Most cited papers in Magnetosphere
This work builds on and extends our previous effort (Tsyganenko et al., 2003) to develop a dynamical model of the storm-time geomagnetic field in the inner magnetosphere, using space magnetometer data taken during 37 major events in... more
A new model of the quiet-time, near-Earth magnetic field has been derived using a comprehensive approach, which includes not only POGO and Magsat satellite data, but also data from the Ørsted and CHAMP satellites. The resulting model... more
When high-frequency wave turbulence is present, low-frequency micropulsations can strongly modulate the high-frequency wave amplitudes, leading to finite amplitude pulsations in the loss rate of energetic electrons from the magnetosphere... more
The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MES-SENGER) spacecraft, launched on August 3, 2004, is nearing the halfway point on its voyage to become the first probe to orbit the planet Mercury. The mission,... more
It has generally been assumed in the past that the plasmapause is a preferred region for the generation and propagation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. One assumption invoked the overlap of the... more
Recent satellite observations of electrostatic and magnetic noise in the distant magnetotail (Gurnett et al., 1976) can be explained by the excitation of the lower-hybrid-drift instability. In particular, it is shown that (1) existence... more
Collisionless shocks at quasi-parallel geometries, i.e., for which the average magnetic field direction upstream of the shock is close to the shock normal, reveal temporally varying quantities, a variety of boundary crossing and kinetic... more
C omputers have become indispensable to scientific research. They are essential for collecting and analyzing experimental data, and they have largely replaced pencil and paper as the theorist's main tool. Computers let theorists extend... more
We present first results of the magnetospheric magnetic field modeling, based on large sets of spacecraft data and a high-resolution expansion for the field of equatorial currents. In this approach, the field is expanded into a sum of... more
A method for determining many new magnetohydrodynamic shock normal expressions is described that uses both magnetic-field and plasma-flow parameters. These shock normal expressions are useful as a check on the usual magnetic coplanarity... more
A review of periodic and quasiperiodic VLF emissions observed at ground-based stations and in the Earth's magnetosphere is presented. Emissions with periods below 10 s are divided into three main groups : periodic emissions, hisslers and... more
From the 27th to the 28th January 2009, the Cassini spacecraft remotely acquired combined observations of Saturn's southern aurorae at radio, ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, while monitoring ion injections in the middle... more
The observation that high speed solar wind streams are correlated with outer radiation belt electrons requires a transducer to convert this mechanical energy to hot electrons. We hypothesize that the high latitude cusp is the ideal... more
1] The Cluster mission offers a unique opportunity to investigate the origin of the energy-dispersed ion structures frequently observed at 4.5-5 R E altitude in the auroral region. We present a detailed study of the 14 February 2001... more
Transient penetration of plasma with magnetosheath origin is frequently observed with the hot plasma experiment on board the Viking satellite at auroral latitudes in the dayside magnetosphere. The injected magnetosheath ions exhibit a... more
The progress in the study of ULF waves in the Earth's magnetosphere made between 1987 and 1989 is reviewed. Topics addressed in the review include satellite and ground-based observations of ULF wave spatial structure, ULF wave resonators... more
1] We use a nonstationary generalization of the higher-order structure function technique to investigate statistical properties of the magnetic field fluctuations recorded by MESSENGER spacecraft during its first flyby (01/14/2008)... more
A study of the internal structure of the neutral sheet in the geomagnetic tail has been made from data obtained by the NASA-GSFC magnetic-field experiment on the Explorer 34 spacecraft during its tail passage in the first half of 1968.... more
The characteristic features of VLF hiss emissions during quiet and disturbed conditions observed at ground stations and on-board satellites are summarized. The increased intensity of the hiss emissions during magnetic storm period is... more
Chorus emissions are triggered from the linear cyclotron instability driven by the temperature anisotropy of energetic electrons (10 -100 keV) in the magnetosphere. Chorus emissions grow as an absolute nonlinear instability near the... more
This paper deals with the benefits of using a nonlinear model-based approach for controlling magnetically guided therapeutic microrobots in the cardiovascular system. Such robots used for minimally invasive interventions consist of a... more
Accurate models of the magnetospheric field during magnetically quiet times are essential for high-resolution mapping of core field dynamics, mantle and ocean induction, crustal fields and ionospheric currents. Satellite data sampled at... more
We present Mars Global Surveyor measurements of bipolar out-of-plane magnetic fields at current sheets in Mars' magnetosphere. These signatures match predictions from simulations and terrestrial observations of collisionless magnetic... more
, the Cassini spacecraft performed its Saturn orbit insertion, twice crossing the equatorial plane between the G and F rings. The radio HF receiver observed a peak at the upper-hybrid frequency and weakly banded emissions having... more
The phase space density distributions of energetic electrons during two storm periods, including the two storms on 21-23 October 2001 and 4-9 September 2002 selected by Geospace Environment Modeling Inner Magnetosphere/Storms campaign as... more
Generation of extremely/very low frequency (ELF/VLF) chorus waves in Earth's inner magnetosphere has received increased attention recently because of their significance for radiation belt dynamics. Though past theoretical and numerical... more
The plasmapause position is determined by the innermost equipotential surface which is tangent to the 'Roche-Limit' surface of the ionospheric plasma filling the magnetosphere. When the thermal particles corotate with the Earth's angular... more
1] The mirror mode is a plasma instability that is typically excited in high-beta plasmas where there is significant pressure anisotropy and is most commonly observed in the magnetosheath. However, it is possible under sufficiently... more
This study investigates the role of fluctuations in the solar wind parameters in triggering a magnetic storm and assesses the storm simulation ability of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) through a model-data comparison. The... more
We present a numerical study of the propagation of VLF whistler waves in the magnetospheric plasma. In this study the plasma is considered to be homogeneous in the direction along the ambient magnetic field and strongly inhomogeneous... more
1] We show presence of a mini-magnetosphere above the Reiner Gamma magnetic anomaly (RGA) region in the solar wind, using Lunar Prospector magnetometer (MAG) measurement data. RGA is one of the strongest magnetic anomalies on the Moon.... more
Summary form only given. We will discuss the application of coherent software radio technology to remote sensing of the ionosphere. Using networks of advanced software radio systems it is possible to make observations of the ionosphere... more
Abstract[1] The Earth's magnetosphere evolves as an out-of-equilibrium system due to the continuous coupling with the solar wind and the Earth's ionosphere. We test the validity of the symmetries implied in the Fluctuation Theorem for the... more
We assess the statistical spatial distribution of plasma in Mercury's magnetosphere from observations of magnetic pressure deficits and plasma characteristics by the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging... more
The collisionless electrical conductivity is calculated for the geomagnetic tail from the stochastic orbits in the plasma sheet. The new conductivity formula is important for the stochastic heating of the plasma sheet and modifies the... more
The 24-year-old pulsar problem is reconsidered. New results are obtained by replacing the assumption of steady-state discharges near the polar caps by oscillatory discharges, and by creating the neutral-excess pair plasma via... more
1] We present observations of periodic magnetospheric substorms and corresponding ionospheric disturbances. Since the periodic substorms occur during a stable interplanetary magnetic field, we are able to identify which ionospheric... more
Citation: Lukianova, R., Magnetospheric response to sudden changes in solar wind dynamic pressure inferred from polar cap index,