Recent papers in Magnetosphere
Abstract The most important aspect of job scheduling is the ability to create a multi-tasking environment. A single user cannot keep either the CPU or the I/O devices busy at all times. Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by... more
Over the last decade, Diversified Technologies Inc. (DTI) has designed and built solid-state pulse modulators to support high power radar transmitters employing large klystrons and TWT amplifiers. The reliability and performance of these... more
Plasmas are ubiquitous in nature, surround our local geospace environment, and permeate the universe. Plasma phenomena in space give rise to energetic particles, the aurora, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, as well as many... more
The focus of this thesis is to identify the role and dynamics of different current systems for storm-time activity at mid-latitude ground level and their relation with other solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic parameters, in the... more
1] We present observations of periodic magnetospheric substorms and corresponding ionospheric disturbances. Since the periodic substorms occur during a stable interplanetary magnetic field, we are able to identify which ionospheric... more
Though the works on geomagnetic storms have many research articles but still the mechanism through which magnetosphere is coupled with low latitude ionosphere during the density pulse events is not comprehensively understood. So the... more
The dayside magnetosphere contains a region where the field strength has a local maximum. This region, located just inside the magnetopause around the equatorial plane and between the cusps, has a width of 2-3Re. When a drift shell with a... more
The progress in the study of ULF waves in the Earth's magnetosphere made between 1987 and 1989 is reviewed. Topics addressed in the review include satellite and ground-based observations of ULF wave spatial structure, ULF wave resonators... more
1] We use a nonstationary generalization of the higher-order structure function technique to investigate statistical properties of the magnetic field fluctuations recorded by MESSENGER spacecraft during its first flyby (01/14/2008)... more
1] We perform a statistical study of the decay times for the recovery phase of the 300 most intense magnetic storms that occurred from 1 January 1957 to 31 December 1998. The Dst index in the decaying stage has been fitted by an... more
The multipole magnetization of the permanent magnet components in an electrical magnet machine is a key stage in its manufacture, and can exert a considerable influence on the final machine performance. Accurate design of the magnetizing... more
It has generally been assumed in the past that the plasmapause is a preferred region for the generation and propagation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. One assumption invoked the overlap of the... more
Previous studies suggested that seismoelectromagnetic signals were generated during earthquake preparation phase. While the anomalous signals in Japan, Russia, and Greece are rather clear; observational results in some regions including... more
Abstract Unshielded magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) sensors stabilized by insulating hard magnetic tails have been fabricated. Testing results showed that the control of oxidation condition was important for obtaining MTJ with low junction... more
Some properties of nonlinear dust acoustic waves in magnetized dusty plasma with variable charges by reductive perturbation technique have been studied. The effect of adiabatic dust charge variations under the assumption that the ratio of... more
Citation: Lukianova, R., Magnetospheric response to sudden changes in solar wind dynamic pressure inferred from polar cap index,
A method for determining many new magnetohydrodynamic shock normal expressions is described that uses both magnetic-field and plasma-flow parameters. These shock normal expressions are useful as a check on the usual magnetic coplanarity... more
Episodes of southward (Bz<0) interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) which lead to disturbed geomagnetic conditions are associated either with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and possess long and continuous negative IMF Bz excursions, or with... more
1] Studies using all-sky imagers have revealed the presence of various ionospheric irregularities in the nighttime midlatitude F region. The most prevalent and well known of these are the medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances... more
Thumbnail link to Figure 1 Figure 1.(a) RPI plasmagram showing signal amplitude (dBnV/m) as a function of frequency and time delay expressed in terms of virtual range in units of Earth radius (RE). The local plasma and gyro resonances... more
... Twisted magnet wire transmission lines using the wire size range from 4 to 44 can be realized with characteristic impedances ranging from 10 to 85 R. More practical examples would be a 50-a line made with a pair of number 40 wires and... more
In order to isolate the effects of IrMn film grain size, texture and roughness on the temperature dependence of exchange bias field ( ) different multilayers of the configuration UL/CoFe4/IrMn5/Ta3nm (top) and UL/IrMn5/CoFe4/Ta3nm... more
The newly discovered phenomenon of stressd e p m a t u r a t i o n magnetostriction, observed in lowmagnetostrictive metallic glasses, is discussed. Its influence on the measurements of saturation magnetostriction is seen when the... more
This work attempts to fill a gap in comparative studies of upstream-generated Pc3-4 waves and broad band ULF noise observed at cusp latitudes. We performed a statistical analysis of the spectral properties of three years of cusp-latitude... more
A new self-reconfigurable robot is presented. The robot is a hybrid chain/lattice design with several novel features. An active mechanical docking mechanism provides intermodule connection, along with optical and electrical interface. The... more
, the Cassini spacecraft performed its Saturn orbit insertion, twice crossing the equatorial plane between the G and F rings. The radio HF receiver observed a peak at the upper-hybrid frequency and weakly banded emissions having... more
Energetic neutral atom (ENA) images in the energy range 16-50 keV obtained by the High-Energy Neutral Atom (HENA) imager on board the IMAGE satellite are presented from the period 23-26 May 2000. Two events during this period are... more
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models of the global magnetosphere are very good research tools for investigating the topology and dynamics of the near-Earth space environment. While these models have obvious limitations in regions that are not... more
This paper deals with the benefits of using a nonlinear model-based approach for controlling magnetically guided therapeutic microrobots in the cardiovascular system. Such robots used for minimally invasive interventions consist of a... more
The 24-year-old pulsar problem is reconsidered. New results are obtained by replacing the assumption of steady-state discharges near the polar caps by oscillatory discharges, and by creating the neutral-excess pair plasma via... more
A review of periodic and quasiperiodic VLF emissions observed at ground-based stations and in the Earth's magnetosphere is presented. Emissions with periods below 10 s are divided into three main groups : periodic emissions, hisslers and... more
We have used a global model of the solar wind magnetosphere interaction to model the high latitude part of the external contributions to the geomagnetic field near the Earth. The model also provides corresponding values for the electric... more