      EcommercePHPPHP ProgrammingSQL+MySQL
Laravel es un frameworks Open Source PHP. Es simple y muy potente, tiene una interfaz elegante y divertida de usar. Fue creado en 2011 y tiene una gran influencia en cuanto a su uso en las empresas en la actualidad.
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      PHPPHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentphp/MySQL
This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed... more
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      LinuxWireless Sensor NetworksWeb ServicesWeb Applications
O CodeIgniter é um framework PHP maduro, desenvolvido sob o paradigma da orientação a objetos e padrão MVC. Com vasta e bem organizada documentação e grande performance, o CodeIgniter vem ganhando mais adeptos a cada dia. Com o... more
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    • MVC Framework PHP
CakePHP adalah framework MVC yang opensource. Itu membuat mengembangkan, dan maintaining aplikasi lebih mudah. CakePHP memiliki jumlah libraries untuk mengurangi kelebihan beban tugas-tugas yang paling umum. Berikut adalah keuntungan... more
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      PHP ProgrammingOpen SourceFrameworkCakephp
Codeigniter merupakan salah satu framework terbaik yang ada saat ini. Banyak website-website besar telah menggunakan codeigniter sabagai framwork utama dalam membangun website maupun aplikasi mereka. Selain kemudahkan dalam menggunakan,... more
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      PHP ProgrammingWeb ProgrammingMVC Framework PHPCode Igniter
This paper presents benchmarks regarding a web application that aims at displaying and visualizing a dataset for air quality monitoring, experimenting using two different programming languages. Specifically, an application is developed... more
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      LinuxWireless Sensor NetworksWeb ServicesWeb Applications
Para obtener la versión más actual del manual ir a Algunos de los documentos publicados aún no han sido revisados y es posible que contenga errores. Si deseas puedes enviarnos un mensaje a... more
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      CSS HTML JavaScript and PHPMVC Framework PHP
View the online version of the publication: MVC stands for model view controller. This software design pattern... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringProgramming Languages
Membuat tabel dalam dengan code igniter berbeda dengan membuat tabel menggunakan html murni. Penggunaan class table di CodeIgniter mempermudah dalam pembuatan tabel. Apabila menggunakan HTML murni maka membuat tabel menggunakan tag-tag :... more
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      PHP ProgrammingCodeIgniterPHP FRAMEWORKMVC Framework PHP
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      Artificial IntelligencePHP ProgrammingProgrammingUML
Sekalian saya upload juga karya Ibnu Daqiqil Ied, M.Ti. tentang Mengenal dan mamahami Codeigniter 2. sangat disarankan sebelum membaca ebook ini, anda harus memahami dulu OOP di PHP, sebab CI (singkatan dari Codeigniter) menggunakan... more
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      PHPPHP ProgrammingCodeIgniterMVC Framework PHP
URL digunakan untuk membuat navigasi dihalaman web, pada tag html URL biasa digunakan ketika membuat hyperlink , menggunakan format seperti berikut : <a href=””http://hostname/folder/file.php?variabel=nilai_variabel””>Text..</a> Namun... more
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      CodeIgniterPHP FRAMEWORKMVC Framework PHP
E-book ini sangatlah mudah untuk dipelajari terutama bagi para pemula yang ingin belajar Yii, Yii sendiri sedang populer mengalahkan para saingannya, dikarenakan kemudahan dan kecepatan yang didapat, buku ini dibuat oleh Sabit Huraira.
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingPHP ProgrammingE-booksFramework
ABSTRACT At Kemala Bhayangkari High School, Kubu Raya Regency is an institution that is engaged in education in accommodating, educating, teaching students. The problem that occurs is where the current system process only uses the... more
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      PHP ProgrammingWeb ProgrammingWebsiteSistem Informasi
Form sesungguhnya bukan termasuk kedalam kategori script PHP, namun merupakan komponen input dalam HTML, namun form akan sering digunakan untuk proses input data menggunakan bahasa pemrograman untuk web seperti PHP, ASP, JSP atau yang... more
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      CodeIgniterPHP FRAMEWORKMVC Framework PHP
Commercial, social and educational importance of web technology has tremendously increased research activities in web programming/scripting. Several methods for writing PHP codes such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Procedural PHP... more
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      PHPPHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentphp/MySQL
Puji syukur kita panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat, taufik serta hidayah-Nya dan tentunya nikmat sehat sehingga penyusunan makalah ini selesai sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Sholawat serta salam semoga selalu... more
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      PHP ProgrammingJavascriptCodeIgniterFramework
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      PHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentphp/MySQLLaravel
yii framework
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      PHP Yii FrameworkMVC Framework PHP
O CodeIgniter é um framework PHP maduro, desenvolvido sob o paradigma da orientação a objetos e padrão MVC. Com vasta e bem organizada documentação e grande performance, o CodeIgniter vem ganhando mais adeptos a cada dia. Com o... more
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    • MVC Framework PHP
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat suatu sistem informasi tracer study berbasis web pada STMIK-AMIK Jayanusa Padang, di mana sistem ini akan dikelola oleh bagian alumni center. Dalam penelitian ini pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan... more
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    • MVC Framework PHP
Before the emergence of Component-Based Frameworks, similar issues have been addressed by other software development paradigms including e.g. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Component-Based Development (CBD), and Object-Oriented... more
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingComponent Based Software DevelopmentCBDOops
izin share
moga manfaat
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      PHPPHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentFramework
Before the emergence of Component-Based Frameworks, similar issues have been addressed by other software development paradigms including e.g. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), ComponentBased Development (CBD), and Object-Oriented... more
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingComponent Based Software DevelopmentCBDOops
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    • MVC Framework PHP
Pembangunan sesebuah aplikasi web tidak kira aplikasi yang ringkas, sederhana mahupun rumit perlu melalui fasa-fasa pembangunan sistem agar aplikasi yang dibangunkan adalah mengikut kehendak pengguna. Pada kebiasaanya, carta gantt akan... more
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      Information SystemsInformation TechnologyEducational TechnologyDatabase Systems
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      Information SystemsProgramming LanguagesData MiningEcommerce
Sistem Manajemen Laboratorium (SimLab) patologi dan anatomi selama ini diantaranya pemeriksaan Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB), histopatologi dan sitopatologi, serta Papsmear secara manual. Telah dirancang sistem informasi manajemen... more
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      Website DevelopmentSistem InformasiPapsmearSistem Informasi Manajemen
PHP adalah sebuah bahasa pemrograman web yang popular, tangguh dan dapat di peroleh secara gratis. Belajar PHPcukup menyenangkan, karena bahasa ini tergolong mudah untuk di pelajari. Untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pengembangan aplikasi... more
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      PHP ProgrammingWeb ProgrammingMVC Framework PHPTUTORIAL DASAR CODEIGNITER
Abstrak Teknologi informasi menyebabkan proses pengelolahan data dan pelayanan informasi pada pengguna semakin mudah. Pengelolahan data dan pelayanan pada perpustakaan di SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Lilin sendiri masih dilakukan secara manual... more
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      Sistem InformasiMVC Framework PHP
Perkenalkan nama saya Dadan Hamdani , untuk kali ini kita akan belajar framework Laravel , pasti di antara kalian sudah pada tau apa itu laravel bagaimana cara kerja laravel , untuk yang belum tau apa itu laravel kali ini akan saya... more
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      PHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentphp/MySQLLaravel
View online version here: Most students of coding languages will tell you that C# is one of their favorites... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceOperating SystemsProgramming Languages
Do you want to learn server side scripting language under the guidance of expert trainers ? Then come to us to learn PHP programming language via our expert trainers
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      Training and DevelopmentTrainingPHPPHP Programming
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt... more
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      Human Computer InteractionWeb DesignWeb ApplicationsPHP
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingComponent Based Software DevelopmentCBDOops
You can view the online version here: Most WordPress developers work on a staging site during the development and... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming LanguagesObject Oriented ProgrammingInformation Technology
Today Blood donation is a global interest for world to be survival lives when people are in trouble because of natural disaster. The system provides the ability how to decide to donate the blood according to the rules for blood donation... more
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      Knowledge ManagementSociology of KnowledgeKnowledge sharingIndigenous Knowledge
Commercial, social and educational importance of web technology has tremendously increased research activities in web programming/scripting. Several methods for writing PHP codes such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Procedural PHP... more
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      PHPPHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentprogramacion PHP
PHP Institute in Delhi Provide on practical information and complete process guide with fundamental and superior stage PHP Course in Delhi. Best Php Training In Delhi.Get Advanced php Training in Delhi & Mysql. We Provide Best Training &... more
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      PHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentphp/MySQL100% Placement After MBA Courses
In this paper it is presented how to create a part of a dynamic website that is used to filter data and create a user basket for online purchase of machine products. It is explained how the ASP.Net Core 2.2 MVC technology works. The... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringWeb
Literatures show that there are several structured integration frameworks which emerged with the aim of facilitating application integration. But weakness and strength of these frameworks are not known. This paper aimed at reviewing these... more
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      Fashion Dynamics: (outside of apparel) ideas, technologies, cultures, frameworksApplication of ANN in control systemsTelemedicine Applications and e-Health SystemsMetal Organic Frameworks
Teknologi informasi saat ini sudah semakin berkembang di berbagai bidang kehidupan, salah satunya adalah bidang pendidikan tingkat tinggi atau perkuliahan. Informasi perkuliahan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting bagi mahasiswa.... more
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      Sms GatewayMVC Framework PHPStudent Portal
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingComponent Based Software DevelopmentCBDOops
Studies indicate that information systems and computer science programs should place more emphasis on software design topics. Because little significant software in a commercial environment is developed using only programming skills,... more
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      Design PatternsMVC Framework PHPModel-View Controller PatternMVC (Model-View-Controller)
Buku ini disusun berdasarkan materi perkuliahan Pemrograman Web sesuai dengan kurikulum standar di perguruan tinggi komputer. Di dalam buku ini tidak terlalu dibahas mengenai teori dan algoritma pemrograman, namun banyak berisi... more
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      PHP ProgrammingPHP websites developmentphp/MySQLPemograman Web Dengan Php
You can view the online version of this publication here: You should choose a website platform that fits the type of website you... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceProgramming LanguagesInformation Technology
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt... more
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      Human Computer InteractionWeb DesignWeb ApplicationsPHP